In this demon planet, the demons everywhere are the heaven of the demon king Shiyuan! Here, not to mention the five fold realm of creation, Emperor Feiyan is not the opponent of Shiyuan. Even if you come to Liuchong, Qichong, or even how many Qichong masters, you may not be able to save the corpse.

Because, the whole planet has endless demons. Corpse yuan can easily dissolve the attack and kill power of the opponent!

Chen Yang, however, is a master of creation!

According to the truth, it's easier for Shiyuan to kill Chen Yang than to crush the ants.

But now the situation is that Shi Yuan has nothing to do with Chen Yang.

No one can compete with Shiyuan in this demon world, but Chen Yang

This is the way of mutual restraint in the universe.

Without the demon world, Emperor Feiyan can also defeat Shiyuan.

But in the demon world, Shiyuan is invincible. But Chen Yang doesn't matter in the demon world. Anyway, he can absorb it infinitely.

Corpse yuan's face is very strange at this time.

Chen Yang is said: "nonsense what, do it."

Shi Yuan's eyes flashed a sharp light, and then he took his hand. He quickly made a seal with his hands, and the magic power of Inner Alchemy rolled in his chest and abdomen.

The world around us is turbulent!

All this happened in the black palace.

Outside the black palace, the demons are raging and crazy.

Chen Yang returns space!

Shiyuan is still in the maze, but at this time, the outside demons begin to gnaw at the space of the maze. Chen Yang simply withdrew from the maze space. The external demons are all controlled by the corpse yuan, which is inexhaustible and consumes Chen Yang's mana. Chen Yang can't consume mana like this now.

After receiving the space of the maze barrier, the outer demons immediately killed him under the control of the corpse yuan.

The black palace was engulfed by the demons in an instant. Under the control of Shiyuan's mana, these demons became extremely fierce and attacked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool unfolds and keeps absorbing.

Absorb to a certain extent, and then cut out with one sword.

"Shiyuan, I know your demons are endless, but I use your mana and power anyway. Let's see who runs out of mana first! The demons are endless, and so are your powers? " Chen Yang said with a laugh.

"I'll kill you when I have consumed you almost." Chen Yang said.

Shiyuan's face was ugly.

He is really helpless with Chen Yang.

It's the magic power that drives him.

"You are cruel!" Corpse yuan finally recognized the situation, he suddenly took away all the demons.

In front of Chen Yang's eyes, Qingming was restored. The black palace no longer exists. Chen Yang and Shi Yuan are standing on the top of the mountain.

Corpse Yuan says: "this king is to take you to have no way, but you can kill this king again?"? Hum He paused and said, "but your two companions, one seriously injured and the other under my control. You think you can win? "

Chen Yang frowned.

Now Chen Yang's situation is that he can't fight Xiaoqiang. No matter how strong the enemy is, he is helpless when he meets his xuanhuang Shengu seed.

Unless the realm is much higher than Chen Yang, you can suppress his xuanhuang divine Valley seeds.

Otherwise, they are helpless.

Although there is no problem with Chen Yang's self-protection, it is no different from a fool's dream to kill Shi Yuan.

Chen Yang also looks at Shi Yuan.

Shiyuan also looks at Chen Yang.

For a moment, the two were staring at each other.

"It's you who don't keep the promise first!" Chen Yang said coldly.

"So what?" Corpse yuan anyway has already broken pot broken to fall, say.

Chen Yang said: "on our planet, the law of the jungle prevails. If you could kill me, I would die now. If I can kill you, you should die, too. But now that you can't kill me, I can't kill you. According to the practice of our planet, that is peace talks. "

"Peace talks?" Corpse yuan is tiny a Zheng.

Chen Yang said, "yes, peace talks!"

Corpse yuan sneers, say: "how do you want to make peace?"

Chen Yang said: "let's turn the war into friendship. You remove the demonic mark from the dream dust brain, and we leave. Since then, we will not return to the demon planet. It will be regarded as never happened. "

"Never happened?" Shi Yuan snorted coldly and said, "are you kidding me? You killed all the 18 Dharma protectors that my king had painstakingly cultivated. You can say it didn't happen? "

"But you are to blame first. It's you who turn back! " Chen Yang said.

When Shi Yuan understood Chen Yang's language, he also understood many cultures of the earth. Therefore, there is no obstacle for two people to communicate and say some idioms or allusions.

Corpse yuan immediately said: "but you have to make it clear, now, you have nothing to threaten the king. But you ask for it from me He then said, "there is also the first generation of the heavenly devil grandmaster King behind me. You should be glad that he has been around the universe for too long. If he's around here, just move your finger, you'll be dead. "Chen Yang said: "you should also be glad that I didn't invite my grandmaster to come. My grandmaster is the emperor of the universe! When the great emperor of the universe, the empress of fengxiao God, and the Reverend Baohua were at ease in the universe, your ancestors didn't know what they were still doing. "

Chen Yang's brain turned quickly, and he immediately pulled out the emperor of the universe.

He knew that the first demon king was terrible. But isn't it also not here? Have disappeared for hundreds of years, may not just suddenly appear?

If it's such bad luck, there's nothing to say.

But it's better than the bottom line. The details of the earth can't be compared with that of this small demon planet.

"My grandmaster may come at any time!" The corpse Yuan says. "Can you come?"

Chen Yang said: "that's not true. Like your ancestors, we are traveling around the universe. It may be around here! "

"There are countless creatures on your earth. Will the universe take care of you? But my king is different. My king is a descendant of the heavenly devil

Chen Yang said: "we on earth are all descendants of the great emperor of the universe. Moreover, I am also the king of destiny on earth, with a unique destiny. He is the successor selected by the great emperor of the universe. Otherwise, why do you think I can stand here and have such a strange skill? I'm invincible on earth, but I'm a little worse on other planets. Do you dare to fight outside the demon planet with me? "

"You..." The corpse yuan suddenly stops talking.

Chen Yang said, "what am I? You have nothing to say?"

Shi Yuan said: "I don't want to listen to your sophistry. At present, if you want to remove the mark of the demons, you must pay the price. "

"What else do you want?" Chen Yang asked.

Corpse Yuan says: "give your that black hole crystal out."

"Go away!" Chen Yang said, "I've given it to you once before. What did you do to me? It's impossible now. "

"Then there's no talk!" Corpse Yuan says immediately.

Chen Yang snorted coldly and said, "do you really think you've got me?"

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