Dream light dust to Emperor non smoke sneer, said: "can't, from you?" She then looked at Chen Yang and said, "choose for yourself. Is it me that matters or is it emperor Feiyan that matters?"

Chen Yang looked at Meng Qingchen incredulously and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a person. If I had known that, I shouldn't have taken such a huge risk with Feiyan to save you. "

Dream light dust said: "if you don't say it's OK, I'll get angry as soon as I say it. How did I get hurt? Not for you. Besides, did you save me? Before, I just didn't have magic power. Now I'm pinched in the hands of Shiyuan. "

"But we did our best." Di Feiyan said on one side.

"Shut up, fox!" The dream light dust immediately rushes to Emperor Fei Yan to shriek.

"I..." Di Feiyan was speechless.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, said: "dream light dust, you said to give the non smoke to the corpse yuan, it is impossible."

"So you're going to watch me die?" Dream light dust cold voice said. There was a chill in her eyes

Chen Yang said, "I'm thinking about something."

"What can I do? 100 billion star Dan is impossible. What's more, do you still want your black hole crystal? Now, there is a way to have the best of both worlds. Why not choose it? There are many women in the world. It's a big deal. I'll help you find them in the future. "

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then suddenly sneered and said, "your words remind me that there are many women. In that case, I might as well leave with Feiyan. Why do you care? I was blind when you were such a vicious woman. I hate that I can see your face now. "

Dream light dust Jiao body a shock, the face is very white. "How can you say that to me?"

Chen Yang said, "what about you? I think you are just as shameless and vicious as Shiyuan. Go to him. He won't embarrass you. "

"Chen Yang, you..." Dream light dust gas trembles all over: "you don't forget, we are from the oath, life never leave to form a couple.". Are you... "

Chen Yang said, "don't we have been divorced?"

The tears of mengqingchen suddenly fluttered down and said, "are you really so cruel?"

Chen Yang said, "it's your cruel heart."

Dream light dust pain closed his eyes.

Chen Yang then took Di Feiyan's little hand. He said softly to di Feiyan, "don't worry, no matter what, I won't let her harm you."

Di Feiyan immediately nodded pitifully.

Dream light dust in the side of the lung to see all gas explosion

The scene fell into silence.

After a long time, mengqingchen suddenly coughed violently.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"I don't care!" Dream light dust angry way. Her eyes were red, and she said, "now that you have a new love, don't you want me to die?"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "why do you..."

At this time, dream light dust suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person fainted.

Chen Yang and di Feiyan were shocked.

"Light dust?" Chen Yang walked quickly to explore the situation of light dust in his dream.

As soon as he catches Meng Qingchen's wrist, Meng Qingchen's eyes suddenly open. Then her hair grows longer and blocks Chen Yang's way back. At the same time, she hit Chen Yang on the chest and abdomen.

Chen Yang was unprepared and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned white in an instant

Chen Yang was shocked and said, "you..."

Mengqingchen jumped up with a sneer and said, "I will never let you go, you dog men and women. Chen Yang, you are merciless first, but don't blame me for being unjust. "

"What on earth do you want to do?" Chen Yang was shocked and angry.

Di Feiyan's face also changed greatly, but she didn't come forward, but quietly retreated.

Meng Qingchen laughed and said, "Chen Yang, do you see it? Di Feiyan didn't want to save you. Her first thought was to run away. "

"She's still injured. Will you kill her?" Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust suddenly a slap in the face of Chen Yang: "fool, was sold do not know, up to now, still speak for the fox."

Emperor Fei said in a heavy voice: "dream light dust, you are too much. In order to save you I'm still seriously injured! "

"If you don't do it for yourself, heaven will destroy the earth! You don't care about my life now. Don't I come out with some means to survive? " Dream light dust sneer.

"What do you want to do?" Emperor Feiyan asked mengqingchen.

"Very simple, that is to give you to Shiyuan." Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang gasped. Hearing this, he immediately opened his eyes and said, "you stupid woman, now Feiyan and I are seriously injured. You still have the mark of demons in your head. If the corpse yuan comes out at this time, we will all die. "

At this time, in the demon planet, Shiyuan has been observing the situation here. He wanted to come out, but he always felt something was wrong. As soon as Chen Yang said this, he was more sure of his idea."You are acting!" The corpse yuan immediately talks in the brain domain of dream light dust. "Mengqingchen, do you think you can cheat me out in this way?"

Dream light dust slightly a Zheng.

Later, Meng Qingchen said to Shi Yuan, "Shi Yuan, whatever you think. I'll give you di Feiyan. How about you remove the mark of heaven and evil for me? "

"Good!" The corpse Yuan says.

Dream light dust immediately will look at the emperor non smoke: "I have discussed with the corpse yuan, you enter the sky demon star, my sky demon mark will be removed."

Di Feiyan's face turned pale and he shook his head and said, "no, you can't do that."

Chen Yang said with difficulty: "mengqingchen, Shiyuan is a man who has no faith in his words. He is afraid to come out now for fear that we will cheat. But if you do send the injured non cigarette in and you are in her control, then he catches the non cigarette. Then I dare to come to you directly, no matter whether I'm really injured or not. He's not afraid, you know? He'll even threaten you to kill me with him. "

Dream light dust stay again.

Corpse Yuan says with dream light dust immediately: "this, you need not worry completely."

Mengqingchen sneered and said, "don't you worry? How can I not worry? Are you a man of your word? "

Corpse Yuan says: "what do you want then?"

Dream light dust said: "you now remove my mark of the devil."

"Are you stupid? I'm going to release your mark. Will you send people in? " The corpse Yuan says.

Dream light dust said: "compared to your credibility, I am at least better."

"In order to survive, you betray your friends and hurt your husband. Your heart is no better than mine. " The corpse Yuan says. After a pause, he said, "you and I are the same kind of people. Now, I really dare not let you be my woman. If so, I don't know that you sold me that day. Just like Chen Yang in front of us... "

Dream light dust said: "if you want to say so, then we can't talk about it, right?"

The corpse Yuan says: "your life, can be in this king's a read between."

Dream light dust, impatient, said: "you..."

"Well, you will send in di Feiyan and Chen Yang. I will remove the mark of the devil for you Shi Yuan said, "I will do what I say."

Dream light dust said: "you don't want to!"

Corpse Yuan says: "perhaps, you are in front of this king's face, first will Chen Yang to thoroughly kill." Meng Qingchen sneered and said, "of course, killing is OK. Do I still have feelings for him? But you have to remove my mark first

"No way!" The corpse Yuan says.

Dream light dust said: "it seems that you really do not have any sincerity."

Corpse Yuan said: "whatever you say, anyway, I have nothing to ask you. If not, we don't need to negotiate terms. "

Dream light dust Eye Bead son suddenly a turn, say: "I suddenly thought of a compromise method."

Her communication with Shiyuan was based on her mind. So Chen Yang and di Feiyan don't know what they are discussing.

Corpse Yuan says: "you say!"

Meng Qingchen said, "I will send Chen Yang to your demon planet first, but you are not allowed to kill him. Because his life is mine. You planted the mark of demons in his brain. After Chen Yang comes out, I'll give you di Fei Yan. But if you turn around after catching Chen Yang, I will kill Di Feiyan first. I now have mana recovery, and I can explode the protoss at the same time. Then you will get nothing. "

"That is to say, when you are sure that Chen Yang is injured and planted his mark. You should remove my mark at the first time, otherwise, I will explode the spirit immediately I'll let you get nothing. " Dream light dust then said.

Corpse yuan thought, suddenly a smile, said: "you this method is very good, very good, that's settled."

Dream light dust nods.

Later, Meng Qingchen talked about it with emperor Feiyan and Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and di Feiyan were shocked.

Chen Yang couldn't help being annoyed and said, "you really don't want to read any old love?"

"It's heartless. What else do you want to read?" Dream light dust said.

"We are the couples who have made vows." Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "don't you say that we have already divorced?"

Chen Yang is waiting to talk about it. Meng Qingchen says, "don't talk nonsense." She then directly brought Chen Yang up and brought him into jiexumi.

Then, Meng Qingchen gives his hand to Emperor Feiyan. Emperor Feiyan pretends to be injured and loses several times. She grabs him and throws him into jiexumi.

After that, mengqingchen flies to the demon planet quickly.

Because of the existence of the demonic mark in mengqingchen's brain, mengqingchen, Chen Yang and di Feiyan have never exchanged their true thoughts in private from the beginning to the end.

Now, what we are fighting for is tacit understanding and wisdom.Chen Yang is ejected directly into the demon planet by mengqingchen outside the demon planet.

That corpse yuan has been observing, a direct big hand grasp, will seize Chen Yang, and then took to the original place where the black palace exists.

The black palace has been destroyed. It will take time to rebuild.

On the ruins, the corpse yuan became the throne again.

Chen Yang kneels in front of Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan has checked Chen Yang's injury It's really a serious injury! The displacement of the five zang organs and six Fu organs, bleeding is not fake.

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