Ouyang Yu shows the water of God moon, and the silver gray moonlight envelops Ouyang Yu and the black hole molecules around him. Later, Ouyang Yu's body began to be ethereal, and then disappeared.

It's more magical than stealth!

Chen Yang is very familiar with this skill, and he can also be invisible when he uses Tiandao pen to write hidden words. However, Chen Yang has not used that move for a long time. The main reason is that Tiandao pen wants to hide an energy body. The greater the energy of the energy body, the greater the consumption. Chen Yang can't afford the Tiandao pen now. Moreover, Tiandao pen has its disadvantages. Before, Chen Yang had no way to escape under the light of lingzun. Now, I guess I can't hide it from the master of creation.

Therefore, today's Tiandao pen is very weak.

Chen Yang is too lazy to take up the Tiandao pen.

Once Tiandao pen was brilliant, but the glorious era of Tiandao pen has passed.

Ouyang Yu uses the water of Shenyue to hide himself. Chen Yang's ideas are swept in the past. Rao Shi knows so much about black hole space. But at the moment, Ouyang Yu's presence is not felt.

"Ouyang Yu, I will never let you go today!" Chen Yang immediately released the black hole crystal, which covered a hundred miles, and the mysterious barrier space also showed.

Chen Yang knows very well that although the water of Shenyue can be invisible, it doesn't mean that the water of Shenyue can penetrate the space of mysterious obstacles. If it could be penetrated, Ouyang Yu would have run long ago.

"This degree of invisibility is bound to be a great cost of mana!" Chen Yang said in secret: "I'll spend time with him. Anyway, those people outside are still guarding me. Now it's longer than anyone else! "

He had nothing to worry about. Anyway, he took all the powerful enemies out of the earth. There are Fu Qingzhu, LAN Tingyu and Xuan Zhenghao on the earth, which can be regarded as solid as gold.

Chen Yang devoted himself to nourishing his mind, so he sat cross legged and did not speak.

About another three hours!

Ouyang Yu can see Chen Yang's intention. He knows that Chen Yang will never give up. It's really a waste of power for Shenyue water to remain invisible for a long time.

If things go on like this, Ouyang Yu thinks he will be really bad.

Therefore, he simply showed his real body in Chen Yang's space.

"Why, can't you hold it?" Chen Yang doesn't meet Ouyang Yu at all. He sneers in another layer of space.

Ouyang Yu said: "I'll have a rest. I'll break your space barrier soon. I'll leave by stealth. I'll be watching you outside! "

Chen Yang said, "then why do you want to tell me?"

Ouyang Yu said: "I..." Of course, he has his problems.

Chen Yang said, "let me tell you something. It costs a lot to keep the water of the moon hidden. So, you don't have time to break the puzzle. You have to get rid of invisibility before you can break the puzzle. "

"Yes, so what?" Ouyang Yu became angry.

Chen Yang said, "I think I have to tell you something that makes you despair. My space puzzle is a series of equations. If I change it at will, you'll crack it 9990 times. Before, let you find the law, because I have no time to really change the fundamental law. But now it's different. I don't have to worry about tanlao. So, you can't break my space maze even if you break the thousand years and the ten thousand years. "

Ouyang Yu said: "grass, thousands of years later, your woman has not known what it is like to be ravaged by lingzun. If they can't find you, they won't let go of your family, women. I'm not afraid. I can afford it anyway! "

Chen Yang sneered and said, "don't worry, you can't live for three days. I'll let you die here in three days! "

"Don't be ashamed Ouyang Yu said: "do you think that's the ability of the sun moon god stove? The sun, the moon and the furnace confuse the existence of the future Lord. Chen Yang, don't force me to be cruel. You've got good fruit to eat! "

Chen Yang said, "I just want to force you. I want to see what you can do."

"You will regret it!" Ouyang Yu's eyes are cold.

Perhaps at this moment, Ouyang Yu finally realized the horror of the king of destiny in the world. It's a smooth journey for him. For Ouyang Yu, it's just a matter of leisure. But today, he finally met a man whose accomplishments were lower than him, but he had nothing to do.

Chen Yang was not idle. He began to absorb the aura of the universe, and used many means to kill Ouyang Yu, such as soul crystal, sword formula of creation, light and thunder scissors. Chen Yang sometimes confuses Ouyang Yu, and sometimes he really attacks Ouyang Yu. Ouyang Yu has been consumed by Chen Yang. Originally, his mana has been consumed a lot. At this time, the headache is even more serious.

Ouyang Yu and Chen Yang are not on the same level now. Chen Yang can absorb aura continuously and take a rest if he wants to. But Ouyang Yu can't. Ouyang Yu has no pills to supplement. Chen Yang has known this for a long time. Because Ouyang Yu practices the sun moon god stove, there is no elixir that can be preserved in his hands. Once he works, the elixir will be destroyed!

Ouyang Yu has been consumed in this way, so the only way to wait for Ouyang Yu is to die.No matter what kind of immortal body you are, it's useless without the support of the source of strength.

In addition to Chen Yang's eternal spar, the others have great defects.

Chen Yang's eternal body is cut to ashes, even if the mana is exhausted, it can recover slowly. To kill Chen Yang, unless Chen Yang is involved in the chaos of time and space, just like the way of heaven to deal with the insect emperor, Chen Yang's body will be destroyed, countless molecules will be scattered in all kinds of time and space, and will be washed away by time, then it is likely that Chen Yang can still be killed.

Although it's hard to kill Chen Yang, Tan Lao and Ouyang Yu also have a way to deal with Chen Yang. After smashing Chen Yang, one person keeps part of it and seals it. If you can't kill or be sealed, it's definitely worse than death.

Therefore, this is why Chen Yang fought to death and could not fall into the hands of Tan Lao.

Ouyang Yu is struggling to support!

Chen Yangwen, fight steadily!

Time goes by.

If there is no accident, Ouyang Yu's end will be death. Chen Yang knows this in his heart. Ouyang Yu's heart is also very clear!

Of course, Chen Yang also knows that Ouyang Yu still has his cards.

Obviously, there is a price to this card. Therefore, Ouyang Yu didn't want to show it until he had to.

"Chen Yang, don't push me any more. Once I use the sun moon furnace to reverse Yin and Yang, your black hole space molecules will be in chaos. You and I will be lost in this black hole space, dead end. Now, you let me go, I can promise you. How about having them give you an hour to run away? "

"You dream!" Chen Yang said: "I am immortal. The sun moon furnace can't refine me, and the black hole can't help me. You can reverse Yin and Yang. At that time, you will die, not me

"Stubborn!" Ouyang Yu no longer talks nonsense.

"Since you are going to die, I will help you!" Ouyang Yu began to cast the spell. He pinched the formula in his hand, and then his eyebrows opened. The sun fire and the moon water appeared at the same time, and they were entangled.

Water and fire are tender, but they don't wear each other out.

This is a very strange scene.

Slowly, the fire became bigger and bigger, and the water of the moon god began to surge.

Water and fire help each other!

Taiji Rune seal surrounds Ouyang Yu. Chen Yang has a premonition that something is wrong, so he immediately uses a sword to kill Ouyang Yu. The sword used one third of its power to come to the East, but it was as fierce as a bullock into the sea. It didn't work at all.

Chen Yang didn't say much about it either. As soon as his body flashed, he jumped into the center of the Taiji Fuyin.

"I suck!" At the same time, the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu were also used.

Inexhaustible divine fire and water of moon god merge and are absorbed into Chen Yang's mouth.

The black hole vortex also forms around Chen Yang's body!

Chen Yang's absorption is very smooth!

"To die!" Ouyang Yu has a cold look in his eyes!

"Reverse Yin and Yang!" Then he gave a loud drink.

Suddenly, the magic fire and the water of the moon god began to reverse. It was running clockwise. Suddenly, the whole space was silent. Including the black hole world outside, including Chen Yang.

For a moment, Chen Yang felt that his body was out of control.

He could clearly feel that time was going backward, and the water he absorbed had been pure. But at this time, pure energy turned into water and fire.


At this time, the Tai Chi seal suddenly exploded.

The water and fire of Luna also exploded.

The explosion spread and the black hole world began to shake violently.

Chen Yang's whole body's meridians turn upside down, disorganize, and his mana is tearing violently His body exploded.

Ouyang Yu also spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was burning with fire, and his body was completely exploded with the force of countless explosions

Chen Yang lost consciousness.

At the last moment, what he saw was endless rebellion and explosion

At the same time, Chen Yang's last thought is Ouyang Yu, you can't survive, can you?

Tanlao and others outside saw a violent explosion in the black hole, and the whole black hole was shaking. But the shock didn't last long, and it returned to calm five minutes later.

It's like nothing happened.

"Tanlao, what's the matter?" East endless can't help asking Tan Lao.

Tan Lao frowned and said, "I don't know what happened."

"Can it be that Chen Yang is dead?" Cheng Junyun, the immortal envoy, said.

Tan Lao said angrily: "dead? Is he that good to die? Would he run in and die? Before seeing Chen Yang die with his own eyes, no one can tell that he is dead. "

"Damn it Huo song, another immortal envoy with three levels of creation, cursed: "I've never met a thief like this. I can't fight him to death."The real person in the cemetery said, "the way of heaven favors us, but it's unusual. It's as simple as killing a dog to kill a master of creation! But Chen Yang, let's go out together. We haven't even met him. "

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