Some people rush to the examination room in a starry night, some people resign and return home!

When people have been floating in the dust for decades in their lives and gained honor, benefits and power, they suddenly look back. Do they still remember the way they came?

His majesty ZuLong's age can't be simply measured by numbers. He is the ancestor of lingzun and has lived for countless years. Later, he wandered in the universe for tens of millions of years and finally returned to the peak state.

His life is colorful and boundless and lonely.

But he also has the spirit of martyrdom!

There are hundreds of millions of planets in this universe, but no one can replace the earth in the minds of the Godfathers. Because the earth is the parent star!

His majesty ZuLong sacrificed himself for the sake of thousands of gods.

"Ben Di, I can't forget the hatred of being expelled by the great emperor of the universe. With the passage of time, the emperor felt that the hatred was more and more clear in his heart. The earth is the mother star of the emperor. The emperor must lead his people Return

This is the idea of his majesty ZuLong in his final consciousness.

This idea is also received by the star master, Yuanjue and Suzhen in Heiyi.

The explosion lasted ten hours!

Ten hours later, the explosion finally subsided.

There are still no ripples in the universe, just like nothing happened here.

But The hall of stars has been devastated.

Zhongxing hall has suffered a heavy blow. Its external array, external materials, internal materials and many other materials have been damaged.

If it wasn't for the integration of the insect King crystal stone into the hall of stars, some of the arrays would be reborn indefinitely, otherwise, the hall of stars would not be able to support.

The explosion of his majesty ZuLong, coupled with the explosion energy of his own planet, is too powerful Terror is extinct.

Above Mars, among the stars.

Star master, Suzhen in black, Yuanjue, all sit cross knee.

The star master is still not as he is, and he is vague.

Yuanjue coughed suddenly. He covered his mouth and opened his palm after a while. The palm is full of blood.

Suzhen in black looks at Yuanjue.

Her eyes were a little complicated. She has always heard of Yuanjue. Moreover, Yuanjue gives her the impression that she is iron man, invincible, never hurt, and never have any emotional fluctuations.

At the moment, Suzhen suddenly felt that Yuanjue was a person.

"Dharma, your wound?" Suzhen in black couldn't help asking.

"There is no doubt that he will die." The star Lord says lightly in the side.

Suzhen in black was shocked. "So serious?"

The sense of circle is light, he seems to be indifferent. "Origin and death, birth and death, no one can escape. It's just a matter of time, and my life is just coming to an end. "

"Is that what you've seen for a long time?" Suzhen in black looks at the star master and asks.

The star master nodded and said, "yes, Yuanjue knows it himself."

Suzhen in black didn't ask whether it was worth it.

Because it's meaningless.

She knew that in Yuanjue's heart, there must be a ruler to measure it. Since he chose this road, it must be worth it for him.

At this time, Yuanjue said, "with the help of your dark power, white girl, I can persist for so long. The battle of protecting the earth, white girl is a great contribution

The star Master said: "the reason why we choose you, white girl, is because your dark power is wonderful. And corresponding to the Dark Lord! Second, if Yuanjue was not prepared, the Dark Lord and ZuLong would have doubts. So this plan is very difficult to succeed. "

"They are complacent and see the future, but they don't know that the future is the strategy for them!" Yuanjue said.

The star master then said: "now, the heart crystal of the Dark Lord is in my hand. This heart stone will help you to master the dark tide of white girl. At that time, as long as Miss Bai really masters it, she will become a saint in the future, which is not impossible. "

"Sage?" Suzhen murmured.

Star master and Yuanjue look at Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black couldn't help saying, "what's good about being a saint? The earth can't tolerate it. Do I want to follow the example of empress Nuwa and reincarnate again. And I can only be forced to go away? Isn't that the same cycle? "

The star Master said: "white girl, if you completely control the dark tide of the Dark Lord, then you will be able to return to the earth and turn the tide back. The battle of the earth is not over. Lingzun is not willing to give up. Their imperial Tianzhou is a unique magic weapon, which has absorbed thousands of years of energy. In addition, the masters of their heavenly boat are like clouds. Once they come, the earth will lose the protection of Yuanjue. Lin Zhan alone, Chen Yang and them, is impossible to hold. As for Miss Bai, if you become a saint, you should be far away from the earth. Because the earth has its rules. If you break the rules, will other people follow them? I've always been on Mars! "After a pause, he said, "maybe you will feel that you are not reconciled to this. But a generation has a mission. If Yuanjue is not reconciled, the earth today will be destroyed. "

"I don't want to follow the old way of empress Nuwa or Yuanjue!" Black Yi Su Zhen says in a deep voice.

With a faint smile, the star Master said, "the right to choose lies with you, Miss White. I won't make you difficult. Next, Yuanjue will return to earth and cultivate Lin Zhan with his last breath. And I will go to the depths of the universe and repair the temple of stars. As for Miss White, it's up to you whether you want to be strong or independent. "

The star Lord put the heart crystal of the Dark Lord in front of Suzhen.

Then, the star master took Yuanjue, collected all the stars and left.

Nuo big Mars, suddenly fell into a lonely.

Sandstorm and dust storm can't attack Suzhen in Heiyi. She laid a border, and then gazed at the heart crystal in front of her eyes.

At this time, Suzhen in black felt that she had to take a good look at her heart.

She felt that Yuanjue was not worth it, and that Niang Nuwa was not worth it.

But they did. I did it without hesitation.

Are they really more stupid than themselves?

To protect the earth, we must be strong.

When it is strong, it will not be able to compete with the earth.

This is the iron law of the earth.

Black dress Su Zhen secretly way: "so, Nu Wa empress after all still cherish the earth, in order to have the best of both worlds, just put down oneself this yuan Shen reincarnation?"

"Ordinary people have been working hard for decades. They know they are going to die, but they still have to work hard..."

"Yuanjue's magic power is all over the sky. It's clear that you can get rid of it, but you choose to die..."

"And I, after all, can't let the earth go. Because the earth has given me everything, all I can do is to protect every plant on the earth. "

Suzhen in black finally made a decision.

She went to the heart of the dark crystal.

I don't know when I will come back.

In the distant universe, the imperial sky boat drifts in the ocean like a huge aircraft carrier.

On the Solitaire pole of the imperial sky boat, there was a reaction again.

Golden light!

Emperor long qianjue has been waiting for news from his majesty ZuLong. At this time, he immediately arrived, then, he saw the jielongzhu, the golden light appeared in the virtual shadow of his majesty ZuLong.

"See your majesty!" Long qianjue kneels down and salutes.

His majesty ZuLong looked at long qianjue, and then he said, "this is the last trace of the emperor's memory. Now, the emperor has already destroyed himself and died."

"What?" Long qianjue heard the words, and suddenly he was shocked.

But his majesty ZuLong can't communicate with long qianjue, because it's similar to telephone recording.

His majesty ZuLong continued: "the great emperor of the universe, with a deeper plan, has set up a super power on Mars. It's the star Lord of the hall of stars. You need to find out this person, otherwise you will suffer a great loss. In the view of the emperor, the creation of the hall of stars also has the existence of the star master. Just to deal with your empire. At present, the Emperor himself explodes Yuanshen, Yuanjue has been seriously injured, there is no way to save. One year at most, you will die. Yuanjue is no longer a threat, and the hall of stars has suffered great damage. In order to deal with the imperial Tianzhou, the star master must repair the hall of stars. "

"So now, the earth is empty. Unfortunately, you can't get to earth in time. But it's also your last chance. Take advantage of that star to repair the hall of stars, while Yuanjue is seriously injured, while Yuanjue's successor is not really strong. You have to destroy the talents of the earth inside, even if the imperial sky boat is destroyed. You can also make a home on earth! "

"In the future, you will face more terrible battles. This emperor hated the great emperor of the universe all his life, but he was calculated and died by the great emperor of the universe. I hope you can take revenge for this emperor and completely destroy the earth and heaven. The star Lord and the star Temple become one, and can deal with him with the power of the imperial heavenly boat. But the emperor was also worried that he had the same spirit of martyrdom, and finally destroyed the heavenly boat with the hall of stars. So at that time, you should be prepared in advance, and you can't fall short of success! "

"The road that the emperor should take is over. The rest of the way, it's up to you to go by yourself... "

When it comes to this last sentence, his majesty ZuLong's idea of the yuan God is getting weaker and weaker, and he can't even hear it. After that, the golden light disappeared completely on the jielongzhu.

Light, dim down!

"Your majesty Long qianjue, mourning.

He mourned his Majesty's death, but his heart was more frightened. Once upon a time, he was very ambitious. He thought that the Empire Tianzhou's civilization and experience of tens of millions of years in the universe, to take down the earth and grab energy, was just a search. But now, he just knew, that Earth's opponent, is how terrible!

He felt the weight of the burden on his shoulders.The future of the whole empire and the life inheritance of lingzun are all on his shoulders!

This battle is extremely cruel!

Even his majesty ZuLong, who is in the universe, will die. Then, what else is impossible?

Long qianjue kneels in the same place, but soon after, his eyes are extremely determined.

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