What Chen Yang catches is the crystal of time. The reason why he dares to detonate the extremely cold wormhole is that he knows that the crystal of time has uncanny power. It won't be affected by the explosion!

Although the extremely cold wormhole is a treasure, it's a pity to lose it like this. But it is acceptable that the time spar can be preserved. Moreover, even if the time crystal can not be saved, compared with Chen Yang's own life, everything else is not enough.

Chen Yang got the crystal stone of time. As soon as he turned, he went to find the green clothes.

Between him and Qingyi, he is immortal.

Qingyi immediately feels Chen Yang's pursuit in the rear. Instead of rushing away, he waits for Chen Yang to come.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang comes to Qingyi.

They stood in the dark void, in all directions, the vast void universe.

No light!

But Chen Yang can see the green clothes clearly.

"You can't kill me, and I can't kill you. What do you want to do with me all the time? " Green dress is quite irritated to say.

Chen Yang looked at Qingyi and said, "how do you know that I can't kill you? I was able to catch the young lady just now. I can control you now

"Don't pretend!" Green clothes impatiently said: "don't forget who I am, I am you. I know what's on your mind. Are you trying to convince me? You might as well convince yourself. You break you, I fuse you. Then, everything will be the best of both worlds. There is only one Chen Yang in this world. "

"You are not Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said: "originally Chen Yang loved his wife, his son and his family. And you? Dare you say you love ling'er? Love Nianci, love Molong, love qiaoning? "

Green clothes said: "I can't! The longer I live, the stranger they are to me. "

"Because it's all mine. And you... " Chen Yang said.

"And what about me? I'm a living life. I'm alive and independent, not for your fusion. " Green clothes said.

"It's so hard for you to die. Why should I die? " Green clothes said angrily.

"Damn it Chen Yang said, "I haven't said anything yet. You always have so many reasons! I haven't asked you to sacrifice, but you want me to sacrifice. "

Green clothes sneer repeatedly, say: "hum, I just blocked your mouth first!"

Chen Yang said, "it's not my character to be smart."

Qingyi said, "that's because you didn't notice it. There are too many bad qualities in you, but you can't see them. But you can see it in me. "

Chen Yang said, "do you deliberately want to be innovative?"

Qingyi said, "ha ha, whatever you say. It's not me who is unconventional, but you are hypocritical and oppressive. And Chen Ling, he is the same as you, you want to do, want, all depressed. Chen Tianya and I are the real ID. You should be Chen Ling's son, I should be Chen Tianya's son. He is the devil emperor. In the future, I will be the devil emperor! The devil emperor Chen Tianya, the devil emperor Chen Qingyi, ha ha ha ha

Then he laughed, as if it was a good idea and plan.

He thought it was wonderful.

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "you are wrong. You will never be Chen Tianya. Chen Tianya is proud, but you don't. What's more, master Ling was ashamed that he didn't kill Chen Tianya and made a big mistake. Today, I will not repeat the mistakes of my predecessors. At the end of the world, at the end of the universe, I will kill you, too

"Damn it Green clothes immediately scolded, said: "you have countless enemies, why do you have to kill me?". Is Lao Tzu your enemy? "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "well, we can't explain this clearly. There is no reason to say, because the world is not fair. And you were born with a mistake. Now, I will correct this mistake! "

"Then come on!" "I'll see how you can kill me!" she said

Chen Yang made an instant move.

Two people immediately fight again, black hole sword cut through the void!

The magic of the sword formula of fortune!

A sword comes from the East, the sword breaks the air!

Thunderbolt scissors, the sky is falling apart!

The two men fought from the east to the west, from the west to the north. They didn't know how many planets they destroyed and how far they flew!

The fight lasted three days and three nights.

After three days and three nights, both of them were a little exhausted.

Then they took a break on a desolate Death Star.

"Ha ha ha, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Qingyi sat ten meters away from Chen Yang and said with a laugh. He looks a little crazy!

Chen Yang also knows that he can't kill Qingyi. At least, one person can't do it.

At the same time, Qingyi also realized this problem.He stood up and said, "I'm leaving. Don't follow me any more."

Then he flashed into space.

Chen Yang didn't catch up with him. It's meaningless to catch up with him like this!

Then he began to sit cross legged and cultivate himself.

Three days later, Chen Yang finally regained his heyday. There is no end to the aura of the universe. Chen Yang can absorb it and then strengthen himself.

Chen Yang can sense the position of Qingyi, and he also realizes that Qingyi has gone to another planet to cultivate himself.

But at this time, Chen Yang's brain suddenly lost the specific position of Qingyi.

"Well? What's the situation? " Chen Yang Leng a Leng, in the heart immediately felt uneasy. This is not a good sign!

"The fragments of Qingyi are one with me. I can feel his existence at the ends of the earth. In the same way, he can feel my presence. " Chen Yang began to think: "what method did he use to block my reaction to him? In a black hole? However, even in the black hole, I can't isolate my feelings to him! " For a moment, Chen Yang was confused.

"Well?" Suddenly, Chen Yang felt the existence of Qingyi again.

These changes make Chen Yang a little confused.

"No, it's not Tsing Yi. It's a fragment of me, a fragment not fused by Tsing Yi! " Chen Yang's secret way.

He finally figured everything out.

Before, Qingyi didn't have the ability to shield Chen Yang. Therefore, Chen Yang has been focusing on Qingyi. Now that Qingyi is gone, Chen Yang realizes that this fragment has not been fused.

"What's the matter with this fragment? Well, no matter. I'll take a look first. It's not far away! " At the moment, Chen Yang's body moves and leaves his death star immediately.

"Can it be the trap of Qingyi?" Chen Yangren thought to himself in the process of speeding.

"It could be a trap!" Chen Yang said, "but I have to go and have a look."

If you don't take a look, Chen Yang's heart will never settle down.

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