"There is a way to save," said roton! But it's not in the poor way. It's hard for you to do it. It also depends on chance However, I won't tell you. At present, dream light dust, Emperor Feiyan, including Xiaoyou, you can be regarded as my opponent. I can't help but think of a way to teach you to recover the magic power of dream dust. "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "well, if the Taoist priest doesn't say it, I can't force people to deal with it. Thank you for your honesty, Taoist priest. I'll leave you. "

He could not help saying, "why do you have to mix in the muddy water, little friend? Go back to your earth, can't you? "

Chen Yang said: "there is a saying in Taoism, which is called the place of Tao. Although there are thousands of people, I will go! Taoist priest, you keep your principles, and the younger generation has their bottom line. If you leave your friends behind, you will never be able to do it. Just like one day, if you are in trouble, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, the younger generation will come without hesitation! "

He paused and said, "well, I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" With a wry smile, he said, "you son, I really can't help you. Anyway, it's all about winning. I want to tell you that his friendship is true, and the deep friendship with you is also friendship. I'll tell you how to save you! "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "thank you so much, Taoist!"

"It takes about a month to travel all the way southwest, through wormholes, through space," said roton. If you are lucky, you can find a planet, which is called demon star. The origin of the earth's demons is derived from this demonic planet. In the demon star, one day the demon king, the demon king's heavenly magic can cure the dream dust. "

"Great!" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

"What a fool, boy." Luo Tong said: "I don't want to tell you all the time. First, I don't want the dream dust to recover. More importantly, I don't want you to die for nothing! Heaven devil is the source of heart devil, how terrible. I dare not go. If you go, I'm afraid you'll die. The demons are endless and terrifying. "

Chen Yang said: "I once saw an elder perform the heavenly magic skill, which is really extraordinary. But I'll try my best. "

Luo Tong said: "where is the Tao? Although there are thousands of people, I will go! Although you are not a Taoist, you have Taoist spirit! I really don't know what to say. "

"Goodbye, young man!" Chen Yang said.

With a faint smile, he said, "silly boy, we can't trace you now. Aren't you afraid that I lied to you in order to deceive you and catch you all? "

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "we are all spontaneous in making friends. There are not many people who can make us trust and confide in each other. Just now, Taoist priest, you are one. If you really set a trap, I will admit it, and I have no regrets! "

"Go, go, be careful here!" Said roton, waving his hand.

Chen Yang leaves again. Just as he is about to leave, Luo Tong suddenly takes out a gourd and throws it to Chen Yang. It's the gourd Chen Yang gave to Luo Tong.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, but he still took the gourd.

Luo Tong said with a smile: "in fact, what I sent out is reasonable to take back! Now that the misunderstanding has been solved, you should be careful. "

Chen Yang bowed deeply to express his thanks. Then, he left the ghost King clan with the help of alopecia areata.

After leaving guiwangzong, Chen Yang went to meet them with emperor Feiyan. This matter, Chen Yang must also bring dream light dust, he some understand, why need the devil king to cure dream light dust.

Because the heaven devil is the place of the heart devil, it is an existence that is good at controlling the brain domain.

The wound of mengqingchen is in the brain. For such a delicate thing, we can only hope that the demon king will help us. But will the devil cure the dream dust? This is really an unknown number!

But it's up to people Chen Yang will not give up easily!

Chen Yang soon returned to the death star, and came to the mysterious space created by Emperor Feiyan in the sea.

Dream light dust is very weak, has been lying on the couch.

Emperor Feiyan is guarding the dream light dust.

Seeing Chen Yang's return, both of them were inspired.

Especially dream light dust, her eyes are full of expectations, that kind of expectations also with hot and infinite hope. We can imagine how disappointed Chen Yang would be if she didn't bring back the rescue method.

Chen Yang knows too well what the power and mana mean to mengqingchen.

Mengqingchen is a daughter, but she has never bowed her head in her life. She has always been strong and proud, relying on her own powerful magic power.

Chen Yang must admit that even now he can't accept the blow of losing mana.

Ask, a person, life immersion, after a lot of hard work down the river. Who can accept suddenly nothing?

Emperor Feiyan also eagerly looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I met Taoist priest Luo Tong and found a way to cure mengqingchen."

"Really?" The emperor was very happy.

Dream light dust is also happy, but she immediately doubt: "really?"Chen Yang said: "of course, it's true. Taoist priest Luo Tong told me that to cure you, you need to go to the demon star. The demon king on the demon star can cure you! "

"The devil star?" Di Feiyan said, "I've never heard of it."

Mengqingchen obviously has never heard of it.

She said, "I know about the demons, but I don't know that there are still demons in the world."

Chen Yang said: "the heaven devil is the place of the heart devil. He is the best at attacking the brain. Since he is good at attacking, he should also be good at treating brain regions. Now that the Taoist priest has pointed out this road, we have reason to believe that it can go through. "

"Chen Yang, you'd better not lie to me." Meng Qingchen said: "I know that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This disappointment and despair... "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I can swear to God that I never lied to you this time. But will the devil save you? In other words, whether he is absolutely sure or not is uncertain. "

"Why, no smoke has ever heard of the star?" Dream light dust asked.

Chen Yang said: "the sky demon star is no closer to the earth than it is to here. It takes us a month to fly at full speed and shuttle through the wormhole. She didn't hear about it. That's normal! "

He paused and said, "time is precious. Let's start at once."

Although, for Chen Yang, his time is really precious, and everything on earth is a thousand things. But for now, Chen Yang has no choice.

Although before, he wanted to kill dream light dust and then fast!

But now that I'm a teammate. Chen Yang will not abandon his teammates!

Even after mengqingchen's mana is restored, he may come to kill Chen Yang. But now, Chen Yang must save mengqingchen.

Chen Yang set out soon.

He drove the black hole crystal fast.

He and difiyan can take turns driving the black hole spar, but they won't be too tired.

Along the way, we are moving away from Baron step by step.

Time passed quickly, and after 28 days, Chen Yang and di Feiyan found Tianmo planet.

They don't need a specific location, because the mind can sweep through the void, find it all the way, and know the information according to the debris in the universe.

Ahead, the demon planet is in sight.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry to enter the demon planet.

It's a place where no stars shine. It's freezing cold all around, and it's absolutely dark, without any light.

Chen Yang saw the magic planet that day.

The outer part of the demon planet is black, dense black, absolutely black.

It's like a planet wrapped in demons.

Chen Yang said to Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen, "mengqingchen, you can see that the sky demon star really exists. Now, I'm going to go in and find out. Non smoke, you keep the dream light dust. If I'm sure it's safe, I'll come back and let you know. "

Emperor Fei Yan said: "it's hard to see the real and the virtual inside. Let's go in together and have a look after it, right?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "if you go in, mengqingchen can't stay here alone. Even if she can stay outside, she has no self-protection ability, but is more dangerous. Don't forget, I'm immortal. I can't die. Even if I can't, I still have a chance when you're outside, don't I? If it's really a one pot deal, it's just that every day shouldn't be, and the land doesn't work. "

When Emperor Feiyan thought about it carefully, he thought Chen Yang had a point. She said, "why don't I go in? After all, my accomplishments are above you. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "but you don't have an immortal body."

He added, "besides, I'm a man. There are men hiding behind me. But let the woman go up to fight

He then said, "it's settled."

Chen Yang is about to leave. Mengqingchen opens his mouth.

Dream light dust's complexion has been bad, pale, like a sick beauty, quite distressing.

There is a big contrast between this and before.

Before the dream of light dust, proud of the world. Who can compare its valiant and heroic appearance with the breath of the queen? How many men in the world dare to face her eyes?

But now, she is reduced to such a field.

Dream light dust is about to speak, but can't help coughing up. Her face reddened with this cough. She looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, I'm dead. Isn't it better for you? Why take such a big risk? Have you forgotten how much you longed for me to die on Danube

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Later, he said, "I didn't give up every plant of the elves on Danube. I went to move rescue soldiers. I did so much to protect them. But unfortunately, I failed in the end. "

"Then you have no reason to save me. Because I raised and cut the butcher's knife. " Dream light dust said.

"I tried my best! I will try my best today. We don't care about hatred, but today, we are team-mates and one Chen Yang said.Later, Chen Yang said no more. With the black hole crystal stone, the body flashed and flew towards the demon planet.

Emperor Feiyan loaded the dream dust with her own magic weapon, so she stayed outside and waited patiently for Chen Yang.

Perhaps, at this moment, mengqingchen realizes that it's a headache to be an enemy with Chen Yang. But being friends with Chen Yang is extremely safe and warm.

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