In fact, Chen Yang still has some problems to ask Dongxiang for advice, but when Dongxiang's mother and daughter just came, he was always embarrassed to let them separate. After that, we are all very familiar with each other, and it's no problem to separate them properly.

Di Feiyan brings Dongxiang and Wuyou into the storage ring. Everything is very secret!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen send Di Feiyan out of the palace, and then say goodbye.

When Emperor Feiyan left, Chen Yang didn't say goodbye to mengqingchen immediately. "Go in and sit down?" Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I have something to say to you."

Dream dust face slightly a red, showing a touch of shame. It seems that she has a premonition of what Chen Yang is going to say, and her heart beats faster at this time.

"Good!" Dream light dust agreed.

Chen Yang and mengqingchen return to the room again.

In the room, Meng Qingchen's hand stretched out two fingers, unconsciously playing with her own hair.

Chen Yang is brewing emotions, he really does not know how to speak.

Because everything is still ambiguous.

Ambiguity is the most beautiful and enjoyable.

However, ambiguity can also make people feel aggrieved and hurt.

Chen Yang knows that the best thing for him right now is to keep ambiguous and follow the lead. But if it goes on like this, it is destined to cause harm to mengqingchen. Chen Yang can't be so despicable.

So he took a deep breath and said, "light dust..."

Meng Qingchen looked up at Chen Yang and replied, "hmm?"

Chen Yang said, "I I know what you mean He took a deep breath again, and finally went on saying, "if you can get the favor of a woman like you, it will be a great blessing for him to change into any man in the world."

Mengqingchen is a wise man and an understanding man. She noticed something wrong, and her face changed slightly. She said, "what do you want to say?" "I have three wives and children," Chen said. I can't be with you. It's impossible to take you back to earth. It's an insult to you, and it's an injury to my wife and my children. So... "

"Get out!" Meng Qingchen's face changed completely. There was a chill in her eyes.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.


"You go out!" Dream light dust cold way.

Chen Yang couldn't speak any more. He nodded and said, "good!"

Then he got up and left.

After he left, the eyes of mengqingchen finally turned red.

She had hardly shed tears in her life.

At this moment, she raised her head and forced back the water mist that had begun to flood.

Of course, she knows that Chen Yang has a wife. But does she care?

But now, she knows she's wrong. Because, she can not care. But Chen Yang cares. It's a great hurt and shame for her to say so!

She dreams of light dust, how can she bear such humiliation.

There is a girl in my dream, named Qingchen.

Life strong, not weaker than people!

Chen Yang walked out of the gorgeous palace, and the black hole crystal has returned to his hands.

At this time, the earth is dark.

There are many stars in the sky.

The night wind blows on the Donglan mountain, and Chen Yang feels the chill of the night.

He turned and looked at the palace of splendor.

Gorgeous palace inside the bright lights, do not see any strange.

Chen Yang felt melancholy, he thought more, do not hurt any one he likes, like his woman. However, it is precisely because he does not want to hurt mengqingchen that he has to pick up the words and make them clear.

Chen Yang himself is not sure. After this explanation, what will he do with the disposition of mengqingchen. Maybe mengqingchen will be angry and take Dongxiang mother and daughter to leave the shrine.

If mengqingchen really wants to go, what should he do?

Chen Yang said in secret: "do I want to stop it? What qualifications do I have to stop? "

"But, light dust, I know I can't take you back to earth, but I've been having an affair with you all the time. Who did Chen Yang become? Do you think highly of Chen Yang? I'm sorry, I'm sorry! " Chen Yang said in his heart.

Later, Chen Yang shook his head, which was the most tiring thing. No matter what he thinks, he will not come up with any result. Then simply, don't think about it.

Chen Yang returned to Huaqing Palace.

This time I went out, although I got Dongxiang mother and daughter. But in fact, for Chen Yang, the only things he got seemed to be time spar and origin copper coins.

In fact, Chen Yang has long wanted to take back the time crystal, but his face is thin and not very nice to mention.

If Chen Yang had been the earliest, he would have taken back the time crystal. Before, when he chased Mujing back to the BMW, he even followed Mujing to the bathroom. It's shameless.

At that time, he had no emotional baggage. He is a real prodigal, who dares to have feelings with anyone.But now, after all, it's different.

He has too much responsibility.

Men, after all, are to grow up, after all, is to bear responsibility.

On the bed, Chen Yang uses the black hole crystal to wrap the whole room.

Then he took out the original copper coin.

This copper coin of origin is full of mysteries. Chen Yang doesn't believe that it was created to deal with himself. It's so amazing, there must be other magical effects.

At this time, in the gorgeous palace, the dream dust also covered the blue ocean.

The blue ocean enveloped her room.

It blocks everything outside. Mengqingchen didn't cry like a little child, or lose his temper and throw things in the room.

At this time, she was calm and studied the Xiandu staff.

There is a great mystery in Xiandu staff.

Mengqingchen thinks that Xiandu staff is the best weapon to deal with chariots.

Before that, she had found that the Xiandu law in Xiandu staff had a good restraint on thunder and lightning. The red law, like thick dirty blood, has a function of blocking electricity.

Thunder and lightning in it, very not smooth!

The deeper the caster's accomplishments, the more powerful he is in controlling lightning.

Therefore, Dongxiang was very afraid of the Xiandu staff.

Dream light dust asked Dongxiang, she and white hair blue face God in the end what is the situation.

Dongxiang also answered Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang.

It turned out that when Dongxiang gave birth, it would cause thunder from heaven and earth. That kind of movement will disturb countless masters in the world. It was extremely dangerous, and the time of giving birth was the most vulnerable time in Dongxiang.

Therefore, all generations of lightning beasts have given birth to children by laying arrays on the sea floor. And above the bottom of the sea, there must be islands to cover up.

The island where the white haired and green faced God was located was the island that Dongxiang's husband yewang had distributed for him before.

The white haired and green faced god later took control of the island, and Dongxiang was connected with the falian. As soon as he came out of the supreme well, he startled the white haired and blue faced God.

In the fight with Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, Dongxiang completely startles the fetus. It seems that they are going to have children. Both sides are strong enemies. Dongxiang had an idea, so he came up with the idea to lead the white hair and green face God to fight with mengqingchen.

Dongxiang didn't understand why the plan failed in the end.

The Xiandu rule in Xiandu staff comes from Xiandu. To understand the Xiandu rule, mengqingchen must first understand it. Xiandu has always been a legend.

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