Di Feiyan felt despair.

This kind of despair is like a spreading small emotion, from the beginning of the bad development to fear, and even despair. At the beginning, di Feiyan only felt that Qingyi was full of evil, which made her uncomfortable. But now it seems that Qingyi is not simply evil.

He's the real devil!

Di Feiyan began to regret why he wanted to cooperate with Qingyi.

In fact, when she saw Chen Yang, she knew that she had made a wrong choice. However, this kind of event is not a family event. Now that she has cooperated with Qingyi yingnuo, there is absolutely no reason to change her mind temporarily!

Now, she feels that if God can give her another chance to come back. She will definitely choose to cooperate with Chen Yang to kill this hateful Qingyi.

Qingyi stares at di Feiyan. He is not in a hurry to speak. He just looks at him in silence.

That time is passing by. The passing of every minute and second is so hard for Di Feiyan. She feels scared and scared

No matter what kind of choice, she can't accept it.

However, it is even more unacceptable to be a puppet in the dark.

At the moment when Qingyi was ready to speak, di Feiyan's delicate body trembled violently. She said, "I can promise you, I'm willing to be your wife!"

What a shame!

The moment she said yes, she closed her eyes. Tears in that moment, then like broken pearls general slide down the cheek.

"As long as you live, you have a chance to get revenge, right?" But there was no change in the expression of green clothes. He didn't have a trace of pity, just said with a cold smile.

Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned. She had not shed tears for many years. At this time, she hated her weakness, so she quickly wiped away her tears, opened her eyes and looked at Qingyi.

A deep light flashed in Green's eyes. He sighed and said, "that's all, that's all. It's my fault. Now that we have reached this point. I also want to ask you to be true to me, this is a big joke. Di Feiyan, I know your mind very well. So, I've changed my mind now. For you, there are no two options. There is only one, that is, to be my puppet. From then on, be a plaything without thought. "

Di Feiyan trembled violently. "You What you just said, why didn't it count? I have promised you, what else do you want me to do? "

"I want your heart, do you have it?" Green clothes sneer a, say.

Di Feiyan was in great pain. She said, "I will try my best to give it to you."

"All you're talking about now is your patience. The more patient you are, the more you hate me. " Qingyi laughed and said, "emperor Feiyan, it's a pity that your patience is too late. If from the time you see me, start to be patient. Then, in the future, I may fall into your hands. "

Then, Qingyi reached out!

At this moment, di Feiyan felt a magic power wrapped around her.

She was locked up in an instant and couldn't move.

The hand of green dress pulls directly, then the white long skirt of emperor Fei Yan pulls away. The white dress was also a magic weapon, but the power of green dress was so deep that it didn't take much effort to disintegrate the power of this magic weapon.

"No!" Emperor Fei's tears are rolling. She closed her eyes. She was dismayed and desperate. She was shy and embarrassed

After that dress was torn off, it was red underwear inside!

This kind of underwear is similar to the modern bra of the world, but the lower body is wearing safety pants, also red.

Snow white fragrant shoulder, beautiful clavicle all exposed outside.

Even the slender legs are shown in front of Tsing Yi!

Although Di Feiyan has felt the boundless shame in her heart, she can't move, even if she wants to cover her shame.

Tsing Yi's hand stretched out again. This time, he wanted to untie Di Fei Yan's bra and release her own memory. She had never seen an outsider's bra.

This is the darkest moment of emperor Feiyan's life, and also the most desperate moment.

However, at this time, she heard a sound of nature in the dark.

The voice cold hum out two words, these two words passed to Emperor Feiyan's ears.

Those two words are "inferior!"

The voice is Chen Yang's.

Qingyi's face suddenly changed. Obviously, he didn't expect that Chen Yang could shine on it.

The next moment, Chen Yang has come to di Feiyan.

Chen Yang's face is icy cold and looks at green clothes!

At this moment, Chen Yang's strong intention to kill reached the peak. If we say that before, killing Qingyi was just for the return of all consciousness. And now to kill Qingyi is for the sake of reputation and justice!

this man is as like as two peas, but the evil spirit of action is more than that of Chen Tianya. He would never tolerate people like Tsing Yi to live.

Emperor Feiyan cried with joy!"Why can you find it?" I can't understand it. He didn't know which link was wrong!

I forgot one thing. That is, there is still a fragment on di Feiyan's body!

But Qingyi has always been sensing the existence of Chen Yang!

It's like the existence of a large signal base station, which makes him ignore the small base station around him. He found Di Feiyan according to the fragment, and then he was excited, so he wanted to cheat Di Feiyan and get Di Feiyan. Lust smoked heart of green clothes forget to get back that piece of debris.

What's more, Chen Yang can also find him according to the fragment.

Just like before, Chen Yang did not notice the debris in the hands of emperor Feiyan. That fragment is too small.

It was only after the complete disappearance of Qingyi that Chen Yang made him notice the existence of this fragment.

Chen Yang and the black hole can also be integrated, so he successfully traced the black hole. He is afraid that this is the other side's trick, and has been careful. I know there, so I heard the conversation between Qingyi and di Feiyan, and I saw the meanness of Qingyi.

Qingyi's mind is all on emperor Feiyan, which makes him not notice the arrival of Chen Yang.

"No matter, no matter!" At this time, Qingyi changed from shock to indifference. He took a look at Chen Yang and said, "you're here just in time. I've been looking for you everywhere. "

Chen Yang stares at Qingyi!

Di Feiyan carefully looks at Chen Yang and Qingyi. Chen Yanggang just came here, which really made emperor Feiyan overjoyed. But soon, she calmed down. Because Chen Yang is not a friendly army!

Before that, she and Chen Yang had a life and death fight.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about Di Feiyan's idea. He finally said, "I don't understand!"

"Don't understand?" Green clothes said.

Chen Yang said, "why do you have to take such an extreme road? Even if I'm your enemy, you can't be a good man except to kill me? You have my memory in your head. Why? I really don't understand! "

"Besides, you are different from my father Chen Tianya. You are a new person, but when my father came out of Tianmu, he lost everything that belonged to him. what about you? You can be a new person. " Chen Yang said word by word.

Green clothes sneer, say: "you really don't understand?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't understand!"

Tsing Yi said, "I knew from the moment I was conscious that someone was going to kill me. That man, that's you! "Today is not the time," I said with a sneer. I'll come to you in a few minutes! "

After he said that, his figure flashed and quickly fled!

Qingyi took away the xuanming pearl, and the whole person disappeared into the black hole. At the moment of his departure, Chen Yang directly grasped emperor Feiyan and brought him into his sleeve robe.

At the same time, Chen Yang can no longer find the trace of Qingyi in his consciousness.

Now Qingyi can shield the signal at will.

That is to say, green clothes are dark, while Chen Yang is clear.

This green dress will be like a terrible snake, always hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity, and then ready to give Chen Yang a fatal blow at any time!

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