"In the process of practicing Taoism, we began to understand a lot of truth! Understand the mysteries of human body, heaven and earth, universe. Then, we turn our hands into clouds and cover our hands with rain! Then, we began to forget that we were ordinary people. No one is born to be a great power! " Chen Yang said: "originally, I was abandoned by my father, but I was an orphan. I was raised by my master, but I never resented the world. On the contrary, I love it all. This has not changed in the past, it has not changed now, and I do not want to change in the future. I went to read the history of our planet, and I saw that many dynasties began to prosper, prosper and work hard. In the end, the reason for their demise is almost the same, that is, future generations have forgotten their ancestors' initial ideal and will! They began to stop respecting their people and their people. "

"The same principle can be applied to my principles of cultivation!" Chen Yang finally said.

Dream light dust and Emperor non smoke also fell into meditation. They fully understand Chen Yang's mind.

In this matter, Chen Yang is pure do not want everything, regardless of all the consequences, is to revenge for Xiuwu!

Dream light dust heart way: "also, Chen Yang, he is such a person.". If he wasn't such a person, how could he go to the demon planet to save me at the beginning? "

Dream light dust completely relieved.

Emperor Feiyan also thinks the same way as dream light dust.

At the same time, Meng Qingchen asked Chen Yang, "but are you confident of winning your duel with Mr. Mo Da?"

Di Feiyan also said: "yes, we all know that you have an immortal body, and almost no life is in danger. But, if it's really hard work, can you beat Mr. Mo Da? If you can't win, you still can't take revenge for Xiuwu! "

Chen Yang said: "I believe Mr. Mo Da will go to ask Mr. Tan about my weaknesses and strengths tonight. Even if he didn't ask, Tan would take the initiative to tell Mr. mo. It's almost impossible to win now. "

"Then you Chen Yang, I don't understand your intention. " Dream light dust said.

"Almost impossible, doesn't mean, impossible!" Chen Yang said, "I'm still one step away from the double realm of God and king. But I have to rely on the cultivation of normalization. It's too difficult for me to break through this barrier in a short time. So, I want to use this battle to find inspiration and make a breakthrough. Once I reach the realm of the God of creation, I will be able to defeat Mo Da! "

Dream light dust eyes a bright, said: "you have always been able to transform decay into magic, I believe you can."

Di Feiyan said: "I can give you enough pure yuan pills!"

Chen Yang said, "well, I need at least 100 billion yuan of pure pills."

Emperor Fei Yan said: "no problem!"

"Well, I'm going to shut up now. Don't disturb me." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

So, Emperor non smoke, dream light dust and good spirit month all retired.

Chen Yang shut up.

And at this time, in the hall of tranquility, all the peace was broken in an instant.

The news that master Chen Yang is going to fight with Mr. Mo DA on the platform tomorrow has spread.

"Why does Master Chen Yang want to compete with master Mo? You know, master Mo has a very high status in our hall of God. That is to say, both the eldest lady and the temple master want to show respect for master mo. Although master Chen Yang is a new master, and his cultivation is very important in the realm of the God King of creation, he is by no means a troublesome master! "

"That's not true. At the canonization ceremony on that day, master Chen Yang dared to stand aloof and fight against the main hall."

"I heard that it's because master Mo's disciple, elder martial brother Chifeng Elder martial brother Chifeng killed Xiuwu. "

"Who is Xiuwu?"

"Xiuwu is the guy who offended other masters by speaking carelessly in order to flatter master Chen Yang that day! I'm just a two star, and I dare to speak up. Of course, elder martial brother Chifeng was angry, so he killed him. "

"Well, I heard that, too. Master Chen Yang was very angry and lost his temper on the spot. Elder martial brother Chifeng is forced to kowtow to master Chen Yang for three times. The hall master and master Mo come forward together to ask for help. But master Chen Yang still refuses to let go, saying that he will kill elder martial brother Chifeng. "

"What do you mean by master Chen Yang? Would a master really fight for a mole ant like disciple like us? "

"Will it be something else?"

"I think it must be something else. Will a master take revenge for people like us? It's impossible

"I think so, too! But let's have a look. Tomorrow's battle of Shizun is wonderful

At this moment, Mr. Mo is in Xumi palace.

Emperor huaixiu and Tan Lao arrived together.

Mr. Moda didn't want to see him, but after thinking about it, he did.

It's dark.

The main hall was brightly lit.

Three people sit opposite each other.

Mr. Mo said faintly: "today's situation, is not exactly what you want to see?"Emperor huaixiu was slightly stunned, then said: "I really don't understand, sir, what do you mean by this."

"The wise don't talk in secret. At this moment, what else do you have to hide. Your means are not very good! " Mr. Moda said.

Tan said: "I'm afraid there are some misunderstandings in this matter. That Yin Zheng is indeed the man of the little Lord, but this matter is not the command of the little Lord. In my opinion, it's Yin Zheng who tries to figure out what he wants to do without permission. "

"Hum!" Mr. Mo Da sneered: "a little disciple, dare to be the master without authorization?"

"This matter will be dealt with well by the young master." Emperor Huai Xiu said in a deep voice. After a pause, he said, "but now, the most important thing is how to defeat Chen Yang. No matter what, I don't want you to miss anything, sir! "

Mr. Tan said, "we are friends and allies. It's not the enemy. You have to believe us. We are here today for fear that Mr. Chen Yang may not know enough about you, and that you have been deceived! "

Mr. Mo Da said faintly, "is that right?"

Although he hated being used by others, for Mr. Mo Da, he was only allowed to win, not to lose. He also knows that Chen Yang is full of eccentricity. Therefore, he is willing to listen to tan Lao's view.

Tan said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang is not a simple man. Don't be careless, sir

"That day, I have seen many of his methods. He's not simple. You don't have to remind him Mr. Moda said.

Mr. Tan said: "I don't know. There are several problems to defeat Chen Yang. The first problem is that he is pregnant with grain, state and divine tree. This kind of divine tree killed countless people in our fairyland. How many of our heavenly kings are killed by this tree. Fortunately, now that the tree has changed, he can't exert all his power. Otherwise, we'll have to wait to die. "

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