White hair and blue face God appears again!

The wand of Xiandu is all around. The wand of Xiandu is not too terrible for Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. The main reason is that Chen Yang can swallow But in fact, the Xiandu law has great restraint on pure lightning energy. This is the place where lightning beasts fear white hair and blue face.

At this time, the living lightning beast is weak. The white haired and blue faced god suddenly appears. The living lightning beast can't help but lose its color.

She stood up from the purple stone plate, supporting herself, and then took her newborn baby in her mouth behind her. She looked warily at the God with white hair and blue face, and there was fear in her eyes.

"Green face God..." "What do you want to do?" he said? We talked about it in advance. Don't mess around! "

White hair and blue face God sneered and said, "what are we talking about?"

Live lightning beast said: "you guard me to give birth to a daughter, after, I do a thing for you!"

The white haired and green faced God said, "come on, Dongxiang, what are we going to do now? In fact, as you know, my goal is your mother and daughter. It's just to make you feel at ease. Now it seems that you have already made plans to lead those two human beings to deal with you? Unfortunately, what you didn't expect is that I didn't die. What's more, I know this secret place early in the morning, but I pretend I don't know it. I'm waiting for now... "

"I and you, patience is exhausted!" The white haired and blue faced God said, "your daughter, I will send her to a place to raise her from a young age, and let her be a qualified mount. As for you, how disobedient you are, your daughter will suffer more. What's more, do you want to wear this boneless collar yourself, or do you want to wear it for you? "

White hair blue face God said empty when, in the hand appeared a white collar!

Fear flashed in Dongxiang's eyes. She was full of helplessness and despair. Everything is helpless.

"I can wear this collar." Dongxiang begged and said, "in the future, I can obey you. But, can you not separate my children from me. Can I raise her myself? "

"No!" The white haired and blue faced God flashed a cold color in his eyes and said, "now, you are not qualified to negotiate with me. Forget it, I will put it on for you. "

After he finished, he immediately displayed the big handprint of Xiandu staff!

The Xiandu staff formed a big red handprint, which immediately covered the living lightning beast. Dongxiang was already weak. The power of Xiandu staff completely restrained her. For a moment, she couldn't move!

The white haired and blue faced God will put the boneless collar on the neck of the living lightning beast

The little lightning beast is behind Dongxiang. At this time, she has opened her eyes and looks at everything in front of her in horror.

However, just then, a black light suddenly flashed by.

Mengqingchen and Chen Yang act separately. Chen Yang uses the thunder sword of the universe to smash the big handprint of Xiandu.

Mengqingchen's body is swept away and appears from behind the white haired and blue faced God. His backhand is a powerful hand.

White hair and blue face can't help losing color!

His body shape is twisted, waving the Xiandu law, condensing his fingerprints to resist the light dust of dreams.

At this time, Chen Yang popped up the black hole crystal, which directly hooked the boneless collar into it.

Later, the black hole crystal returned to Chen Yang and turned into a black gown!

Dream light dust and white hair green face God to a palm, dream light dust's palm power is broken by white hair green face God. Dream light dust body twist, the next second has been empty shuttle, came to Chen Yang's side.

They stopped in front of Dong Xiang, the lightning beast, and faced the white haired and blue faced God with a smile.

"Unexpected? Surprise? " Chen Yang said to the white haired and blue faced God with a smile.

The white haired and green faced God was surprised and angry and said, "you..."

"What's the matter with us? We are very well! " Dream light dust is also a smile, she said: "how, also don't feel like playing? You'd better be with us

White hair, blue face and deep face, he stepped back and said, "OK, I'll take part in it. I only want the children of Dongxiang, and Dongxiang will be yours. How about it? "

"Dream of you!" Chen Yang said, "you'd better get out of here now, or your grandfather will annoy me. Today I will chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you! "

"Don't be ashamed The white haired and blue faced God was angry. He glanced at Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen and said, "don't do anything absolutely. It's not good for anyone to fight for your life!"

"It seems that you will never die before you reach the Yellow River!" Chen Yang said coldly, "OK, let's start."

"Have you ever thought that once you start with me. If you accept the Xiandu rule, Dongxiang will be able to escape with the child. When she recovers, with your strength, Dongxiang will not be trapped at all. " Said the white haired and blue faced God.

What he said is really a problem.However, Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He said, "I intend to take Dongxiang's mother and daughter for my own use. But if I cooperate with you and let her separate from her, I'm sorry. I can't do such a cruel and inhuman thing."

If in the past, dream light dust will certainly agree to the cooperation of white hair and blue face God. But now, she doesn't think much about it. Because she knows Chen Yang too well.

"Do it!" Chen Yang suddenly burst out to drink.

At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen shot at the same time.

Chen Yang also knows that black hole space can't trap the white haired and blue faced God, so he just uses his killing moves directly.

He put the black hole sword into operation, and instantly killed ten fierce cosmic thunder swords!

The sword light is fierce, and the power of thunder and lightning dominates the world!

In the light of the sword, the thunder is hidden. If the disaster comes, all of them will be killed to the white haired and blue faced God.

Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang both attack and kill the white haired and green faced god head on, so as not to give the white haired and green faced God a chance.

At the same time, the long purple hair and blue eyes of mengqingchen start at the same time.

Her eyes dye her long purple hair, which turns into a sword!

The sword quickly turned into blue, and finally formed a blue sword in the air!

The blue sword comes out of Chen Yang's big universe thunder sword!

This is a rare killing move of mengqingchen. It's the mark of Shenyan sword!

That God eye sword mark is particularly dazzling in the light of the thunder sword of the big universe, just like the smile of the princess of the red world, but it's hard to see the one riding the peerless!

Chen Yang's magic power is ferocious and unparalleled!

Dream light dust is also the world's pride!

These two people fight together, even the white haired and blue faced God is hard to deal with.

The white haired and blue faced God saw the light of the sword in front of him, and an unspeakable crisis rushed out from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that the power in front of him was not something he could dissolve with a simple law space.

His Xiandu staff instantly took back all the Xiandu rules!

Then, Xiandu staff runs like a wind fire wheel! The red law forms a huge vortex!

The shadow of Xiandu is looming in the middle of the whirlpool!

The sword light of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen was swallowed up, and disappeared like a bullock into the sea!

However, dream light dust change move faster!

"Dragon's magic power!" Her God eye sword mark did not disappear, but suddenly turned into a dragon in the middle of the fairy capital!

Purple Dragon and blue eye light fusion!

The purple dragon is so huge that it seems to break the sky! Dragon claw then toward that fairy all empty shadow to grasp, bang of a, fairy all empty shadow instant break open.

"Go to hell!" At the same time, Chen Yang also condenses the crystal of black hole and gives out a fierce black hole magic fist.

Heaven and earth roar, thunder and lightning rush!

The black hole magic fist beckons to the white haired and blue faced God. The white haired and blue faced God's figure flashes. His wand of Xiandu suddenly shakes in front of him again. The magic power of Xiandu turns into a powerful fist seal, and then it is blasted together with Chen Yang's black hole magic fist.


Chen Yang's black hole magic fist was instantly resolved.

However, Chen Yang is not discouraged. He changes his moves faster. "Thunderbolt scissors!"

With the power of thunder and lightning, the black hole particles turned into two giant dragons in the air, and then collided violently, like a chopping God, they were hanged by the Xiandu staff of the white haired and blue faced God.

The white haired and blue faced God complained repeatedly. He really had to fight for his life.

So he ran the Xiandu staff again and poured all the mana and rules into it. The magic wand of Xiandu is really fierce. It once again shows the virtual shadow of Xiandu and suppresses all things in the world!

Light and thunder scissors cut the shadow of Xiandu into pieces.

But the white haired and blue faced God also resisted Chen Yang's move.

But this does not count, the dream light dust behind is the strong dragon Zhentian skill!

The five claws of the purple dragon were repressed again, like the suppression of the whole world

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are out of control without a break

The white haired and blue faced God finally couldn't resist. As soon as he smashed the purple dragon's five claws of mengqingchen, Chen Yang's palm fell on his chest.

White haired and blue faced God gushes blood

The wand of Xiandu also flew out. Mengqingchen's blood swallowing sword flies out and directly cuts off the head of the white haired and green faced God. In an instant, all the blood of the white haired and green faced God is sucked up by the blood swallowing sword.

Then, with a big hand, she grasped the Xiandu staff in her hand.

At this time, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen feel a flash of lightning behind them.

They saw that Dong Xiang, the living lightning beast, had already gone away with the little guy in his mouth. It was very fast Soon, soon

I can't see them clearly!

"She hasn't recovered. We should catch up with her!" Chen Yang said to Meng Qingchen.

Dream light dust nods.

Later, they hid in the black hole crystal again, then turned into a black light and chased out.

For Dongxiang, Chen Yang and mengqingchen are not friends. In her eyes, they are not very different from the white haired and blue faced gods. She is happy to see these people bite the dog, a mouth hair.As a result, she got a break and left!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are also quite helpless. They are really afraid of Dongxiang's escape. They were afraid that the delay would be too long, and then they would give Dongxiang time to recover. So they work together to kill the white haired and green faced God quickly, but unexpectedly, they let Dongxiang escape at last.

After chasing Meng Qingchen for a while, Chen Yang feels that the distance between him and Dongxiang is getting farther and farther.

Chen Yang said to Meng Qingchen, "I don't know the principle of Xiandu staff. It can restrain Dongxiang. Let's not worry. She can't quench my green magnetite now. You know Xiandu staff first. When the right opportunity comes, let's use Xiandu staff to catch her! "

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