Dream light dust said: "this place, I have already thought about it. It's the ruins of Xiandu in the past. I've come to build a fake chariot these two days. Then go over there to set up the array, and the three of us will work together to ban the fake chariot. Even if they hold the fake chariot in their hands, they can't crack it in a short time. "

Chen Yang said: "the temporary array, I'm afraid, is not good to muddle through."

Dream light dust said: "not to calculate the temporary arrangement, there is a broken array at the bottom of the ruins of Xiandu. It's the treasure house of Xiandu, but the treasure has already been emptied! "

"Good!" Chen Yang said, "this is great. Everything is ready."

As a result, the plan proceeded quickly.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are both vigorous and resolute, and they always do what they say. First of all, mengqingchen strives to build a fake chariot with diamond meteorite and star meteorite.

After that, Dongxiang entered the main hall by mistake. Di Feiyan hurried to catch Dongxiang back

So the rumor spread in the temple of descent.

It was master Qingchen and master Chen Yang who caught a legendary lightning beast and came back. It's faster than a chariot.

Various versions spread rapidly.

Chen Yang also released the legend of lightning beast.

At that time, all kinds of legends were in full swing, including konglingzi and an unfinished super chariot.

This matter, quickly spread to even Temple Lord emperor holy heaven all can't sit still. He called Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan to meet in the main palace of the main hall.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are outspoken and tell emperor Shengtian that they have indeed got the lightning beast. Including worry free.

Dongxiang mother and daughter came out to see emperor Shengtian.

This is a treasure!

But, it is Chen Yang, dream light dust and Emperor non smoke. Even emperor Shengtian is not qualified to say that he wants to go.

"Good, good!" When Emperor Shengtian saw Dongxiang's mother and daughter, he couldn't help admiring them. He is a big owl of a generation and a man of God level. At this time, there was no color of greed, but showed the wind of king.

"How do you distribute the lightning beast?" The emperor asked again.

Dream light dust said: "for the time being, if we act together, we can ride Dongxiang together. During the war, the first lady cooperated with Dongxiang. In the future, when Wu you grows up, Dongxiang will listen to Chen Yang and me. "

That's what she said.

Chen Yang said in his heart, "I have promised Dongxiang that they will not separate their mother and daughter. When I return to earth in the future, Dongxiang will leave it to you. "

This is also a little compensation for mengqingchen.

Emperor Shengtian said, "I see." After a pause, he asked in a deep voice, "well The super chariot of Kong Lingzi, but it's true? "

Chen Yang and his wife have already worked out the wording.

"We don't know how it got out, but we don't know about the super chariot." Di Feiyan said.

"Really don't know?" The emperor and the heavenly fox are suspicious.

The emperor said, "I really don't know."

Emperor Shengtian was still dubious, but he didn't ask any more. After that, he asked Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen to leave first. Dongxiang mother and daughter were also brought into the black hole crystal by Chen Yang. After Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen left, Emperor Shengtian asked emperor Feiyan again: "Feiyan, between our father and daughter, we should be honest, right?"

Di Feiyan calmly faced the eyes of emperor Shengtian and said, "of course!"

Emperor Shengtian said: "this lightning beast can be hidden. You should make the whole hall full of ups and downs. What's more, the super chariot came out. My father wants to know what you want to do? "

Emperor Fei Yan said with a bitter smile, "father, do you really think that we spread these secrets?"

Emperor Shengtian said, "it's not stupid to be a father. Don't tell me to be a father. Dongxiang ran out of control that day? "

Emperor Feiyan kept silent.

She can say that Dongxiang is really out of control.

But she was not good at lying, and what's more, her father was the one who asked questions.

She didn't speak, and the emperor seemed to understand something.

"It seems that your target is your big brother." The emperor said directly.

Emperor Fei's delicate body trembled slightly.

Emperor Shengtian said lightly: "you never lie. Is this Chen Yang's and Meng Qingchen's idea? "

Di Feiyan took a deep breath. She looked up at di Shengtian and said, "yes, father, I won't lie. But big brother is different. He can be a good man with a smile and collude with guiwangzong. Last time, if not for my luck, Chen Yang helped me. I'm dead in big brother's hands! I don't want to say these things, because it's useless. Even if you believe it, you won't do anything to big brother, will you? Well, I can only do something in my own way. "

"Is the super chariot fake?" Emperor holy day light said.

Di Feiyan said, "if you think it's fake, it's fake. My daughter is leaving... ""Do you really want to kill him?" The emperor said in a deep voice.

Emperor Feiyan said: "you can rest assured that he can kill me. But I won't kill him! "

Emperor Shengtian was lost in thought.

Obviously, he is not a kind father. On many issues, he mostly considers interests.

After that, di Feiyan left.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen walk out of the main hall of God, and on the way back to Huaqing Palace and Huali palace, Meng Qingchen doesn't speak. They walked side by side, the road seemed long and short.

Each other, has been speechless.

"After this, if we can kill tanlao, the mausoleum and the people who damage emperor huaixiu. Then I will leave and return to earth. " Chen Yang said suddenly.

Dream light dust after listening to appear indifferent, said: "I hope you can think."

Chen Yang said, "I will leave Dongxiang to you. After all, I promised Dongxiang not to let their mother and daughter separate. "

Dream light dust silent for a moment, said: "I respect your meaning."

Chen Yang smiles bitterly, and then he doesn't know what to say.

Soon, they got home, and they didn't speak any more. They went back to their respective palaces.

Di Feiyan comes to talk with Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang for the first time. So they got together again.

Emperor Fei yanru actually talked with emperor Shengtian.

Her reply was inspired by Chen Yang. Because Di Feiyan doesn't lie at all, so that di Feiyan's true feelings can be revealed, which is far more perfect than lying to deal with emperor Shengtian. Moreover, after the event, we are not afraid of the emperor.

And very soon, Emperor Shengtian summoned Meng Qingchen alone.

In the main hall, Emperor Shengtian said directly: "Feiyan has confessed to me that all super chariots are fake. Your goal is to deal with huaixiu, right? "

Dream light dust calmly response, she said: "I don't know what super chariot, if you know, I must be the first time to pick up. We never said there was a super chariot. If it is, we know it's already in our hands. "

Emperor Shengtian stares at the dream dust.

He was a little depressed.

He thought it should be fake, and all the signs showed it was fake. However, the more obvious the falsehood, he doubted that it was true.

This is the suspicion of a big man like him.

Emperor Shengtian then said, "there are rules for descending the temple, so you can't fight inside. I hope you don't act rashly. I have to give up when I can't get it. "

Dream light dust said: "temple master, don't worry. We understand the rules of the temple. Since, dare not violate the iron rule

Emperor Shengtian said, "that's good!" He pause, and said: "light dust, you know what, I have always been very optimistic about you."

Dream light dust said: "thank you for your love!"

Emperor Shengtian waved his hand and said, "don't say that. You are also a person. By the way, who belongs to you, Dongxiang? Is it possible that we will continue to be so unclear in the future? "

Dream light dust slightly a Zheng.

Emperor Shengtian then said: "this Dongxiang can grasp and accept. In my opinion, most of the credit should belong to you. I think it's good for you to take Dongxiang with you. As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang's hatred is too strong. "

This is what he intended to win over the dream of light dust. As long as mengqingchen agrees, he will stand on mengqingchen's side and help mengqingchen grasp the control of Dongxiang.

This is a great temptation.

If emperor Shengtian forcibly robbed the lightning beast, then no one would agree. It will also appear that he has no pattern. But if he is the referee, let mengqingchen take the control of Dongxiang, it will be very easy.

Dream light dust mind, did not waver.

Facing the olive branch thrown by Emperor Shengtian, she seems very calm. She said in a deep voice: "the Lord of the temple is kind. I'm glad to hear that. However, Dongxiang has Dongxiang's idea. We are friends with Dongxiang. We don't want to grab her control. "

Disappointment flashed in the eyes of the emperor. However, it was also fleeting. He then laughed and said, "well, if you change your mind, you can come to this seat at any time."

Dream light dust said: "yes, temple Lord!" After she said that, she said, "if the Lord of the temple has no other orders, Qingchen will leave."

Emperor Shengtian got up and said, "I'll give you a present."

Dream light dust slightly surprised, said: "this how to make!" Emperor Shengtian said with a faint smile: "I'm just going out for a walk, just by the way!"

In this way, the dream of light dust is not good to say anything.

Emperor Shengtian sent light dust out of the main hall of God. On the way, Emperor Shengtian was also elegant.

However, the story soon spread.

In this temple of descent, although the discipline is strict, rumors spread quickly.

Emperor Shengtian himself sent dream light dust, which can be called the first event of descending to the temple.Because in the past, the Lord of the temple was always high above the others.

There is a rumor that the temple master and Meng Qingchen have a good feeling for each other, and there will be a good story soon.

It is not difficult for the emperor to prohibit such rumors.

But surprisingly, the emperor did not prohibit it.

Dream light dust also when did not hear this, will not go to anyone to explain a word. This kind of thing will only be more and more black.

However, Meng Qingchen tells Chen Yang the truth about the conversation between Emperor Shengtian and her.

Including helping her take control of Dongxiang.

After hearing this, Chen Yang said with a smile, "it seems that our Lord can't sit any more."

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