Xuanmingzhu assimilates all things in the universe and has unpredictable energy!

At this time, xuanmingzhu exploded, and the energy explosion it brought was immeasurable. Moreover, Qingyi also found that a lot of xuanming sword Qi was injected into the interior of xuanming bead! In other words, Chen Yang absorbed the previous attack and killing of Qingyi. But Chen Yang stealthily manipulated these mysterious swordsmanship Xuanming sword Qi and Yijian Donglai seem to blend together, but they don't.

There is too much cunning in this sword.

There are also big problems!

If Qingyi didn't run xuanmingzhu as a fake, his own body would find something wrong. However, since he used the fake body, he could not find the hand and foot in the sword.

In three days, Chen Yang has been studying how to keep xuanming sword Qi, and finally blast xuanming bead. He also wants to blast xuanming bead when Qingyi is most unprepared!

Qingyi suppressed the explosion of xuanmingzhu. However, just as his great magic power enveloped xuanmingzhu, the explosion of xuanmingzhu burst his defense one after another This is the most critical moment, green clothes crazy use mana, suppress again!

He has no time to escape, can only suppress!

Mana is going crazy!

This kind of explosion is too violent and violent. Even the black hole vortex is hard to bear, because it's too late!

At this time, behind Qingyi, a terrible electric sword came to kill!

I'm scared!

"Emperor is not smoke?" The color of green clothes faded.

That electric sword contains the power of God thunder of all things, which directly breaks his defense!

Green clothes gush a mouthful of blood, xuanming bead also can't suppress any more!


"I can't believe Forget you Green clothes roared.

He didn't forget Di Feiyan, and he was always on guard against Di Feiyan. But when Chen Yang becomes a fragment, when xuanmingzhu explodes, he changes from excitement to shock When he was shocked to suppress the explosion of xuanmingzhu, he could not care about Emperor Feiyan.

Chen Yang's plan is perfect, no matter whether you remember emperor Feiyan or not. Anyway, when Emperor Feiyan makes a move, you will die in Qingyi.

Qingyi's body explodes

Countless pieces of debris flying in the air, he is not reconciled, but the light generated by the explosion has flooded him.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qingyi all became fragments.

Di Feiyan is very careful. She separates the fragments of Chen Yang and Qingyi. Chen Yang's pieces were all together and soon came back together.

As for Qingyi, of course, there is no such treatment.

Di Feiyan divided the pieces of Qingyi into ten parts, and each part was sealed.

Chen Yang taught the great seal to Emperor Feiyan.

Then, di Feiyan found a desolate planet to rest.

On an iron peak facing the sea, the sky gradually brightened. It's also a place illuminated by stars, not far from baron.

When dawn comes, the sky is white!

There is no life on this planet.

The sea is calm, without a ripple, it looks like stagnant water.

There is no wind.

Chen Yang has almost recovered.

He asked Di Feiyan to unseal all the ten pieces, and those pieces soon merged into Qingyi.

It's just that Qingyi is very weak now.

He lost xuanmingzhu. Now it's impossible for him to escape.

After finishing his thoughts for a minute, Qingyi looks up and sees Chen Yang and di Feiyan sitting cross legged in front of him.

There was a flash of panic in his eyes. He instinctively wanted to run away.

"If you dare to escape, you have no last words to say." Chen Yang word, coldly said: "I will immediately blow you to pieces!"

The green dress suddenly body a quiver, seem to be stabbed by hedgehog. He turned back and gazed at Chen Yang: "is it true that no matter what I say or do, you will not let me go?"

"Yes Chen Yang's answer was firm.

Qingyi took a deep breath and said, "you want to see me kowtow and beg for mercy. Is that your bad taste?"

"Maybe!" Chen Yang said. "But it doesn't matter if you don't ask for mercy. If you have nothing to say, I'll do it."

"You..." Green clothes said: "you have said, even if I beg for mercy, you will not let me go. Why do I beg for mercy? "

"It's all my fault Chen Yang said.

Green clothes said: "you kill it!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

He was about to do it when Qingyi suddenly said, "wait, I don't understand one thing. Even if I die, you should let me die in peace! "

Chen Yang said, "OK, ask."

Qingyi said, "why do you use xuanming's sword Qi so quickly and set me up? I didn't tell emperor Fei too many secrets about xuanmingzhu. No one knows why you can make a fake body with xuanming beads. ""This is it!" Chen Yangliang produced the crystal of time. "You have xuanmingzhu, don't I have any? Time crystal let me know your action. I see in the future that I was designed by your xuanmingzhu, and then killed by you... "

Green clothes immediately excited, said: "that is to say, my plan should have been successful?"

"Yes Chen Yang said.

After a long silence, Tsing Yi felt dismayed again: "but why, things in the future will be changed? Why? Why? I'm not reconciled. I'm not reconciled. Why is your luck still so good here? "

"Luck? Do you really think it all comes down to luck? Di Feiyan was supposed to help you, but what did you do to her? " Chen Yang said: "I also send you a word, many line unjust will die!"

Green clothes can't help looking at emperor Feiyan.

Emperor Fei Yan's eyes were cold and without waves. She looks at Tsing Yi like a dog.

Chen Yang said: "you doubt why the future can be changed, and I have also questioned. But now I've figured it out I use time crystal to explore your trick, which is a link in the future. The future is changeable, so there are countless possibilities in the future. As long as it hasn't really happened, it has variables! "

"All right!" Chen Yang finally made a conclusion: "I have said all that I should say. Do you have anything else to say? If not, get ready to go. "

Qingyi suddenly fell on his knees. After all, he couldn't help crying: "can you give me a way to live? I just want one percent of the debris. I will stay away from you and never come back to earth. You let me live. I've only lived for less than a month. I don't want to die! "

Chen Yang gazed at Qingyi. After a long time, he sighed and said, "you don't agree with me or my father Chen Tianya. You think you are unique and better than anyone else. You want to be independent and live in our shadow. But you can't compare with me or Chen Tianya. At least, in my life, have you ever seen me kneel down and cry like you? My father would not have done that. "

"You are not me at all!" Tsing Yi said painfully, "how can you know the pain of drowning when you stand on the bank. I came to this world, since I have seen the beauty of this world, of course I want to live. Want to do whatever it takes to survive. You've lived for so many years, and you've got everything you need to experience and enjoy. Now of course you can stand on the shore and talk

"Well, Qingyi, we really don't have to argue any more. You don't admit that you are wrong or admit that you are wrong. It's not going to change anything! " Chen Yang said.

"I know it will be like this, so I will kill you by any means." Green clothes said.

"What about Miss Difei Chen Yang said.

Qingyi was stunned.

"She's the one who helped you." Chen Yang said: "you still treat her like this. If you really want to live, it's human sorrow."

Qingyi looked at di Feiyan and said, "if she is willing to be my woman, I will be good to her!"

"Low down!" Chen Yang scolded.

"What qualifications do you have to scold me? How did you ever treat yazhenyuan? Maybe you forgot?" Green clothes said.

Chen Yang was furious.

Yazhen yuan was the last thing he wanted to mention.

Di Feiyan's face suddenly became strange.

Chen Yang rose abruptly and said, "Qingyi, you mention yazhenyuan again and again. You only know about that memory, but you don't have any pain. Am I the same to yazhenyuan as you are to difeiyan? Ask yourself

Green clothes sneer repeatedly, say: "I have what to ask, you did, I did not make, this is our difference."

"Good, good!" Chen Yang said, "I'm so stupid that I came to tell you this truth."

Qingyi felt sad.

He looked at the world with nostalgia

After that, Chen Yang smashed him into countless pieces.

Chen Yang immediately began to absorb the debris.

An hour later, Chen Yang's body finally returned to its original position and became one.

Chen Yang suddenly feels refreshed It's more comfortable than ever. I used to have everything, but I didn't feel precious. Now lost once, just know, this has a complete body, is also a great happiness!

"Thank you very much, di Feiyan!" Chen Yang sincerely said to Emperor Feiyan.

Emperor Feiyan also looks at Chen Yang. She unconsciously thinks of a person. She had never met anyone, but she heard it from Qingyi and Chen Yang. That is Yazhen yuan.

Emperor Feiyan always can't be frank with Chen Yang. She doesn't understand what kind of person Chen Yang is.

She has never been able to completely trust Chen Yang.

Emperor Feiyan pondered for a moment, then said: "you are not afraid that I will seal your fragments, so that you can not recover?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and said, "I thought about this possibility, so I made a bet."Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned and said: "it's really a gambler's character!"

Chen Yang said: "my wish has now been fulfilled. After your injury has completely recovered, I will go back to the earth."

Di Feiyan said, "OK, thank you."

"You're welcome. That's right." Chen Yang said.

At this moment, Chen Yang is really relieved.

Emperor Feiyan began to practice in this place, trying to recover quickly. Chen Yang also began to understand the changes in his body.

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