Chen Yang asked who was on the other side of the phone. He was also very strange. Because in the vast world, there are really very few people looking for him. He also thought, could it be Lin Qingxue. But if it's Lin Qingxue, Shen Molong will say it's Qingxue.

Soon there was a voice, a woman's voice.

"Hello, Chen Yang The woman said faintly. There is a kind of unspeakable dignity in the voice.

Chen Yang doubts: "are you?"

The woman said, "you probably forgot how you ran away just now. It was benxian who used Pangu banners to stop lingzun. "

"I'll go!" Chen Yang suddenly realized, he said: "Oh, I didn't forget. I just didn't expect that you could contact me in this way. "

The person on the phone over there is actually qianzichen.

Chen Yang said: "it's just that I wonder how you got through this call."

Qian Zichen said: "Xuan Zhenghao used the boat of one yuan to accurately find your wife's phone location in the boat of one yuan, so he called."

Qianzichen doesn't use the phone, but directly uses mana to communicate with radio waves.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "thank you for your help."

Thousands of purple dust said: "you are really smart, actually really in the hands of the spirit of your friends all saved."

Chen Yang said: "but don't forget, I still have Yuanshen bomb in my mind. It's the Yuanshen bomb of a six level master of creation. My life is still in their hands. "

Thousand purple dust said: "you have a way to solve this Yuanshen bomb, right?"

Chen Yang said, "I didn't. How can I have a way? Even if I put a god bomb in your head, you can't solve it. What's more, it's a spirit bomb made by six levels of creation. What can I do? "

Thousand purple dust said: "this is also the most difficult place."

Chen Yang said: "there are many places you can't figure out, because you don't understand, there is love in the world. I was in the prison of yuqingmen. In order to save me, many friends gave up their lives. And I have the courage to sacrifice myself for my friends. My humble life, in exchange for the livelihood of many friends, is a very worthwhile business. "

"Is that so?" Thousand purple dust said.

"I don't think you're calling to talk nonsense to me," Chen said

Thousands of purple dust said in a deep voice: "good, fast enough! You should know my purpose. "

Chen Yang said: "the Cereals, the state and the divine tree have been taken by the spiritual masters. You should have seen it with your own eyes."

Thousand purple dust said: "you this kind of clumsy lie, cheat three-year-old children can't cheat."

Chen Yang said: "it's really taken. The old monster deliberately said that I gave it a fake. You think, my life is in his hand, can I give him a fake? Do I really hate life? "

Thousand purple dust said: "come on. If you had given it to him, you would have been dead by now. If I guess correctly, the grain country tree should be integrated with you. If you take it out, you'll die, right? From the center of the brow? "

"They searched me." Chen Yang said.

Thousand purple dust said: "so, what's the secret in the middle? Chen Yang, you have to know that once the grain state tree falls into the hands of lingzun. We fairyland will also be unable to resist, when the time comes, the earth will have to bear more pressure. You'd better give it to me. "

Chen Yang said, "well, you have a point. If you want me to give it to you, you can. You use the head of lingzun who planted Yuanshen bomb in my brain. If he's dead, I can still control his God bomb. As long as he doesn't detonate the Yuanshen bomb before he dies, I still have a chance. "

Thousand purple dust said: "you played those lingzun as a monkey. Are you going to play with us now? In this world, you think you are the most intelligent person. Are we all your monkeys? You want to see monkey play? Do you overestimate your IQ? "

Chen Yang said: "whatever you say, if you think so, then we have nothing to talk about. I'm not begging you anyway. "

Thousands of purple dust voice cold down, said: "Chen Yang, you can always hide in the world. But I know your friends very well. Nie Meiniang, Ling Yunfeng, Qin Keqing and your father have also left the world. I have plenty of ways to deal with you, and those lingzuns will try to lead you out. You are asking for trouble

Chen Yang was surprised, and then he said, "I'm in danger. You can do whatever you want. Goodbye

Then Chen Yang Hung up.

The phone is hung up, but Chen Yang can't help worrying.

His feelings for Qin Keqing may be the weakest, but he still feels sad when he thinks of Nie Meiniang, who is infatuated with him.

And brother lingyunfeng.

"Chen Yang?" Shen is very worried.

Chen Yang looked back with a smile and said, "it's a tough situation, but it's not the first time I've faced this kind of situation. I can solve it! "

"Well!" Shen Molong can only choose to believe Chen Yang.Chen Yang didn't sleep much that night.

He found a secluded peak and sat on it with his knees folded.

He thought quietly, but there was no result after all.

In the chalky world, the God took charge of the chalky world and entered the Tianlong hall!

One of his subordinates suggested to God that he should enslave the human beings in the chalky world again and let them live an extremely miserable life. This is revenge!

God rejected the proposal. "In the past, they raised humans as pigs and dogs, which was wrong. Both human beings and lingzun are intelligent creatures. Respect your opponent and you will win. Humiliating opponents is often a sign of weakness. "

"And the more we abuse people. In the future, the more difficult it will be for us to attack the earth, and the better we treat human beings, the easier they will accept us. " So said God.

"Yes Although the proposed lingzun didn't agree, he didn't dare to resist the authority of God's innocence.

After God's innocence, there was a meeting.

More than 30 experts were present. The meeting will be held in Tianlong hall, the meeting room of the Presbyterian Council.

"The boy wrapped my Yuanshen bomb with his strange crystal stone, but it's still as easy for me to blow him up." God was innocent and said at first: "it's just that the grain, the country, and the tree seem to be integrated into his body. If you blow him up, the grain, the country and the divine tree will probably be smashed. "

God's innocence swept the rest of the people: "so, now I can't sense the boy's situation, I just know his location. Next, how should we act? I want to hear your opinions. "

People began to brainstorm.

Shenwugou first said: "brother, in the world, we have lost the protection of Yuanjue. Shall we? "

God said, "absolutely not. There are three catties of nails in the rotten boat. Yuanjue can't, but he has already found his successor. The descendants have the power of the earth, and we can't compete with the power of the earth. "

God without dirt can't help sighing.

Should not forget to say: "that God elder, according to your opinion. Is it possible that the descendants of Yuanjue will attack us? "

God said, "no!"

"Why so sure?" Don't forget to say.

God said: "I hope he will do it. He does it. We are not enemies. The most important thing is to die and die for the Empire. I have this consciousness. I also believe that all of you here have this awareness. "

Of course, it is impossible for all of you to have the consciousness of dying for an empire. But at this time, there must be a guarantee, so they agreed.

God smiles innocently and contentedly. He says, "the power of the earth lies in abiding by its rules and mysteries. The end of Yuanjue this time is that he made an exception. So, his earth power has been discounted. If this rule is broken again and you want to continue to develop it, it will be even more difficult. "

All the spirits suddenly realized.

They are all masters. They understand how important rules and principles are to magic.

It's the iron rule that makes the spell invincible and omnipotent.

In the future, if the imperial sky boat comes, it will break the rules of the earth. Then the force of the earth will not break the rules. Therefore, strength will not be compromised.

"Now that we've determined that the power of the earth won't do it. So there's more we can do. " Don't forget to say.

God said, "go ahead."

Should not forget to say: "whether it is human beings, or lingzun, there are bad roots. At this time, we should not only find a way to get the grain, the country and the divine tree, but also accept more human experts to do things for us. We should not confine ourselves to the world of chalk. We need to make more of the world our strength. We have to find a way to destroy the imperial city of Dakang. When we have enough strength, the envoys of the fairyland will not be afraid. We still have a lot of time to do it. "

God's eyes lit up and said, "don't forget, your proposal is very good."

Shen Wugou also said with a smile, "Chen Yang is the king of heaven. We have to see if he has always been a turtle with a shrunken head."

God innocent said: "as much as possible to capture Chen Yang's friends, but also to trace the devil emperor Chen Tianya."

Shenwugou said, "we should plan well, plan well."

The gods agreed quickly. Tianzhou has been occupied by Xianshi, so they don't plan to go to Tianzhou first. It's starting with the rest of the world!

They have their own information and ambush in every big world. So now, they are very handy.

"The central world is also one of the seven important worlds. Let's go to the central world first." After discussion, their crusade quickly became a goal.

God was not guilty and sent two men to go.

The bloodbath of the earth, this is just the beginning.At the same time, qianzichen is not idle. Thousand purple dust and Xuan Zhenghao conversation is not happy, but thousand purple dust also can't Xuan Zhenghao. So, qianzichen decided to go to yuntianzong first.

Her idea is to accept more of the world.

At the same time, we should also catch more friends who belong to Chen Yang

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