If the female disciples inherit the essence of the master, they will benefit a lot. It's not to mention that if the master gives some advice, some magic tools or skills, it's even more icing on the cake.

Therefore, teachers will never lack women.

In front of him, Chen Yang watched these beautiful female disciples kneel down to ask for instruction, but he was a little tired. Before facing the request of those two-star disciples, he was willing to do it. But now these women deliberately come, he is not happy.

However, the so-called hand does not smile. In particular, the other side are still women, Chen Yang has always been pitying. So at this moment, they are not willing to turn their faces on the spot and not give them steps.

So Chen Yang said with a smile, "I have nothing to teach you. The way to practice is to be pragmatic. Don't always think about shortcuts. If you take too many shortcuts, you will be full of demons and ruin your future. Well, I'm still very busy today. I have some pure yuan pills here. You can use them. "

After he finished, he took out ten million yuan of pure pills again and directly divided them.

Those female disciples were slightly shocked, and they obviously scoffed at Chen Yang's teaching. They listen too much to the great principles. But ten million pure yuan Dan is very gratifying, so the leading star took the pill. Stars and other women were very happy and grateful, then they got up and left

At this time, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a girl disciple standing outside the courtyard. The girl in white clothes, standing quietly in place, she seems to be waiting.

Sure enough, this group of female disciples soon came to the girl. The girl had a light smile on her face, and then she was ready to leave with those female disciples.

Chen Yang was slightly shocked.

Because some of the girl's silhouettes are very similar to Ling'er. To be exact, some of them are like gentle spirits.

It's not a simple outline. More importantly, the temperament is very similar.

When Chen Yang saw the girl, it flashed in his mind that ling'er was waiting for him under the banyan tree when he was in nandali, a parallel world.

Chen Yang's heart moved and immediately said, "you all come in."

The female disciples were about to leave happily when they heard that Yan was slightly stunned.

They were surprised, but they didn't dare to disobey Chen Yang. Then the female disciples came in. But the girl in white did not come in, but was still waiting outside.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry.

Dream light dust in a side strange, way: "how?"

Chen Yang Dynasty dream light dust light smile, said: "nothing."

Stars lead the female disciples in and salute Chen Yang again. With a faint smile, Chen Yang asked, "stars, right?"

"Yes, master!" The stars answered respectfully.

Chen Yang asked again, "who is the girl in white outside?"

She hesitated for a moment, then said, "she She's my junior sister. "

"Oh, what's your name?" Chen Yang asked.

The stars said, "it's called good spirit moon!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "you all came just now. Why didn't she come?"

Stars knelt down and said: "master, younger martial sister is not familiar with the world, and she has nothing to do with the world. If there is anything disrespectful about her, please forgive me

Chen Yang said, "I don't mean to blame you. Let her come in."

The stars turned pale and said, "master, I'm wrong. I shouldn't wait to disturb you. We don't want this pure yuan pill. Please let us go! " She said that she would hand over all the pure yuan Dan. Those pure yuan pills are in a simple storage wrench.

Stars prostrate on their knees and hand over their store.

The rest of the female disciples knelt down with fear.

Chen Yang frowned and said, "what I send out, there is no reason to take back. Is she really your junior sister? "

"If you want to go to bed, we can do it!" The stars begged and said, "please don't embarrass the younger martial sister."

Chen Yang was annoyed and said, "what are you talking about? I'm asking you, is she really your junior sister? If it's really just younger martial sister, do you need to be so afraid? "

Dream light dust in the side, but did not speak, she thought.

The stars said, "tell me, my younger martial sister is the princess of Dongzhao kingdom. We are all slaves who have been cultivating with the princess since childhood. We went to the shrine to protect the princess. The princess is cold and lonely. Please don't blame her, master! "

Chen Yang said, "OK, let her in. Let me have a look. Don't let me say it again

Although stars and others are unwilling, Chen Yang says that even if they are shivering, they dare not disobey.

The princess of one country said, it's true.

But in Chen Yang's eyes, it is his majesty, who is also a mole ant.

So the princess is nothing more.

Stars let their men invite shanlingyue in.Shanlingyue, a girl in white, was surprised when she heard that the master wanted to see her. Although she is lonely and cold, she knows the general situation. Know that master is absolutely can not offend the existence!

Shanlingyue came in soon.

When she came to Chen Yang, she knelt down respectfully and said, "I'll see you two masters!"

Chen Yang looks at shanlingyue carefully. The more he looks at shanlingyue, the more he feels that there are many similarities between shanlingyue and gentle linger.

However, although he was just looking, stars and other women were frightened.

At this time, Chen Yang spoke.

He said, "your name is shanlingyue, right?"

"Yes, the disciple is really called shanlingyue!" Good spirit month respectful answer.

Chen Yang said, "well, good, good!"

The stars and other girls were scared, but they didn't dare to say anything at this time.

Good spirit month is staring at Chen Yang, she has a premonition to happen. Although, many female students hope to be able to serve their masters, even if they are ugly and old. But it doesn't matter, because the teachers' essence is extremely precious!

But shanlingyue has its own persistence.

In this world, most people go with the flow. But some people will have their own persistence!

If shanlingyue didn't insist on her own, she would come to worship with her elder martial sisters.

She didn't want to, just waiting far away, which shows her heart.

"I don't want to!" Good spirit month suddenly toward Chen Yang to worship, tremble voice to say. God knows how much courage it took for her to say such a sentence.

Chen Yang was stunned and said, "what don't you want?"

Shanlingyue said, "I don't want to serve my master. Please let him give up his sin." She was terrified at first, but later, she began to be firm again.

Chen Yang immediately realized that he had misunderstood them.

However, Chen Yang did not say anything. His voice cooled and he said, "do you know what you're talking about?"

Good spirit month Jiao body slightly trembles!

The stars immediately said, "please forgive me. I am willing to serve you wholeheartedly. Please forgive me

The other female disciples also pleaded with each other.

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd and said coldly, "I didn't speak to you. If you dare to talk again, I will kill you!"

All the female disciples suddenly trembled, but they were all silent and did not dare to say more.

Good spirit month is also shivering.

Chen Yang continued to ask shanlingyue, "shanlingyue, I'll ask you again. Are you willing to serve me? Look up and answer me

Good spirit month efforts to raise her head, her eyes red, tears. Her eyes were full of fear. But she asked, "if the disciple doesn't agree, will the master blame his elder martial sisters?"

"No!" Chen Yang said: "I will not be angry with others!"

"The disciple didn't want to." Good spirit month said.

Chen Yang said, "are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

In the eyes of shanlingyue, the mist condenses, but she says, "I'm afraid! But I don't want to! "

Chen Yang said, "well, I don't have to kill you. I asked you a few questions. You answered them well. I'll let you go. "

Good spirit month said: "yes, master!"

Chen Yang then asked, "what's the purpose of your coming to the temple?"

"To build a great road, you must have the most magic power!" Good spirit month said.

Chen Yang said, "why do you want to build a road and get the supreme magic power?"

The good spirit moon is silent.

After a while, she said, "I want to live a free life and protect the people my disciples care about. I want to... "

Chen said with tears, "suddenly he wants to see her. Want to, no longer tremble. If you want to or don't want to answer your question, don't answer it! "

"Ha ha ha Good When Chen Yang heard the speech, he began to laugh.

The dream light dust's eyes also flashed the color of appreciation.

Chen Yang got up and said, "good spirit month, you and my wife have some similarities. You have the same backbone. You're good. You're good. However, I would like to remind you that there are people on the road and there is a day outside. Even if we are like ourselves, there are enemies and there are times of trembling. But to survive, one has to work hard and leave no regrets. "

Good spirit month Leng a Leng.

Stars and others are also stunned.

Chen Yang said to Meng Qingchen, "I believe you can see that she is similar to my wife."

Meng Qingchen nodded and said, "that's right."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I won't be here long. She is similar to my wife and she has such backbone. I think this is her blessing, Qingchen. Would you like to take her as your disciple? "

Shanlingyue was stunned, and then the color of ecstasy flashed through her beautiful eyes.

Meng Qingchen said with a smile: "this little girl has such a character that she doesn't look at your face. I'm willing to accept her as a disciple."Chen Yang laughs and says to Shan Lingyue, "would you like to worship master Qingchen?"

Shanlingyue can hardly believe that all this is true.

The stars immediately tugged at shanlingyue and said, "little younger martial sister, please worship me!"

Good spirit month reaction come over, this just to dream light dust kowtow, say: "disciple kowtow to you."

She was so sincere that she kowtowed three times. After three loud kowtows, the forehead is dripping with blood!

That's a real noise.

After that, mengqingchen will let shanlingyue live in the gorgeous palace, and she will teach shanlingyue herself.

Stars and others, retreat.

It's a great fortune to be an entry-level disciple of the master in this hall of descent!

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