Chen Yang's plan is very clear. At present, Emperor Feiyan can't be expected. What about the temple of descent? He immediately asked emperor Feiyan if he could return to the shrine? Di Feiyan said: "if I am cheated by outsiders, my elder brother di huaixiu will certainly come out. But if I get hurt like this and take the initiative to go back, my elder brother will imprison me and maybe let me go missing. "

"Are you brothers and sisters?" Chen Yang was greatly surprised.

Emperor Fei Yan sneered and said, "it's common for father and son to be fratricidal among monks. What's more, there are real feelings between brother and sister. If I am killed by strangers, they will surely take revenge. Revenge is not for me, but for the face of the temple. "

Chen Yang said with a faint smile, "you don't have to say every time outsiders kill you, what will happen to the shrine. Now that I've cooperated with you, I won't kill you any more. "

Di Feiyan's careful thinking is broken by Chen Yang, and her pretty face suddenly turns red.

Chen Yang said: "so now, you can't do anything to deal with Qingyi?"

Di Feiyan said: "give me a month, I can recover!"

"A month?" Chen Yang said, "I'm afraid Qingyi won't give me this time."

Emperor Feiyan was worried.

Chen Yang took a look at di Feiyan and said, "it's OK. You can rest assured. I've been through the wind and rain for so many years. I haven't seen any waves. "

"Can you deal with him alone? His dark pearl is very strange Di Feiyan said.

"Xuanming pearl?" Chen Yang said.

Emperor Feiyan simply tells Chen Yang the role of xuanming bead. Later, she said, "I'm not sure about the details. I just heard what Qingyi said. Maybe he's hiding it or telling lies. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "well, I see."

"You can rest in peace and recuperate." Chen Yang then said to Emperor Feiyan.

Emperor Feiyan said: "good!" After a pause, she blushed again and said, "thank you very much."

Chen Yang SA ran a smile, said: "nothing."

After settling down emperor Feiyan, Chen Yang began to study time crystal.

This is Chen Yang's only card against Qingyi.

When the crystal stone of time comes out, it floats in front of Chen Yang's eyes. The crystal looks bright, but if you look closely, it is full of edges and corners. There are countless small corners!

Inside the crystal, there are countless tiny ripples.

At first glance, it's nothing, but just stare at the inside of the crystal stone. The little ripples began to change. Ripples first fluctuate, turn into small waves, then turn into huge waves, but finally they are terrible waves!

Chen Yang just felt that his mind was pulled in, as if he were in the center of a huge river. All around the world are transparent rivers!

The river is rolling up and down, and the waves are terrible!

There's no end to it.

Chen Yang was surprised and suddenly shook his head. All of a sudden, Qingming is back in front of us.

Chen Yang looks at the time crystal, which is still floating in the air without any change.

"It made me hallucinate!" Chen Yang murmured, "it's incredible. No, it's not an illusion, but I see the essence of the crystal of time. At this time, the huge wave of crystal is the terrible power of time

Time crystal is consistent with the whole universe.

The human body, the viscera are also corresponding to the universe!

The same is true of time spar.

In this time crystal, you can see the present, the past and the future!

But it's hard to see the end.

Because the end of the universe, no one can see.

Chen Yang thought in his heart and said in secret: "although I don't know how to use time crystal stone to deal with Qingyi now. But I can see in the crystal of time how Qingyi dealt with me. "

He was overjoyed and thought it was wonderful.

Therefore, he simply used his magic power to probe into the crystal of time.

His mana smoothly penetrated into the crystal of time.

At that moment, a wonderful pulling force instantly pulled Chen Yang's mana into it. In addition, there is a huge suction that begins to absorb Chen Yang's mana. Chen Yang's magic power suddenly poured into the crystal stone like the Yellow River burst its bank.

It's endless, it's crazy, it's frightening!

Chen Yang was shocked and immediately cut off his mana.

He took a cold breath wildly and looked at the time crystal stone with panic on his face. He felt as if there were monsters in the crystal of time. Even he can't cope.

"Why do you still have the problem of sucking people's mana?" Chen Yang couldn't understand.

Looking at the crystal stone of time, Chen Yang is afraid to try again. But just give up, but the heart is not willing.

"No, I can't be impatient! Let's just go in and have a look with our mind. "

Chen Yang stares at time crystal again!Soon, he felt that he was in the river of time.

This long river is not so much a long river as a flowing time universe.

Chen Yang feels the flow of time carefully!

Soon, Chen Yang understood.

The power of time in the crystal of time dominates the universe. The power of time is the supreme existence in the universe.

No matter how powerful the master is, the power of time can't be compared with the power of time crystal.

There is no comparability!

Later, Chen Yang withdrew his idea.

He then condensed a void spirit, and then ejected the void spirit into the crystal of time.

This void spirit can only last one minute.

Chen Yang can check the present, past and future in the crystal of time in this minute.

He can constantly drop the void spirit to check. Although it costs mana, it's the only way.

Never use mana to penetrate directly.

A void spirit entered the long river of time, and in a minute, the void spirit completely passed away.

What Chen Yang sees is mostly static.

It can't be said that it's really static, but it's everywhere in the universe. Most of the time, nothing happens. Just like in the vast world, a bridge, if no one passes through, is like static.

Chen Yang didn't see anything.

He continuously dropped a hundred void spirits into it, but what he saw was still time and space!

"The universe is so big that no magic or technology can see the edge. I don't need to be patient to crack Tsing Yi! " Chen Yang is sincere.

Then, he grasped the crystal stone of that time.

This time, crystal in the palm of the heart, cold, like ordinary crystal in general. Chen Yang sighed and said: "whether it's the eternal crystal or the time crystal, it's really too difficult to solve its mystery. Sure enough, it is one of the five crystal stones in the universe I had no chance to crack the eternal crystal if it wasn't a coincidence and I was pregnant with the seeds of xuanhuang holy valley. Now, I want to crack the crystal of time. Ah, it's a fool talking about a dream, a fool talking about a dream! "

He rubbed the crystal of time.

Although it is extremely difficult to solve the mystery, he can not give up easily.

"Well?" Suddenly, Chen Yang found a wonderful place. He felt the crystal of time own.

Time crystal is covering the universe!

Well, I am also corresponded in the crystal of time.

Moreover, the self in the crystal of time is very similar to the self in reality. Because I hold the crystal of time now.

That's why this happens!

Chen Yang immediately threw in the spirit of void again and wrapped the singularity in the crystal of time. That is the corresponding Chen Yang!

Later, Chen Yang released the time crystal.

At this moment, something more wonderful happened. Chen Yang's spirit of emptiness surrounds the singularity and shuttles back and forth. Chen Yang is just like watching a movie in the world. You can go back, you can go forward, you can pause!

When he retired one after another, he saw the situation when he faced Tsing Yi.

I also saw the scene of being killed by Di Feiyan and Qingyi.

Chen Yang doesn't want to take a closer look. He thinks it's more important to see the future now.

Therefore, it drives the void spirit forward!

The original spirit of void is controlled by Chen Yang's mind. There is no connection in mana, so he will not be absorbed by the crystal of time.

Void spirit can only walk out of the distance of three days!

More than three days, they are directly washed away by time.

Chen Yang tried several times, but it didn't take more than three days. In other words, Chen Yang can only see things within three days.

He didn't see anything in these three days.

It can also be said that within three days, it is safe.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry. If he looks at it tomorrow, he will know what happened the next day.

In this way, we can catch the trace and plan of Qingyi sooner or later.

"Although I can't see the mystery of time crystal, I can see about three days now. It's a preliminary prediction of the future. " Chen Yang's secret way.

At present, Chen Yang is at ease to cultivate.

In my spare time, I will continue to explore the time crystal, but there is no progress.

In this way, Chen Yang stayed in the black hole for about ten days.

Ten days later, Chen Yang finally found Qingyi in the crystal of time.

That is, three days later, Qingyi finally gave Chen Yang a hand.

Time flies by.

Three days later, Chen Yang came out of the black hole.

Emperor Feiyan is still practicing in Chen Yang's black hole crystal. In these 13 days, di Feiyan recovered quickly. But it will take a while to recover. So, di Feiyan still can't help.Tsing Yi is as like as two peas in time. At the same time, it turned into a green shadow and stood in front of Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, we meet again." Green clothes have deep eyes.

Chen Yang said in secret: "even the opening remarks are the same."

At this moment, Chen Yang's mind is complicated. Because, in the future, what he saw was that he was beaten to pieces by Qingyi. And the fragments of their own step by step melting, absorption, and finally become a new Tsing Yi.

It's Qingyi, not Chen Yang.

Chen Yang feels that all this is coming as scheduled. Can he really change the outcome of his death?

Chen Yang's heart is uneasy.

Since Qingyi has come here, he is fully confident. Although he is not Chen Yang, he has Chen Yang's calculation and wisdom!

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