"Because he should die!" Dream light dust don't wait to win really finish saying, then straightforward way: "win Hong this kind of goods, also dare to rise to covet heart to me. Does he deserve it? "

"What's wrong with my son?" Yingzhen was very angry and said, "mengqingchen, my son looks up to you, which is your blessing. Now, you're killing him with someone else. Well, today, I will choose a new marriage for you. I will find a human animal to marry you and let you serve that animal day by day. This will be your destination. "

"Ha ha..." Dream light dust suddenly Li smile, said: "win really, you damn!"

"What the hell? Do you have the ability? " It's a sneer to win.

"Maybe..." Chen Yang opened his mouth and said, "we should stop talking nonsense. Let's do it."

Qin Dong immediately reported to Yingzhen and said, "Lord, Chen Yang has a lot of strange things in him. His subordinates have told you before. But he has a big problem, that is, his attack power is not strong. You can send someone to entangle him. My subordinates think that Taoist priest Luo Tong is very suitable. It's not too late to catch the other two when we catch them. "

Win really light cold say: "deal with them three, need so troublesome?"

Qin Dong suddenly had a red face.

In Yingzhen's eyes, there was a flash of light. All of a sudden, his body, breath, mana and the turtle sky boat merge into one. The head of the turtle in the turtle boat suddenly opened his eyes, and then opened his mouth to spit out the breath of the Black Ghost.

The evil spirit spread like a plague, enveloping all the surrounding areas.

In a flash, the surrounding sky, ghost filled, such as hell came in general.

It's worse than hell.

This ghost like thick thin silk thread winding, like swamp everywhere, and, in the swamp, it seems that there are countless ghost monkeys pulling people down.

Winning the truth is the six fold cultivation of the realm of God King!

Have the wisdom of Prajna beyond the power of all things!

The ghost also has infinite wisdom of Prajna! This kind of wisdom can not be solved by Chen Yang's magic power.

So for a moment, Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen fell into this swamp. They not only can't help Chen Yang, but also use their power to dissolve the wisdom of Prajna in the ghost.

Emperor Fei smoke is better, dream light dust is more difficult to deal with.

At the same time, Yingzhen made a move to Chen Yang.

Win really is not not not smart, he has heard Qin Dong said a lot about Chen Yang's secret.

However, Chen Yang is the murderer of Yinghong.

What's more, Yingzhen also wants to see what's special about Chen Yang.

Yingzhen's ghost hand quickly enveloped Chen Yang

In an instant, the wisdom ghosts in all directions came to kill Chen Yang like ten million sharp swords. At the same time, the sword is full of elasticity and tenacity, which can be changeable.

Chen Yang said nothing In the face of such a big owl. In addition to Chen Yang's Kung Fu of pressing the bottom of the box, where is he qualified to stay?

The hand must use two kings, four two this kind of card face.

Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool appears, the great phagocytosis, and the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed is all displayed.

He instantly devoured countless ghosts, and even the wisdom of Prajna was swallowed by him.

This is not the first time that Chen Yang has devoured the wisdom of Prajna. The original God's innocence is also the six fold cultivation of creation.

In a flash, win really will feel their own strength in the other party to absorb.

It's amazing to win. This boy is really weird!

Win real power, Hunyuan, majestic, terror!

Chen Yangcai didn't absorb much, so he felt that his body was going to be unable to bear it.

Of course, it's better than when we faced God's innocence. Chen Yang was absorbed and absorbed in the power of Prajna.

Then he suddenly raised his hand!

This hand, but not cut a sword to the East!

Instead, the crystal of time condenses in his palm.

The original copper coin quickly absorbed the power of time. In the crystal of time, the river of time was gurgling, but now it was surging.

"Go Chen Yang suddenly gave a drink.

That hand, the origin of copper coins raised a yellow light, and then lightning shot to win really eyebrows.

Win really a tiny Zheng.

His heart suddenly startled, there was a sense of crisis surging out.

Win really in a flash of lightning, staring at the yellow light from the cut. At the same time, he had a seal in his hand. In front of his eyes, there were endless ghost shadows turned into a ghost ghost sword. This magic sword cuts at Huang Guang!

Under this cut, it is to win the true cohesion of the heart. The power of Prajna wisdom is contained in it This sword is called arrow's sword!

It's one of the best ways to win. Kill the master below the four levels of the realm of the God King of nature. Without accident, the other side will directly splash blood on the spot.

Even in the face of emperor Shengtian, this sword should also be treated with dignity by the big owls like emperor Shengtian.Arrow's sword, seemingly ordinary, but extremely extraordinary.

When the light of arrow's sword flickers, it is like the miniature of thousands of worlds. There are thousands of mysteries, but only one!

But soon, something unexpected happened.

The original copper coin and arrow's sword are cut together Mingming has been killed together However, the original copper coins shuttle away from the sword body of arrow's sword.

That situation, strange to the extreme.

It's like being in the same place, but in different time and space. Yesterday you live here, today I live here. At the same time, they will collide. But time and space are different, but they go in parallel!

At this moment, the eyes of Yingzhen changed dramatically!

"What a powerful time mana, even the wisdom of Prajna has been completely concealed." It was a surprise to win. His figure changes rapidly, and Prajna's wisdom revolves around him. In an instant, he is finally captured by Yingzhen.

But, after all, it was a moment late!

The origin of the copper coin in win really cut a clear blood mark on the cheek!

The next second, the origin of copper coins again shuttle time and space, directly appeared in the hands of Chen Yang.

Win is really in the hands of Chen Yang I got hurt.

Although the injury is traumatic, it is not serious.

But everyone saw it. Win really hurt.

How is that possible?

I really forget how many years I haven't had blood to win.

Instead of immediately repairing the injury, he reached out and rubbed it on his cheek. He looked at the bloodstain on his finger, and his eyes were confused.

Everyone present is disgraced!

They looked at Chen Yang as if he were a ghost. How many terrible secrets does this young man have?

This is simple, but even the patriarch can hurt?

Can you stop him when he comes down?

"Lord?" Cried Qin Dong, worried.

Win really waved his hand, he was thoughtful.

At this time, di Feiyan and Dongxiang have been running the power of thunder and lightning to kill the wisdom of Prajna. Dream light dust also runs Xiandu staff, smoothly out of the entanglement of Prajna wisdom.

Three of Chen Yang, face win again.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "I think the well-known king of ghosts is really a hero to win. Originally, it's just like that."

Yingzhen is not upset. He suddenly stares at Chen Yang and says, "is it the power of this seat that helps you exert such powerful time and space magic power? If it's not for you, you can't hurt you. "

Chen Yang sneered and said, "whatever you say, if you don't do it, I'll kill whoever I want. If you do, I'll kill you! "

Then he made a direct shot.

This time, Chen Yang directly aimed at the bitter bamboo monk!

Kuzhu monk is the four fold cultivation of the realm of God and king.

The yellow light is flashing!

In the crystal of time, the river of time is turbulent!

The original copper coin was shot by lightning at the kuzhu monk. Chen Yang's whole body mana was not reserved.

Three shots at most!

After three times, it will be exhausted!

This blow, too much effort. It's not so easy to mobilize over time.

They all saw that they shot the original copper coin at the kuzhu monk.

It's fast, but not fast enough.

All of them felt that each of them could resist the copper coin.

But at this time, who dares to belittle it?

Win true color change, quick hand, his body a flash, but stopped in front of the bitter bamboo monk. Then, with a big hand, he suddenly grabbed the original copper coin.

His grasp contains the power of space, time and wisdom of Prajna

The law of time changes in his hands, space quickly condenses and condenses!

But even though win has done everything in this way.

The original copper coin still passed through Yingzhen's body

Win silk without damage.

The origin of copper coins is from different time and space shuttle. Yingzhen also failed to resist the power of time and space of the origin of copper coins, changing the law of time and space of the origin of copper coins.

Kuzhu monk felt all kinds of crisis. At this time, he gave a roar

When the original copper coin approached his eyebrow, time and space finally returned to the normal orbit, thus shooting at his eyebrow.

Kuzhu monk was shocked. He stepped back, but it was too late. Many of his magic powers had not yet been exerted. The copper coin of origin suddenly penetrated into his eyebrows. Then, the brain of the kuzhu monk was strangled by the power of time and space

Then, the origin of copper coins again shuttle time and space, mysteriously back to Chen Yang's hands.

Kuzhu monk opened his eyes, and he didn't seem to be hurt. But soon, he began to bleed from his orifices. Finally, he fell down and went to the depth of the universe.Everyone was shocked!

Including dream light dust and Emperor non smoke.

Qin Dong quickly grabbed the body of the monk kuzhu.

Kuzhu monk's whole body is soft and can't die any more.

Chen Yang killed a master of the four cultivation of the divine realm.

What's more, the patriarch, Yingzhen, personally resisted the six fold cultivation of the realm of God and king, but failed to stop it

It's terrible. It's terrible.

In a flash, people are in danger!

Chen Yang smiles a little. He has that wonderful copper coin in his hand. Then, he looked at Yingzhen and said faintly, "Yingzhen, you say, next, who can I kill?"

Chen Yang could have killed the scholar of Qianlong with low cultivation and killed Xiushi.

However, if you don't kill the four masters of the realm of God, how can you frighten the people present?

Yingzhen's face was covered with frost. At this time, he didn't say a word.

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