Chen Yang understands that when the outside world becomes slow, it means that the speed of the soul chariot is too fast. It's almost time for the external matter to begin to appear, resulting in microscopic changes.

In fact, the outside world will not slow down! Because the outside world is not at full speed, it is because of the contrast!

This is the first time Chen Yang has met him.

He couldn't help marveling at the power of the soul chariot.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt shivering! He felt wrong It's like, in modern society, he feels that his cognition and level have become the highest technology of the time. But the appearance of soul chariot overturned his cognition.

It's a deadly thing!

"I must learn about the soul chariot as soon as possible, and work hard on it in the future!" Chen Yang said in secret.

Later, Chen Yang quickly took Xingchen Dan to recover. Watch the soul chariot in the dark!

With the help of Xingchen Dan, he soon recovered.

The three legged Jinwu and the green Python are practicing on the other side. Although the body of the green Python is huge, it has shrunk when it enters the soul chariot. There are still some changes.

Luo Tong sat across from Chen Yang with his knees crossed.

"Little friend, I didn't expect you to recover so quickly?" Luo Tong sees Chen Yang's wound healed, and he is happy.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "thanks to Taoist priest, your pills!" After a pause, he said, "I only used one billion star Dan. I dare not waste the rest. Please take it back!"

He waved his hand and said, "well, there's a reason to take back what he sent out."

Chen Yang said: "I met you by chance with Taoist priest. I'm really uneasy to receive your great kindness."

Luo Tong laughs and says: "I am an open-minded person. We practitioners, who are home to the universe, have a mind of heaven and earth, and treat people and things according to our preferences. If you say these polite words again, I'm really disappointed. "

Chen Yang's affection for the Taoist priest became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, he became more and more uneasy.

He wanted to be frank with the Taoist priest, but he was afraid of breaking the big deal.

For a moment, it was a little hesitant.

"Xiao you seems to have something to say?" Seeing this, Luo Tong asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang changed the topic and said, "by the way, Taoist priest, I don't know what you are doing together

"One more favor," said roton

"Human feelings?" Chen Yang said.

Luo Tong said: "in my early years, I used to be instructed by the master of the ghost king, Yingzhen. I've always kept that in mind. "

Chen Yang said, "I see! What are you going to do this time? "

Luo Tong took another look at Chen Yang and said, "Xiao you seems very interested?"

Chen Yang laughs. He is not emperor Feiyan. Di Feiyan blushes as soon as he lies, and even exposes himself without saying anything. Chen Yang is lying, as usual and natural as eating and drinking water. He said: "the younger generation, seeing the cultivation of Taoist priest, is unfathomable. The blue eyes, Tulu and brother Qin are all rare masters! I'm really interested in what you want to do together. It can be said that I am very interested! "

Chen Yang's words dispelled Luo Tong's doubts. "We're going to get two people," said roton. These two are also rare masters in the world! In order to avoid being foolproof, the Lord really called us to win. "

Chen Yang said, "what did the two men do to make you so active?"

"I don't know, and I don't care much," he said with a smile

Chen Yang said: "but..."

"It doesn't matter if you speak up," said roton

Chen Yang said: "in the hearts of the younger generation, there are good and bad, good and evil. The Taoist priest is a good man in my heart. Isn't the Taoist priest afraid that the person he catches is also a good person? "

Luo Tong looked at Chen Yang. After a long time, he said with a smile, "poor way is poor way. It won't change because of your feelings. Poor way to act, only likes and dislikes, there is no good or bad. Of course, as far as possible, I don't want to hurt good people. But in order to repay the favor, it doesn't matter much! "

Chen Yang kept silent.

And he said nothing more.

Chen Yang felt that he had something to say in his heart, but he thought it was naive to say it.

Everyone has his own rules. It is immature and naive to impose one's own rules on others.

So, in the end, Chen Yang put up with what he wanted to say.

"When I catch someone later, maybe I can help!" Chen Yang said suddenly.

Luo Tong was slightly stunned, and then said, "no, I can see that I have a clear love hate relationship. Between you and me, it can be calculated separately. I just want to return the favor, but you don't have to. "

Chen Yang said with a wry smile, "Taoist priest, you see the problem thoroughly!"

Roton laughed.Chen Yang looks around again. He has been quietly looking at the soul chariot. But the main hall of the soul chariot looks very ordinary, and Chen Yang doesn't find a clue. He directly asked Luo Tong: "Taoist priest, when I was shuttling through the void and flying in the universe, I already felt that I had reached the limit of human speed. Why can the soul chariot surpass that limit? Do you understand the principle? "

He said: "the chariot and the thunder boat are the true ones! With such sharp tools in hand, you can get twice the result with half the effort, no matter you are running for your life or chasing! It seems that you are very interested, Xiao you? "

"If you don't understand, you will feel uneasy! Always feel left behind. The younger generation even thinks that this is an important matter of life and death! "

"Sharp eyes!" Luo Tong praised Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "can the Taoist priest solve the doubts for the younger generation?"

"I can't tell the principle of the soul chariot," said roton. These chariots are highly confidential! However, I have a similar weapon. I can share it with you. "

Chen Yang was very grateful and said, "Taoist priest, it's very kind of you to treat me."

"The earth is the mother of the poor, and you are the king of the earth's destiny," said roton

He didn't go on, but Chen Yang understood what he meant. He hopes to give Chen Yang some advice and indirectly benefit the earth.

Luo Tong said: "the weapon of my path is the tiger I rode on. The tiger is an ordinary tiger on the earth. Because when I was practicing in the mountains, my aura leaked out, so that he also got Tao. Later, I found it interesting and gave it a lot of pills. He also taught him many skills, so later, he became a poor mount. After that, I left the earth and took the tiger with me. I know that the tiger has a special understanding of the space in the universe. In its flight, I integrate the mana with it, and its core communicates with the world space to achieve the ability of shrinking the earth into an inch! Its speed is faster than that of the soul chariot. "

"To shrink the ground into an inch is to shuttle through the void, isn't it?" Chen Yang said.

"You need to choose the same molecules to shuttle through the void, and there are many objective reasons why you can't shuttle through the void," said roton. It's another concept to shrink the earth into an inch. Although the God tiger of poor way was formerly the tiger of mortal world, it has a special talent in the understanding of space. For example, to travel through the void is to run fast, but the ground on the road is uneven. When there are no shuttle conditions, you can't shuttle. And shrinking the ground into an inch is to change the road surface, so that the road distance becomes shorter and smooth. If you run away for a short time, you will not be able to fight back and forth in the void. But the distance lengthens, for example pursues opposite party, the time is long, certainly counter surpasses

"How can we shrink to an inch?" Chen Yang suddenly didn't understand. He found that he seemed to be wrong in concept.

"It's hard to really shrink into inches!" "I just want to open a door for you," said roton. Shrinking the land to an inch is equivalent to changing the essence of space Shuttling through the void is running on the road, shrinking into inches is equal to building your own road! To tell you the truth, I don't have this ability. I rely on the tiger to do it. Obviously, the soul chariot can't shrink into an inch. Its principle is very complicated, but Qin Dong certainly won't say it. "

Chen Yang is thoughtful!

"Building roads? Isn't it much faster to run straight than to build roads? " Chen Yang said in secret. "No, the Taoist priest is just a metaphor."

It's hard, it's hard!

Chen Yang couldn't understand it for a moment.

Soul chariot in the fast forward, it is crazy to catch up with the dream dust. Chen Yang can feel that the distance between dream dust and soul chariot is getting closer and closer.

In another three hours, mengqingchen will be completely overtaken.

The terrible speed of the soul chariot made Chen Yang shudder. He felt that he should be glad. Fortunately, the enemy didn't have such a sharp weapon in his hand. Otherwise, he would have died a thousand times.

We should also be glad that Tan Lao and his group don't have such sharp tools. Otherwise, he can't escape to this place.

"I should control such a magic weapon and hide it deeply. Never use it until the most critical moment! " Chen Yang said in secret.

Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan, who are running away, also feel bad at this time, especially Meng Qingchen. She can clearly feel that the speed of chasing people behind is faster and faster!

"What is that? Why has the speed suddenly become so fast? " Dream dust in the rapid flight, can not help muttering.

Di Feiyan also felt this situation. Her eyes sank and she said, "it seems that what I'm worried about has finally happened."

Dream light dust said: "hmm?"

Emperor Feiyan said: "it must be the soul chariot! The soul chariot can compete with my thunder boat! Unfortunately, I have no thunder boat. I knew early in the morning that guiwangzong had turtle, Tianzhou and soul chariot. The soul chariot is still on top of my elder brother's Tiangang chariot. Unexpectedly, the soul chariot is in the hands of Qin Dong, the white dragon. I once fought with Qin Dong, but he didn't show his soul chariot. "Dream light dust said: "what soul chariot, I have never heard of. It seems that win really never regarded me as a real person. "

Di Feiyan said: "even if he is your own man, he doesn't have many chariots to give you!"

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