Yingdikong's face changed and he said, "here are the pieces? How? The things in this soul bowl are what our eldest lady will use. The other part is to be handed over to Shenwu Treasury. Just because you need these fragments, we will open the soul sealing bowl for you and let go all the quanta? "

"What is it?" Tan Lao suddenly felt the thorny.

Yingdikong said: "well, you must need these fragments, and it's not impossible. Follow us back to the temple of descent, and after the first lady has disposed of it, all the fragments will be given to you. We're not interested in these pieces. "

"This..." Tan Lao hesitated. He thought about it and said, "we need to discuss it."

"We have a tight schedule. We'll give you three minutes to think about it," he said. Three minutes later, we left. If you follow, you can. But if we stop it, we will declare war on our temple. When the time comes, we will not show mercy! "

Tan Lao nodded and said, "good!"

Later, Tan Lao sacrificed Hunyuan Jindou. Hunyuan Jindou will cover all the people on his side!

In fact, this is also a state of war preparation. Once the hand is taken, Hunyuan Jindou immediately captures all the people in yingdikong into Jindou.

In Hunyuan Jindou, Tan asked the crowd, "what do you think?"

"Absolutely not!" East endless first said.

Tan Lao asked: "why?"

East endless said: "now these people hate us so much that they can't beat us. That's why we have said so much. Once we go back to the temple of descent, then we will lose the initiative. Not to mention taking pieces, they will still be slaughtered for life and death. "

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice: "I think what Dongxian envoy said is very reasonable! Once you go to Baron, everything changes. It's better to kill them all at this time. Then we go back to earth at full speed. When we get to the earth, will we be afraid of the Dragon planet and the temple of God? "

"If you want to kill it, you have to kill it clean!" Tan Lao's eyes bloomed cold light, said: "once a person is released, then the temple of God will launch endless pursuit of us. We are so far away from the earth that we may not have a chance to return to the earth alive. "

"Well!" Everyone answers!

So in this moment, Tan Lao and others deliberated and agreed.

Yingdikong and others are still waiting. At this time, the Hunyuan Jindou in the air suddenly changes. Then, Tan Lao and his party started their magic power and directly enveloped the six people in yingdikong. Yingdikong found that it was wrong and wanted to lead the crowd to break through, but tanlao first released the gas of chaos, which immediately enveloped the whole area. Then, the Hunyuan Jindou inhaled again, and the space changed. Then, all six people in yingdikong's party were caught in the Hunyuan Jindou.

In the golden fight, chaos world, muddle headed, all chaos!

The cultivation of yingdikong is to create four levels of environment!

Of course, the division of cultivation on the planet of PA long is different from that on the earth.

In the Dragon planet, the cultivation of yingdikong is the quadruple of the realm of God and king!

Chaos is like the ocean, like maternal amniotic fluid, which blocks all mana and laws. Yingdikong and others can only operate their own mana, and the situation is very bad.

Yingdikong sacrificed the magic weapon fengshenzhu, which is colored with glass and has a vast and gorgeous world inside.

The others also showed their own magic weapons and tried their best to stop the chaotic world of Hunyuan Jindou.

For a moment, magic weapons were flying, and the magic power was surging out of the chaotic world.

Tan Lao is a man who dominates the world. He just loses face in front of the king of destiny like Chen Yang and Ouyang Yu. But this does not mean that Tan always has no strength.

At this moment, Tan first found yingdikong. As soon as he grasped it in the void, Hunyuan Jindou immediately integrated the strength of all the people, and the hand of Hunyuan grabbed yingdikong.

The hand of Hunyuan crystallizes instantly, hard and indestructible!

Inside, there is the infinite terrifying power of Hunyuan Jindou and the magic power of all people.

When the experts around yingdikong see that yingdikong is in trouble, they immediately help yingdikong. All the magic weapons of the people went to the hand of Hunyuan.


All kinds of evil Qi, murderous Qi and sword Qi are formed by the terrible power.

Those magic weapons include a heaven and earth gun, duantianling, Xingyun sword and so on!

There is no way to stop it!

But that Hun yuan's hand a grasp under, unexpectedly will ghost LAN Po etc. of strength and magic weapon all knead into smash. Yingdikong was the most powerful, and his beads released the hands of the gods. The hands of the gods also crystallized in an instant and collided with the hands of Hunyuan

Almost no suspense!

The hand of the gods was directly smashed by the hand of Hunyuan. The next moment, Hunyuan's hand seized the Fengshen bead and crushed it.

Is a move face, Tan Lao then relies on Hunyuan gold fight to destroy all the magic weapons of yingdikong and others.

Then, Tan Lao's face was cold and sentimental. He continued to fight, and then hit yingdikong. Yingdikong instantly resisted, and many of his mana were limited by Hunyuan Jindou. And you can't escape if you want to.Boom!

Just a palm, yingdikong was smashed by tanlao's palm force. At the same time, fenghun bowl was affected and exploded directly.

For a moment, the quantum inside is out of control, boom, quantum entanglement brings violent explosion. Countless kinds of quanta scurrying in the chaotic world!

The emperor of England is dead!

The rest are even more invincible!

At this time, the ghost LAN Po and others seem to get inspiration, and they smash the soul bowl together!

All of a sudden, the quantum storm burst out, and the colorful quantum produced the explosive power to destroy heaven and earth.

Tan Lao was also surprised. He saw that Gui LAN Po and others were taking the opportunity to retreat!

"To die!" Tan Lao started ruthlessly and immediately used great magic power to control the explosion zone with the power of chaos, and directly enveloped GUI LAN Po and others. Guilanpo and his party were completely covered in the world of quantum explosion.


Endless, endless explosion of extinction!

In the Hunyuan gold fight, Tan Lao also suppressed with great magic power!

But after all, the explosive force was too terrible, and Tan Lao could not suppress it all. He could only let out a tone and let a part of the explosive force rush out of the Hunyuan Jindou.

Countless entangled quantum out of the Hunyuan gold fight!

The ghost orchid old woman and others all die, the road disappears the body to perish, the dregs all don't leave. Chen Yang brought all this to them. But this is not Chen Yang's sin, because the people who hold the sword are tan Lao and others.

Fairyland evil way, kill people, but are cruel!

The violent and huge explosion finally disappeared.

And in space, countless quanta are escaping, and countless pieces are flying. Many of these fragments belong to people like guilanpo and yingdikong.

But there are also some fragments of Chen Yang's.

Tan keeps most of Chen Yang's fragments in Hunyuan Jindou

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