"Bang!" When Chifeng heard Xiuwu say that his Master Mr. Mo Da was a coward, he couldn't help it. His eyes were red and angry.

Although Chifeng is shameless and cruel. But I have great respect for my master, Mr. Mo Da, and that kind of respect comes from my heart.

He pointed to Xiuwu who was kneeling on the ground and said, "what are you? How dare you look down upon my master His five fingers suddenly stretched out, and the big palm of his hand grabbed him, and he choked Xiuwu's throat. He was breathing hard and his face was red.

Chifeng has already put up with his hand. However, how strong his strength is, it can be borne by Xiuwu. Seeing that Xiuwu was about to be crushed to death by Chifeng, Yin Zheng quickly said: "elder martial brother Feng, absolutely not, absolutely not!"

"Why not?" Chifeng shrieked.

Yin Zhengdao: "elder martial brother Feng, maybe that day, his words were really inappropriate. Therefore, master Chen Yang said that he would protect this son in the hall of tranquility in the future. If you kill him, I'm afraid master Chen Yang will be guilty! "

Chifeng laughed and said, "will I be afraid of him?" When he had finished, he put a lot of pressure on his hand.


Xiuwu's neck was directly pinched off by Chifeng, and he fell.

Then Chifeng stopped. He said to Yin Zheng: "throw out this dirty mole ant and deal with it. Don't dirty my eyes

Yin Zheng flashed a touch of color in the deep of his eyes. On the surface, he said quietly, "yes, elder martial brother Feng."

After that, Yin Zheng left with Xiuwu's body and the two followers.

After waiting for Yin Zheng to leave, Chifeng kisses Rudie again, but his hands are unrestrained in tingyue's clothes. Rudie caters to Chifeng, but he is a little worried. He says, "elder martial brother Feng, this martial arts cultivation is protected by master Chen Yang. Is it wrong to kill him like this?"

Chifeng sneered and said, "in recent days, I am about to break through the barrier and reach the realm of the God of creation. Even the Lord of the temple gave orders to satisfy all my needs. Try to help me break through the barrier. Dare he kill me? Besides, my master, Mr. Mo Da, is not easy to provoke. Master Chen Yang, why are you afraid! Tomorrow, I'll apply to the temple master to enter the abyss furnace cultivation, and try my best to rush to the final stage! "

He was surprised to see the rain and said, "it's said that the ancient furnace in the abyss is unparalleled. Except for the master, other people are hard to enter. Elder martial brother Feng, can you enter the abyss furnace? "

Chifeng said, "that's the special permission of the temple master."

"When you enter the abyss, you will become the master. After that, you don't have to be afraid of master Chen Yang. " Such as butterfly, etc. Then Rudi said, "elder martial brother Feng, when you become the master, we will serve you, OK?"

"Good, good!" Chifeng laughed and said, "you are so knowledgeable. How can I not want you?"

After a pause, he said: "the reason why I dare to kill Xiuwu is not because I am angry and impulsive. I also want to take this opportunity to give myself pressure, so as to break through the key barrier in practice. "

"I see!" Such as butterfly and others smell speech, immediately awed.

The weather is fine and the scenery is boundless.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, Emperor Feiyan drink and chat in the pavilion of the gorgeous palace.

Although shanlingyue is a little princess, she is respectful in front of several masters. She obediently poured tea and wine.

Chen Yang smiles to Shan Lingyue and says, "Lingyue, come on, you also sit down with us."

"I dare not!" Good spirit month is in fear.

Dream light dust said: "sit down, don't be so restrained. Lingyue, you should know that it is also a kind of practice to bear the pressure. As the teacher knows, it will be very stressful for you to sit with us. But get used to it

Hearing the words, shanlingyue nodded and said, "yes, master!"

Then shanlingyue sat down.

Chen Yang himself poured a cup of immortal wine for Shan Lingyue and said, "here's a glass of wine for Miss Da!"

Shanlingyue was also obedient. She stood up, raised her glass and said, "I'm afraid. I'm respectful to miss Da!"

Emperor Feiyan smile, she also don't get up, with a toast, said: "dry!"

They drank it all in one gulp.

Mengqingchen said with a smile: "this wine can't be drunk without smoke. My apprentice respects you. You are an elder. Can't you show some respect? "

Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned, then said with a bitter smile, "OK, you two guys, let's work together, don't I?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "of course, if you don't give me a good idea, we'll take it as if we didn't say it."

Dream light dust said: "spirit month, not fast, thank you miss."

Shanlingyue was confused, but she still followed the instructions, saluted respectfully and said, "thank you, miss!"

Emperor non smoke smile, she certainly won't give up. After thinking about it, he said, "Lingyue, you see, I don't have any good things with me. Come on, I used this sword in my early years. It's always with me. It's full of my spirit and will. "As she spoke, she took out a sharp sword from her sleeve!

The small sword is only one third of the length of a normal sword. It is very delicate and emits cold light.

"This sword is named Jinghan!" Di Feiyan said: "its material is unique, and can be perfectly integrated with your mana. In addition, there is cold essence in it, which can burst out cold power and kill the enemy invisibly under your mana. I hope you can make good use of it

"Thank you, miss!" The good spirit month surprised repeatedly, knelt down, hands respectfully took the cold sword.

Di Feiyan said with a smile: "I have received my spiritual mark. When you are free, you can use your blood to melt into it. You can master this sword thoroughly by refining it with mana every day!"

Shanlingyue's talent is not bad. It's the peak cultivation of Taixu bachongtian.

This kind of cultivation, put in the world on earth, are all masters. Unfortunately, I was born in the Dharma world of the Dragon planet.

Taixu eight heavy days, in the eyes of those experts, can only be called mole ants.

At this time, Meng Qingchen said, "well, Lingyue, come to respect your martial Uncle Chen Yang."

Shanlingyue immediately raised her glass to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang drank it all.

He said with a smile: "since the eldest miss has rewarded you, you call me martial uncle, I can treat you badly. Come on, give me the cold sword, and I'll refine it for you. "

Shanlingyue said, "yes, martial uncle!" She handed over the cold sword.

As soon as Chen Yang grabs it, he grabs it. Then he condensed the fright sword with magic power!

Chen Yang infused some simple but useful principles, spirits and mysteries. There are also some demons and many experiences of the world.

Later, Chen Yangcai returned the cold sword to shanlingyue.

"Lingyue, in this sword, there are non smoke deep level rules, meaning. You certainly can't understand it now. I've prepared some simple rules and world experience for you. In addition, I injected the power of Qingci calcium carbide into this sword, a total of three soul electric bombs! You can trigger three times. When you are in danger, you can activate the cyan carbide. Even if you meet a real Huangjing master, you can seriously hurt him. Of course, if you meet a master of shenhuangjing, you can also seriously hurt him by firing three soul electric bombs at the same time. "

Zhenhuangjing is the master of tianyujing!

Shenhuangjing is the master of tianweijing.

After that, Chen Yang took out 10 million pure yuan pills and said, "this is for your cultivation."

Shanlingyue immediately didn't dare to accept it and said, "uncle, you are so polite I'm afraid I can't accept it! "

Dream light dust light smile, said: "you take it."

The good spirit month sees the master's words and accepts them.

Chen Yang then said to Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan, "the fate between people is wonderful. On that day, I went to deceive Qin Dong and others. Taoist priest Luo Tong and I had never met before and presented me ten billion star pills. Later, we went to Tianmo planet to find a way to cure you. Taoist priest told me that. So, light dust, not smoke, I have an intention to Lingyue. But she does have many similarities with my wife, and she has backbone, so... "

Dream light dust smile, said: "we didn't think much, what do you explain these do?"

Di Feiyan said: "that is, can we not know who you are?"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I don't like to talk nonsense with the enemy. They don't misunderstand me. be of no great importance! But I don't want you to get me wrong. "

While these people were talking, the footsteps of three people came from outside.

All of a sudden, Chen Yang heard it.

Emperor not smoke and dream light dust smile. Dream light dust said: "I am afraid it is to listen to your teachings."

Emperor Feiyan said: "now, Chen Yang, you are famous. All the disciples of the hall of descent are saying that master Chen Yang likes to teach people and reward them with pills. "

"That's bullshit!" Chen Yang said, "I know now that people's words are formidable."

Dream light dust said: "you said don't care about other people's views."

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "so I didn't go to explain."

At this time, the three disciples stood at the door. Just outside the courtyard, the three disciples were extremely respectful.

It is Yin Zheng!

"Disciple Yin Zheng, see Miss Chen, master Chen Yang, master Qingchen!"

Chen Yang frowned and said, "I don't seem to know you. What are you doing here?"

He is ready to chase the guests as long as he hears the word "instruction". Recently, he is allergic to teaching!

But this time, Chen Yang miscalculated.

Yin Zheng said respectfully, "I have sent one thing to my master at the command of Yunxiu palace and Chifeng elder martial brother."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Chifeng? Never heard of it

Emperor Fei Yan's face is not good, said: "Chifeng, is not a good bird."

That good spirit month also slightly loses color in one side.She has heard of Chifeng's bad reputation. She has always been protected by the stars. In this way, the stars were called by Chifeng to accompany them for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, Chifeng has not noticed shanlingyue. Otherwise, Chifeng is not as talkative as Chen Yang.

At the mention of Chifeng, hatred flashed in shanlingyue's eyes.

Chen Yang didn't notice shanlingyue's eyes. He asked emperor Feiyan, "what's wrong with Chifeng?"

Emperor Feiyan said: "you don't know something, Chifeng..."

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