Xuanzhenghao ignored the surprise and anger of qianzichen.

He presided over the Yiyuan Shengda formation and continued to draw people's strength, but no longer delivered to qianzichen. At the same time, he covered up all the space in front of him, so that no one could find his secret.

However, Xuan Zhenghao came to the Jue Hun banner, grabbed Chen Yang and said, "the grain state tree is here. Even if you don't stop sacrificing today, how about destroying Pan Gu banner? The more you top players die, the more miserable the end will be. At the same time, you may not be able to bring the grain country tree back to the fairyland. The best way is to stop fighting now! "

If there is an amnesty, he certainly hopes to do so. In this way, big brother's sacrifice is not in vain.

At the same time, in the Jue Hun banner, you should not forget to say, "elder Wugui, once you die. These human masters will be out of control, and then we will be doomed. Promise him

Shenwugou pretended to be in deep pain, but still said: "good!"

He immediately rushed to xuanzhenghao and said, "OK, you open the big array and let us go."

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "what's the problem."

Immediately, he opened a passage out of the boat of one yuan. This channel can't deceive people, and it's absolutely true.

Shenwugou is in the banner of jueshun. He grabs Chen Yang with his big hand.

Later, Shen Wugou involved Chen Yang in the grain state tree, and they quickly fled the boat of one yuan.

This pedestrian, come fast, go faster!

"Xuan Zhenghao!" Qian Zichen watched the passage disappear, and the spirit masters left the boat with Chen Yang.

At the moment, thousands of purple dust has been angry to leave the state.

Xuan Zhenghao came to the front of the thousand purple dust. "You can't support them if they succeed. As a result, all of us will die. "

Thousand purple dust cold voice says: "can why Chen Yang didn't die?"

"That's a fake!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "is Chen Yang really dead? Don't you know it in your heart?"

"False?" Qianzichen said, "you lied to me. If it is false, they will never be fooled! "

"It's a fake body that I've worked so hard to make. There are Chen Yang's remains. It's absolutely possible to confuse the real with the fake! " Xuan Zhenghao said.

"Seriously?" Qianzichen still can't believe it.

"Chen Yang was killed by you. Is it false?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

"It's not right. There must be something in it. I always feel wrong, why Chen Yang would die for a trivial woman. There must be a fake Thousands of purple dust more careful thinking, the more can't believe Xuan Zhenghao's words.

"All right!" Xuan Zhenghao couldn't hide it and said, "well, I'll tell you. This Chen Yang is really true, and the Chen Yang you killed before is also true. However, Chen Yang has an immortal body. If you kill him to pieces, he can recover. "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qianzichen is very angry.

Xuanzhenghao looks at qianzichen strangely. He asks: "why should I tell you? Are you and I friends? Are Chen Yang and I enemies? "

"You..." Thousands of purple dust can't help being dumb.

Xuanzhenghao said: "by the way, there is one more thing, in fact, I also conceal you."

"What?" Thousand purple dust more and more feel Xuan Zhenghao unreliable.

Xuanzhenghao gave a strange smile and said, "in fact, my real purpose is to kill you, and to capture Pangu banner."

"What?" Thousands of purple dust can not help but be shocked.

Xuanzhenghao's eyes suddenly burst out, and a sword appeared in his hand.

In the one yuan death array, the strength of many experts is all concentrated on Xuan Zhenghao. With a flash of the sword light, he directly cuts to Qian Zichen's eyebrow.

Thousand purple dust is already the end of the storm. The sword in Xuan Zhenghao's hand is called the Styx sword. It is said that it was tempered in the Styx river made by the blood of the great emperor of the universe.

Has the supreme power!

And there's the breath of the universe.

The breath of the great emperor of the universe is to conquer all things on earth and even some forces of the universe.

This ghost River sword is one of Xuan Zhenghao's cards. He explored the specific position in the boat of one yuan, and then asked his men to find it.

He won't do it easily.

If you show it, you will kill the other party. Only a few confidants know the existence of the Styx sword.

Of course, Emperor Xuan also knew.

Thousands of purple dust to launch Pangu flag, holy cohesion, will block the power of the Styx sword. The sword of the Styx river has endless destructive power, and the majestic breath suppresses the holy power.

Then, the sword light penetrates the holy power and cuts it from the brain of thousand purple dust.

Thousand purple dust, this peerless beauty eyebrow appeared a red dot, followed by, her intracranial explosion, the whole person explosion.

In an instant, thousands of purple dust become smashed, ashes!Her soul fragments were also smashed directly by Xuan Zhenghao and scattered into the boat of one yuan.

This is a real murder.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao involved the pan Gufan in the inner depth of the boat of one yuan.

Then, Xuan Zhenghao unties all the prohibitions. He roars, and the whole person falls down.

The one yuan bridge immediately appeared and caught Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao was bleeding all over, his face turned pale, and he passed out

Tianzhou, in the void

The sun is still shining.

In the air, Jue Hun banners are flying away. Shenwugou controls jueshun banner. At the same time, he also envelops Chen Yang with poison spirit. This poison evil spirit is the existence that the people and lingzun launched forces together, and before that, they also fought against pangufan.

At the moment, none of them has any mana.

However, the evil spirit can steadily suppress Chen Yang. Chen Yang is completely covered by the evil spirit and can't move.

However, Chen Yang did not intend to be so honest.

He quickly launched the mana. He had already accumulated a lot of power in that one yuan death array, waiting for it to explode. However, that kind of power, which he can't use, will be stored in the one yuan death array.

The evil spirit can corrode air, time, space and many other existing forces. Even the holy power in Pangu banners can corrode.

According to the truth, if Chen Yang dares to absorb this power, he will die.

Although the flag is made in the immortal world. However, the origin of the fairyland can still be traced back to the earth. The five grain state tree restrained the people and snakes. But also can restrain this absolute soul flag!

Chen Yang absorbed a small part of the power of poison evil, which was enough to make Chen Yang's body explode.

Chen Yang roared, followed by a sword!

A sword to the East!

All the power, all gathered into this sword!

Such a change is also unexpected. The rest of the lingzun, the experts do not know this situation.

At that moment, Chen Yang cut the Jue Hun banner.

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he had already escaped from the jueshun banner!

Chen Yang's sword came to the East and broke out all his strength. At present, Chen Yang is very weak, he is through the last breath to escape, and keep swallowing pills.

At the moment of Chen Yang's escape, a blood shadow chases him out in the Jue Hun banner.

The blood shadow is no other than Tang Yin.

The spirit has no scale, the spirit is in a hurry to corrupt, the prompt order should not forget to wait for someone to pursue and block. He was repairing the Jue Hun banner, which was cut open by Chen Yang, and endless poison and resentment leaked out.

These forces are the greatest treasures, and the leakage is the loss of jueshun banner. Shenwugou can mend it with great mana in time, and only he can mend it reluctantly as the leader of the flag. If he were to be another lingzun, his mana would be corroded by the evil spirit.

In the air, countless figures twinkle!

Chen Yang was directly blocked by Tang Yin first, and the rear, should not forget, and the rest of the lingzun also caught up.

Tang Yin's eyes are cold and cruel. He looks at Chen Yang with a joking smile. Tang Yin remembers all the past and all the hatred!

"Roar!" At this time, the rear came the Dragon chant!

A mighty dragon came, which was like a rolling mountain, spitting out endless fire.

The magic fire is like a mountain of flame, covering all the people in a cage!

This dragon is no other than LAN Tingyu!

There was another man who followed LAN Tingyu. He was cold in black. After he came up, he came to attack and kill him.

"Taiyi Xuanjin chop!" The man in black roared.

Obviously, the man in black is also an old acquaintance. He is Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya's Taiyi Xuanjin chop turns into a sun god's awn, and goes to yingdon't forget to chop. Should not forget the eyes a cold, void with a sword, followed by the cut away, then the Taiyi Xuanjin cut into ashes.

With that, Chen Tianya entered the center of Jiuyan Shenhuo, and came to the front of Ying Wuji.

At the same time, several figures appeared in the air.

They are emperor Changsheng and Emperor Xuan.

There is also a ghost like master among the four demon fairies. This master is called shadow!

Those who come are all masters of creation.

Although, the highest cultivation is the Emperor Xuan, the creation of triple environment. But Chen Tianya and LAN Tingyu's fighting power is not under Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan came, very simple, according to Xuan Zhenghao's previous words, he said: "we try our best to delay these people. Now qianzichen is swallowing up the pills. When she regains the power of Pan Gufan in a moment, she will come to kill all these lingzuns. Now their soul destroying flag is broken and the six level master of creation is dead Everybody, please don't let them go. "

It's obviously cheating.If you really ambush, that's what they say.

But even so, we should not forget that they are still flustered. Because they died, God is innocent, and they don't know that qianzichen has been killed by xuanzhenghao.

"Go Don't forget to have a big drink.

He immediately led the people back to reject the spirit flag, LAN Tingyu and Chen Tianya of course did not stop.

Tang Yin is unwilling, his eyes hate staring at Chen Yang.

Chen Tianya looked coldly at Tang Yin and said, "what do you want, little boy?" His eyes are full of murders, so he stares at Tang Yin. The triple strength of Tang Yin's creation environment was shivering under Chen Tianya's gaze. He really felt the real pressure of death, and now he couldn't help shivering

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