When Chen Yang absorbed the ghost King's breath to mengqingchen, he once aggravated mengqingchen's injury. That's because mengqingchen himself was seriously injured, so he would be hurt more. Now, the emperor is intact. Therefore, Chen Yang this not to Emperor non smoke absorption breath, Emperor non smoke and no damage.

Chen Yang's absorption is a difficult thing in itself. Because it is very difficult to achieve complete trust between Taoists in the field of cultivation. But emperor Feiyan and Chen Yang had spiritual cultivation and experienced many disasters. There is absolute trust in each other. Therefore, this absorption is very smooth.

All the way back to Baron!

When Di Feiyan was flying, Chen Yang had a conversation with Meng Qingchen.

"It's just the old grudges." At a certain moment, in the corner of the black hole crystal, dream light dust called Chen Yang. She was sitting cross knee, with a purple shawl and a light blue dress. She was calm, calm and beautiful.

Compared with the past, she seems to be less angular and sharp, become calm and atmosphere a lot.

Hatred can make people work hard and make people feel like a small volcano about to erupt all the time And release can let people see a broader world.

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard this.

"That's all?" He almost thought he had heard wrong.

Dream light dust light smile, said: "I can let go, you can?"

Chen Yang knows the meaning of dream dust. On Danube, dream dust once hurt the elves deeply. Including the spirit king Arthur ratty, and the Oriental God, almost all died in the hands of mengqingchen.

"The dead are gone!" Chen Yang said: "you can let go, I have nothing to let go. At the beginning of the fight, this is not to give in. But we can't just be friends without any problems. "

Dream light dust said: "friend? You don't have to. There's no need for that! "

Chen Yang said, "good. I think the same as you."

Mengqingchen said, "I don't think you'll stay on the planet for a long time."

"When the situation is stable, I will leave," Chen said

Dream light dust said: "so, before you leave, we are still companions."

"Of course," Chen Yang said

Meng Qingchen nodded and said, "well, I have nothing to say."

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "do you want to go back to Danube?"

"I won't go back." Dream light dust said.

She said yes.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and said, "that's your home. As long as you promise me, I won't make trouble after I go back. I can explain to master Ling that you are allowed to go back. "

"I really want to go back, and I don't care who decides." Dream light dust sneered. Although she was relieved, her inherent pride will never be lost.

Chen Yang also felt that his words were not pleasant, so he said, "I'm sorry."

Dream light dust slightly a Zheng, she looked at Chen Yang one more eye, but did not expect that he would directly say sorry.

In the past, as an enemy, in the eyes of mengqingchen, Chen Yang was extremely cunning. She hated Chen Yang so much that she felt that he was the representative of honey with honey in his mouth.

But after really understanding, she began to think that Chen Yang was actually a very close person. His mind is actually very soft.

"Nothing!" Dream light dust said: "where there is a family, it is home. My family, long dead in the struggle for imperial power. I don't have much affection for the purple star clan and the Danube star in the morning. I want to rely on them to improve my own strength. Maybe, many years later, there will be homesickness. Maybe, I'll go back and have a look. If, of course, I'm still alive. "

Chen Yang doesn't know much about mengqingchen, and he suddenly feels that mengqingchen also has a lot of sadness. Perhaps it was at this time that Chen Yangcai felt that mengqingchen was not the ruthless superior, but an ordinary man with flesh and blood.

Everyone has their own story.

Everyone has their own joy and helplessness.

The universe is still following the track, everyone's sadness and helplessness, achievements and greatness, in the end, will become worthless in the universe.

Then, the living itself is the most important to oneself.

Therefore, to live should never be to live for others.

To live is to live for one's own meaningful life.

First of all, you should learn to enjoy the process of life and please yourself, so as to have the next step.

In this way, the next step will be meaningful.

Because the life you live is eternal to you. And the rest, it's just history.

A month later, Chen Yang and his party finally returned to the Dragon planet.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, hundreds of millions of stars They came back after all.

There is no way for guiwangzong to interfere.

Chen Yang wants to see Luo Tongdao very much, but after thinking about it, he still thinks that he will have a chance to talk about it later. If you go and get caught, you'll be in big trouble. Before taking risks, it is necessary to take risks. In this case, there is no need to take unnecessary risks.The eastern hemisphere of Baron is now bathed in the light of stars.

The eastern hemisphere is a sphere of influence on the side of the shrine of descent.

The descending temple and the king of ghosts are the two biggest forces of cultivation on the Dragon Star. They rule by the sea!

The vast ocean is a natural chasm that ordinary people can't cross in their lifetime!

But in the eyes of the monks, the sea is nothing at all.

Chen Yang, dream of light dust, di Feiyan smoothly entered the Dragon planet.

They are directly within the scope of the temple of descent.

The layout of the Dharma array in the hall of the descending God did not cover the eastern hemisphere, but only covered the area around the hall of the descending God for 300 Li!

After all, it takes too much power to cover the eastern hemisphere.

The elixir and aura of the whole Ba long planet are limited. There is no need for us to consume them.

The hall of descent is located on Donglan mountain.

The sun is shining, and Donglan mountain is in the middle and the highest position of 100000 mountains.

100000 mountains, lush and lush, from a distance, just like the green sea in general. Beautiful and magnificent scenery, fresh air, refreshing!

Chen Yang three soon entered the Donglan holy mountain, the boundary of the Donglan holy mountain will not prevent Di Feiyan from entering. The emperor is not smoke big hand a wave, then tear that knot boundary a son. Then, the three entered the border smoothly.

Donglan holy mountain, the scenery is even more spectacular.

On top of the mountain, the palace of the shrine covers the mountain for hundreds of miles, just like a large city. When the palace of the temple of God was built, it was the beginning of every mountain. You can also use mana to forge the hard parts.

There are tens of thousands of palaces, big palaces and small palaces in the hall of God.

Every palace is beautifully built.

It can be said that the living conditions are very good.

The main hall of the temple of descent is magnificent and magnificent, surrounded by a sea of flowers and brocade clusters. There is a huge square in the middle, which is like a fairyland.

There is an avenue leading to the main hall, which is paved with golden silk carpet!

The main hall is the place where the main emperor of the hall lives. Emperor Feiyan and Emperor huaixiu also live in one of the other courtyards in the main hall.

In ordinary times, the main hall is empty.

If there is something important, everyone must walk slowly into the main hall from the Golden Avenue.

The Golden Avenue is paved with golden silk carpet.

Di Feiyan leads Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen to the square, which is also deserted. Emperor Feiyan takes Chen Yang and mengqingchen to the golden road.

When Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen came, they already knew enough about the shrine.

The power and resources of the hall of tranquility are unfathomable.

There are millions of disciples in the hall of descent, and the king of ghosts is no less than that. Baron is mainly a monastic planet. It's just that it originated 6000 years ago So the average level of cultivation is higher than that of the earth. But there is still a big gap in the top level.

The earth's monasticism originated tens of millions of years ago. The lingzuns in those years were already masters of Taoism!

Later, the emperor of the universe invaded, not to mention.

The earth has been absorbed, tempered and so on by the monks, and has been developed to this day. The reason why the average level is not good is also based on the control of the great universe over the monks. I don't want the earth's resources to be consumed endlessly.

There are millions of disciples coming to the temple, and they are also divided into three, six and nine grades!

One star disciple, can't be on Donglan mountain. It's outside Donglan mountain. If you have mana in your brain, you can enter Donglan mountain.

On Donglan mountain, there are thirty thousand disciples!

Most of the millions of disciples who came to the temple studied in the secular world. Wait until you are successful, then enter Donglan mountain.

The reason why the temple of descent did so was with deep thoughts. Let talents not flow out!

Disciples, when you reach the nine stars, you can have a big palace.

Eight star disciple is a small palace!

Seven Star disciples are still four in one palace.

Tianweijing disciple is the nine star disciple.

The man who created the realm of things, that is, the realm of God and king, is no longer a disciple, but a master.

Just like Chen Yang, as long as you enter the descending temple, it is the existence of the master level, with great privileges. Killing that disciple is as simple as killing a dog.

And, you don't need any reason!

There are more than 30 masters at the master level in the hall of tranquility.

No matter how many disciples there are in the hall of God or the king of ghosts, they are empty. Only having more teachers is the root of the school's growth.

The purpose of recruiting so many disciples is to cultivate more teachers.

Even if it consumes the manpower and material resources of the whole planet, there are only more than 30 masters in the temple.

Of course, it's not sure that there are hidden masters on the planet.Di Feiyan entered the main hall of the descending temple. In the main hall, the old guard appeared immediately. The old man was called cangnu. Cangnu was a close old slave of emperor Shengtian. He was always in charge of the chores of the main hall and maintained the order of the main hall.

Cang Nu was dressed in black, his back was bent, and his old state was revealed.

He also has ten nine star disciples as servants.

Nine star disciples feel that it is a great honor to be a servant for cangnu.

When the three of them stepped into the main hall, the empty door appeared in front of the empty hall

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