The discussion between Luo Tong and Qin Dong was an exchange of ideas. After the exchange, they left quickly.

On Chen Yang's side, because Meng Qingchen was injured, he would not pursue him. Moreover, even if the dream light dust is not injured, once the other party wants to go, they can't catch up.

Qin Dong and Luo Tong left quickly.

In the void of the universe, there is still darkness all around.

Just now, it was still turbulent and intense. It's a terrible silence now!

Chen Yang and di Feiyan look at each other.

Chen Yang said: "we have to find a place to hide at once. Mengqingchen's injury is very serious. If they find a master again, only one master can restrain me. Then we'll drink our hatred! "

Di Feiyan understood the stakes, and she said, "OK, look for the black hole again!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Now, Luo Tong knows Chen Yang very well. That is, Chen Yang is a kind of dog skin plaster, and it is difficult to defeat him completely. However, as long as you play a similar master and don't compete with Chen Yang, you can completely contain Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and his party fled quickly and left where they were.

Finally, they found a black hole. Later, Chen Yang let Di Feiyan into the black hole crystal.

A group of people, all into the black hole.

The black hole spar and the black hole kept the same operation, and Chen Yang and others got a stable result.

Then, Chen Yang and di Feiyan come to mengqingchen.

Mengqingchen was pale, lying on the ground, motionless.

Chen Yang and Emperor Feiyan can't help losing color.

Let a peerless master weak so far, the injury is too serious.

Chen Yang and di Fei smoke at the same time, immediately aware of the dream light dust body hot!

She has a fever

Fever is an important feature of human disease.

Chen Yang then explores the pulse of mengqingchen's hand. He immediately feels that mengqingchen's internal organs are constantly oozing blood, and the blood has accumulated in her body. Moreover, her mana is violent, disordered and collides everywhere!

I'm afraid it won't last for an hour.

The injury of dream is extremely serious.

If it wasn't for Meng Qingchen's advanced cultivation, he would have been killed by Luo Tong. It's a miracle that she can live to this day.

Chen Yang's face was heavy.

Emperor Feiyan is helpless.

"I still have some pure yuan pills here!" Di Feiyan said in a hurry.

Chen Yang stopped her and said, "she is now seriously injured in her body and her mana is rampant. Once she inhales the elixir, it will only aggravate her injury."

"What should we do then?" Di Feiyan said.

Chen Yang looks at mengqingchen. Mengqingchen also looks at Chen Yang. There is hatred in her eyes Suddenly, a drop of tears fell.

Dream light dust unexpectedly I cried.

This is the first time Chen Yang has seen her shed tears.

At this moment, Chen Yang had a feeling of heartache.

"Chen Yang, I hate you!" Dream light dust weak, but gnash teeth. "You took everything from me."

Dream light dust said intermittently: "now, you still hurt me to die, and this, I How hateful! I'm not willing to... "

Chen Yang said softly, "don't worry, we must have a way to save you. You will have a chance to come to me for revenge in the future. "

"Ha ha..." Dream light dust smile, her smile, full of desolation and helplessness.

"Chen Yang, do you want to To cajole Can I help you? Is I don't know about my own health? " Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "well, now I'm going to suck away the sword Qi from you, including the breath of the ghost King clan. However, you should stabilize your mind, don't get lost and don't give up. Otherwise, your injury will get worse and you may die immediately. But if I don't suck it out for you, you'll be dead. Do you understand? "

Dream light dust slightly a Zheng.

Her eyes became complicated.

Chen Yang said again: "you insist, believe me, I will find a way to save you."

Dream light dust light looking at Chen Yang, said: "I have another choice?"

"You didn't!" Chen Yang said.

Emperor Feiyan also clenched mengqingchen's hand and said: "Qingchen, hold on. No matter how difficult the situation is, Chen Yang and I will never leave you. "

Dream light dust also looked to Emperor Feiyan.

Dream light dust once had supreme power, once surrounded by countless people.

But she always felt lonely!

But at this moment, she suddenly felt two words, warm.

She felt as if she had gained true friendship.

Chen Yang did not continue to delay, he let Di Feiyan to protect the Dharma. Then, Chen Yang began to run the black hole vortex, and then changed to absorb the dream dust with the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed and great phagocytosis.At the same time, Chen Yang uses magic power to stabilize mengqingchen's body and all parts of his body. So as not to be pulled and twisted!

Dream light dust now completely give up resistance, anyway also have no resistance.

Before, she was not willing to give Chen Yang the initiative of her life, but now it is different.

On the one hand, Chen Yang stabilizes the eight channels of mengqingchen's miraculous scriptures, and on the other hand, he forcibly absorbs the sword light, blood stasis, and the aura of guiwangzong in mengqingchen's body.

Dream light dust pain, she felt the body was torn into a mess. Chen Yang also absorbed countless violent mana in her body, and finally all turned into pure energy and was absorbed by Chen Yang.

Dream light dust pain to the extreme, later, she did not feel the pain, just feel very sleepy, want to sleep. She was so old that she never thought sleeping was such a wonderful thing. She wants to go to sleep, and she doesn't have to worry about the outside world, so she always goes to sleep.

In a daze, mengqingchen heard a voice calling. She seems to be walking on the road of the nether world. Her life is full of fog. She doesn't know where she is going all the way. She just knows that she has nothing to go back to

At this time, there is a voice calling: "dream light dust, wake up! Dream light dust, wake up

Sometimes it's a man's voice, sometimes it's a woman's voice.

Dream light dust began to think, who is calling me? Who am I? Why am I here?

She didn't want to think, just wanted to go on like this, but she couldn't help thinking

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Chen Yang and di Feiyan's concerned eyes came into view.

Dream light dust some don't recognize these two people, her eyes have no focal length.

"She doesn't seem to be right?" Emperor Feiyan asked Chen Yang.

At this time, it was three days after mengqingchen's coma.

Chen Yang successfully absorbed the magic power, breath and sword light of mengqingchen. But she was injured too much, and when Chen Yang absorbed it, it also hurt her eight channels. So mengqingchen has been in a coma.

In the past three days, Chen Yang and di Feiyan have been calling mengqingchen with daomen mantra.

Chen Yang learned that Dharma from the memory of monk Linghui.

Every call can shake the blood of mengqingchen and help her recover. At the same time, di Feiyan also took out some healing medicine to Meng Qingchen.

At this time, mengqingchen finally woke up.

Chen Yang also stares at Meng Qingchen tightly. He says to di Feiyan, "it should be OK. She has been in a coma for a long time, and her mind hasn't recovered."

Di Feiyan was slightly relieved.

Mengqingchen's thoughts really began to clear up, and she soon remembered everything. "I'm still alive?"

Chen Yang and di Feiyan look at each other and smile. Di Feiyan said to Meng Qingchen, "of course you are still alive."

Chen Yang said: "it's hard to trace the people of the ghost King clan. I've been sucked away by you. "

Mengqingchen nodded and she began to feel herself.

Soon, Meng Qingchen's face changed greatly. "Why, I don't feel any mana? Ah My head. It hurts. No What's going on? Why is that? "

Mengqingchen panicked: "no, impossible! Without mana, I'd rather die. What have you done to me? " She shrieked at last.

"Dream light dust, don't worry!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "will you listen to my explanation?"

"Well, you say!" Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said: "at that time, your body mana was violent. I had to absorb it for you. Otherwise, you will be killed by your own mana. You should know that yourself. "

Dream light dust of course understand, but she still can't accept.

Chen Yang continued: "your brain is seriously damaged. The mana magnetic field has lost its ability to work."

Mengqingchen's mana source comes from her brain, but now, as long as she tries to run her mana, she will have a headache.

"Is there any way you can cure me?" Dream light dust asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "of course I can't help it."

He said: "but don't worry. I'll go to ask director Luo. He's the one who caused your injury. Maybe he has a way

"Even if he had a way, he would not tell you! Don't forget, we and he are enemies Dream light dust said.

"I know that." Chen Yang said, "well, don't worry. I know what mana means to you. I'll do everything I can to cure you. Now, I'll take you out of this black hole and find a safe place to settle down. Now you are not in danger of your life. I will go to find a way to save you

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he drove the black hole crystal away from the black hole.

Dream light dust heart complex, she knows she should thank Chen Yang. But to tell you the truth, she is now in such a state that she is disgusted with the world. So there's nothing good to say.Chen Yang takes two girls to a death star, and then let emperor Feiyan settle down in mengqingchen.

Emperor Feiyan's magic power is his dream. Light dust creates a paradise like existence on the sea floor, and his breathing is also free. And keep the air fresh!

After that, Chen Yang left.

Although Chen Yang still has the skill of double cultivation, it's hard for him and Meng Qingchen to do so. Don't say mengqingchen doesn't want to, neither does he!

Besides, mengqingchen has no magic power, so it can't practice both.

Double cultivation is the combination of two powers!

Therefore, there is no such basis.

Chen Yang himself has no way, so he wants to go to find director Luo. He always felt that Taoist priest Luo Tong would help him

Chen Yang flies to the Dragon Star.

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