His majesty ZuLong had already recovered from his injury. He joined forces with the Dark Lord. At this time, the pupil of ZuLong's eyes began to grow, became huge and boundless, and the eyes emitted golden rays. This kind of golden ray collects the nuclear energy of a star. At this time, it finally burst out completely!

The rays emitted by the golden light, like a long river, turn the black particles into gold particles. This is ZuLong and the Dark Lord use the future crystal stone evolved to kill.

This move is called dark light and shadow!

The mysterious collision between the two great masters, the fusion of the light of stars and the power of darkness, is like the combination of yin and Yang. But it is beyond Yin and Yang and above them.

The long river of golden particles roars like a dragon. This dragon in the dark tide in an instant gush out, and the sense of circle wrapped in the middle.

Then, the Dragon turned into a golden particle again.

Golden particles, such as the solar storm, drown Yuanjue in an instant. Those particles swarm into Yuanjue's body under the power of the two masters.

His majesty ZuLong has the power of the whole planet.

The Dark Lord has the world power of the dark tide. He is the one who inspires the dark power.

The golden particles of these two people, the power of each particle, are enough to kill the masters of creation.

This small particle can blow up a planet.

This is the supreme power.

Yuanjue is surrounded and attacked by such a storm of particles. At this time, Yuanjue does not dare to underestimate. He meditated on the Scriptures.

Countless scriptures merge the power of the earth, and these Scripture bytes form countless golden characters, forming a protective cover around him.

Those particles come in, they're all strangled by the shield.

But the particles are endless. The power of ZuLong and the Dark Lord is surging, and they suppress Yuanjue together. Yuanjue can't be on the defensive.

This is the worst battle Yuanjue has ever experienced.

In those days, Yuanjue's seal on gods and Demons depended on Tiandao pen. Today, there is no Tiandao pen.

Then a sword appeared in Yuanjue's hand.

It's the root of the great emperor of the universe. It's the dust bone sword.

The golden characters form a golden cassock, which envelops Yuanjue. Then, the light in Yuanjue's eyes flashes and cuts out with a sword!

The majesty of the great emperor of the universe is contained in the dust bone sword. The power of the earth of Yuanjue is combined with the dust bone sword.

If you cut it like this, you will see a flash of light!

This sword will be in front of the golden particles cut a hole. Then, with another flash of Yuanjue's figure, he left the golden particles.

At this time, Yuanjue is like a peerless swordsman. Many black particles can't stop Yuanjue.

The many mysteries of space, time, the power of darkness and the power of the world can not play any role in the sense of circle.

Yuanjue's body is like lightning, and then comes to the rear of his majesty ZuLong.

He waved the sword of the dust bone, and in an instant, it was three sword lights.

A sword is fiercer than a sword, a sword is more terrible than a sword!

His majesty ZuLong did not blink. The rays in his eyes contracted instantly and finally condensed into a golden sword.

The golden sword was spewed out a breath of essence by his majesty ZuLong, and the golden sword also cut out three swords.

The sun and the moon collided fiercely in the sky, the earth and the sword.

The sword Qi is thousands of miles in length and breadth. Countless ripples appear in the universe, and the surrounding planets are shaking violently.

Then, the Dark Lord ascended out of the dark particles. The Dark Lord is like a giant monster, with scales all over his body and disgusting face. He grabs the sword of darkness and cuts three swords to kill Yuanjue.

Yuanjue did not lift his head, and he played three times in a row. So there are three nails flying out, the three nails form three sword light, the Dark Lord's three dark sword dissolve.

"Dark Xuanyin palm!" The Dark Lord roared and clapped his hand at Yuanjue.

His black particle palmprint contains the power of mysterious Yin, and it rolls towards Yuanjue.

His majesty ZuLong also roared: "the dragon is in charge of rivers and mountains!" He came out with a punch.

The golden seal forms a golden light. The golden seal smashes countless mysteries of space and time, which directly comes to the eyes of Yuanjue.

Yuan Jue laughed and said, "OK, have a good time!" As soon as he turned around, he grabbed the golden cassock on his body and grasped it in his hand. Then, with a shake of the golden cassock, he wrapped the fist power of his majesty ZuLong. He seemed to wrap up a ball, and then hit the ball to the dark emperor's dark Xuanyin palm.


Violent collision, dark tide, billows, earth shaking!

The two forces collide and dissipate.

Yuanjue twists his body, and then kills his majesty Xiang ZuLong with the bone sword. His majesty ZuLong catapulted with a golden sword. The sword power of both sides surged in the air. The sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, and there were sword Qi storms in all directions. Yuanjue's eyes did not blink. The more he fought, the braver he was.And the Dark Lord joined the regiment.

These two masters surround and kill Yuanjue, but Yuanjue kills continuously. Instead of falling behind, they also fight back from time to time, which makes them headache.

His majesty ZuLong couldn't help but be frightened. He drank and said, "Yuanjue, your cultivation today is no longer under the great emperor of the universe."

Yuanjue said faintly, "Your Majesty, over the years, there has been little progress in cultivation."

With a cold snort, his majesty ZuLong said, "in those days, the cultivation of the emperor was almost defeated by the great emperor of the universe. Now it's a great fortune to have today's achievements."

Yuanjue said, "I advise you to stop your delusion and leave. Otherwise, you can live the last time. This time, not necessarily alive. Your time is over. The present era does not belong to you. "

"The times belong to the strong!" His majesty ZuLong roared.

Yuanjue said, "it depends on who is the last strong one!"

"Yuanjue, today is your death time!" His majesty ZuLong said.

"Your Majesty, you may not have this ability!" Yuanjue said.

"Since we have come, we have come prepared!" At this time, the Dark Lord said.

"Star River curse!" His majesty ZuLong gave a big drink.

The Dark Lord also cheered: "the firmament of all things, the power of darkness, awaken with me!"

At the same time, the Dark Lord exudes the dark magic power of great terror. This dark mana is integrated with the dark power in the dark. This spell is like a seal.

Everything is changing, dark particles turn into swamps, space is passing, time is passing, life is passing.

Yuanjue's eyes were cold. "Star River curse? How can you wait for the curse? It's a mystery in the depths of the universe that you can't possibly know. "

The sense of circle has faded.

His majesty ZuLong ignored Yuanjue's panic and began to chant a mantra. At the same time, his golden mana gave out supreme light.

"The sky of all things, the power of light, awakens with me!"

In the dark abyss, endless golden light appeared at the bottom.

Ten stars and ten shadows appear in the dark!

Radiation, minerals, etc The volcanic eruption inside the planet, all kinds of crustal activities are excited.

"In order to deal with the poor monk, you have really worked hard! These ten stars are all stars. " Once again, the sense of circle has lost its color.

"Dark and light, alternate!"

No one cares about Yuanjue.

In the alternation of light and shadow, ten stars exploded, but the power of explosion was absorbed by the power of darkness and the power of light. In an instant, the darkness is like the quicksand in the sky, and the light is as vast as the Milky way.

Light and darkness blend together, but they are not against the law at all!

The Dark Lord and his majesty ZuLong recited the incantation. The incantation didn't sound true, but it was like the supreme principle in the universe. It seemed to wake up some ancient things.

Then light and darkness form a black-and-white vortex.

Before the formation of all this, the body of round sense is in it and cannot be detached. After all this, the black-and-white whirlpool began to envelop Yuanjue. Yuanjue's dust bone sword waved out. In an instant, the dust bone sword turned into ashes.

Then, the black and white whirlpool strangles Yuanjue.

Yuanjue recites words, countless golden scriptures fly out, but those golden scriptures also quickly become ashes.

The horror of the Star River mantra is a headache for Yuanjue.

Yuanjue's body was soon attacked by the black and white whirlpool, and then his body began to become fragments.

It's like a golden piece of paper torn into countless pieces.

In the whirlpool of black and white, there are black fragments among the gold fragments.

The black fragment is obviously Suzhen in black.

At this time, Yuanjue could not protect Suzhen in black.

"With ten days' work, we can thoroughly refine the sense of enlightenment!" His majesty ZuLong said to the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord said, "this will cost us countless mana."

His majesty ZuLong said: "originally, the emperor had the idea of losing both sides. Fortunately, you found the Star River curse in the crystal of the future. Only in this way can we thoroughly crack his earth power. Now, as long as he dies, the whole earth will be in the bag of the emperor. "

The Dark Lord said, "well, I will help your majesty to the end. It's just, this black fragment... "

"Vulnerable." His majesty ZuLong said, "Yuanjue wants to use Bai Suzhen to defeat your heart. Just because Bai Suzhen has been integrated with the dark particles. Only in this way can we get close to you, but he didn't expect to die. All this is under our eyes. If he does not, he will not die. Who will die? "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Hearing this, the Dark Lord laughed.

At this moment, his majesty ZuLong has been waiting too long.

He was not careless, but the future crystal let him and the Dark Lord see the future, and now everything is moving in the direction of the future. They can't be unhappy.Black pieces and gold pieces are tempered in the black and white whirlpool.

From beginning to end, Suzhen in black didn't really appear.

This level of fighting is too high. Looking at the current universe, there is no higher level of fighting. In those days, the great emperor of the universe and the battle of ZuLong were inferior to them.

Therefore, Suzhen in black is a powerful and powerful woman, but in fact, she has no qualification in this battle. If empress Nuwa came, she would be qualified. Unfortunately, Suzhen in black is the reincarnation of Goddess Nuwa after all!

The real empress Nuwa has gone to the fairyland!

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