Chen Yang didn't go to say hello to Taoist priest Luo Tong from the beginning to the end. At this time, climbing relatives was a dilemma for Taoist priest Luo Tong. Chen Yang won't do that.

He has his own rules.

Ying was really thinking. Obviously, he saw the power of the original copper coin. He also understood that the origin of copper coins can not leave the time spar.

When Chen Yang saw Ying Zhen's thinking, he immediately said, "if you want to kill me, you still have a chance. I don't have the copper coin of origin and the crystal of time. I'm just a man who can't reach the triple realm of God and king. You can kill me at any time, but you have the crystal of time. With your accomplishments, are there any people you can be afraid of in the sky

"Good!" Yingzhen was finally moved by Chen Yang. It is not so much Chen Yang's persuasion as his action.

Yingzhen said: "as long as you hand over the time crystal, today, I will spare you! But tomorrow... "

Chen Yang burst out laughing and said, "OK, the patriarch is happy. However, I have to ask the Lord to make an oath. That is to swear to let me go today, but you can't forgive me for not dying. What's the point of arresting me and killing me tomorrow? "

Yingzhen snorted coldly and said, "how can I play this literal game with you. Good! I swear again... "

Now, win really made a pledge.

Chen Yang immediately threw the crystal stone to Yingzhen.

Yingzhen raises her hand and picks up the time crystal.

Chen Yang shrugged and said, "now, can I go?"

Win really see to Chen Yang, said: "you so straightforward hand over crystal stone, not afraid?"

Chen Yang said, "of course, I'm not afraid. The patriarch is a great man of his generation. I still have that trust. "

Yingzhen nodded and said, "you go!"

At the moment, the crowd gave way.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "if the patriarch is really outstanding, I admire him!" Then, his body turned into a black light and quickly shuttled away.

This time, I really lost my wife and turned into a soldier!

Chen Yang didn't feel very well in his heart. What he felt most was not the loss of time, the crystal and the origin of copper coins. But let Di Feiyan watch di huaixiu die.

Chen Yang doesn't pity emperor huaixiu, but he understands emperor Feiyan's mood.

He really didn't plan to kill di huaixiu this time. However, nature makes people!

At the same time, Chen Yang also worried about Emperor Shengtian. He knew that emperor Shengtian would not go to the old nest of ghost King clan. It was meaningless. There is only one possibility. That is, something happened to Emperor Shengtian

If the emperor also suffered misfortune naively, then the whole hall of falling will be doomed.

When Chen Yang gives Yingzhen time, he doesn't worry that Yingzhen will turn around. Because, winning is really the master of a family. If you show no credit in front of your people. So in the future, how can our experts be convinced of him?

Chen Yang is not worried that Yingzhen will control the time, the crystal and the origin of copper coins.

Because Chen Yang felt that the origin of copper coins had been completely controlled by him. This kind of origin copper coin is not another magic weapon, and its spiritual consciousness can be forcibly erased. The origin of the copper coin into the blood essence of Chen Yang, has been integrated.

Whether it is the origin of copper coins, or time crystal, win really can not destroy it.

Of course, Chen Yang has no way to get these two treasures back. Everything depends on the situation.

Chen Yang is shuttling through the void. He is eager to go back to the shrine to see what's wrong with it.

"Why?" Just as Chen Yang was rushing through the dark universe, he suddenly heard the call.

"Chen Yang?" A voice sounded in his brain.

"Emperor holy heaven?" Chen Yang was surprised. He recognized that the weak voice was Emperor Shengtian.

"Lord of the temple?" Chen Yang responded immediately.

The voice of emperor Shengtian sounded again. His voice was weak and hard, as if he was about to lose half of his support. "Chen Yang, come on!"

Then the sound completely disappeared.

However, there is a trace of distant spiritual imprint in Chen Yang's brain.

It's from the emperor.

Chen Yang doesn't wonder why emperor Shengtian can call himself, because when he officially entered the descending temple, he wore the Xuanjin order of Xuanjin master. Xuanjin order needs to be activated with its own blood. Once activated, there will be a breath. This kind of breath is controlled by the emperor.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it. He moistened the mental imprint in his brain with his magic power.

At the same time, he determined the location of the emperor's holy heaven, and then quickly rushed over with the big move technique. Chen Yang was very curious. In the void of the universe, who else has the ability to trap emperor Shengtian?

The six fold cultivation of the emperor's divine realm also has such peerless treasures as Jiulong chariot.

In addition, he will not be alone this time!

Chen Yang now knows that he really can't ignore the emperor. Once emperor Shengtian dies, it is estimated that the temple will be finished. I came to the hall of tranquility to help emperor Feiyan. If it's best to destroy the shrine, it's a great sin!"However, if the enemy can even be trapped, will it be useful for me to go?" Chen Yang said in secret. At this time, Chen Yang can't just hold a cavity of blood courage. Although he decides to go there now, he will certainly meet the opportunity to act.

Finally, after a billion kilometers, Chen Yang came to the place where emperor Shengtian called for help.

There is a Black thunder clouds.

The black thunder cloud diffuses in the void universe. It looks like a tall mountain. Inside the thunder cloud, there are thunder flashes. It doesn't look so terrible. It's very much like a random form of dark matter in the universe. Chen Yang has encountered this kind of thundercloud and lightning material many times. Every time he goes through it, it's no different.

At the moment, however, Chen Yang does not dare to underestimate the thunder clouds ahead. This thunder cloud is able to trap the existence of such masters as emperor Shengtian!

"Lord of the temple?" Chen Yang communicated with the imprint in the brain.

However, the other side did not respond.

Chen Yang was in trouble. He couldn't figure out what was in the thunder cloud, but he was sure that the emperor was in it.

It's really wrong to go in so rashly. But if you don't go in all the time, do you want to watch outside? That's no good!

Chen Yang thinks about it. He shoots with his mind first.

Sure enough, there was nothing different in the past. It was a pure thundercloud layer.

I don't know why such a thundercloud layer is formed here.

God can't find anything wrong.

Chen Yang then gathered a void spirit, and then let the void spirit enter the thundercloud electric layer.

The spirit of void shot in instantly, but there was a corridor in it, just like the corridor in a cave. The corridor is surrounded by thunderclouds and electric lights.

The spirit of emptiness walked smoothly in front of the corridor and soon came to the core area!

This road is so smooth that Chen Yang himself feels a little incredible.

The core area is the center of the whole thunder cloud and lightning.

In that central area, Chen Yang's empty spirit finally saw everything. He saw the chariot of Jiulong and the emperor's heaven. Emperor Shengtian is still sitting on the chariot of Jiulong, but he is not very happy at the moment.

His face was black, and his body was surrounded by black evil spirit. His hands are also dark

He was almost too dark to find him in the dark.

Chen Yang sees that emperor Shengtian is struggling, and his eyes are beginning to turn black

"Lord of the temple?" Chen Yang's spirit of emptiness calmed down and immediately called out.

But the emperor did not respond.

"No!" Chen Yang was shocked. He seemed to understand something. In an instant, he opened the door of space with the spirit of void. Chen Yang's body came to the spirit of emptiness, and the spirit of emptiness returned to its original position and became one with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looks at emperor Shengtian. He feels that emperor Shengtian seems to be Lost!

Moreover, it is about to succeed.

"How to save him?" Chen Yang worried, but also regardless of other, immediately cast out the black hole crystal. The black hole whirlpool quickly shrouded the Jiulong chariot and the emperor's heaven.

"Young man, I advise you to stop at once!" At this time, Emperor Shengtian suddenly opened his eyes and said coldly.

The voice has changed dramatically. This is not the voice of the emperor.

Even the temperament is wrong.

The voice of emperor Shengtian is always full of majesty and uprightness. But this voice has a kind of archaic and solemn feeling, at the same time, it is full of distant and ethereal taste.

"Who are you?" Chen Yang asked.

Emperor Shengtian said: "this seat is a demon..."

"The great master?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"Do you know me?" Emperor Shengtian is a little strange. Chen Yang thought, this is really his mother's coincidence, the world's coincidence all met together. If this guy can entangle the emperor, it must be the ancestor of the demon.

The emperor's son died.

On this day, corpse yuan, the grandson of the master, was also killed by himself.

"Lao Tzu has really traveled all over the universe, and so have the enemies! We've all met. "

Chen Yang said in secret.

"I've heard of the grandmaster's reputation. I've heard about him for a long time." Chen Yang said.

Emperor Shengtian speaks the language of the Dragon planet, so there is no barrier to communicate with Chen Yang. On this day, the mage would seize the sacred heaven of the God, and at the same time, he would get the language of the sacred heaven.

"The grandmaster is so powerful that whether a villain makes a move or not will not affect the result." Chen Yang then said with a smile.

Emperor Shengtian sneered and said, "of course! But I also hate being disturbed

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Yang said, "in that case, I will offend."

Chen Yang's words are also a test of this day's master.

He knew that the other side must have arrived at the critical moment. Although Chen Yang doesn't know what he wants to give up, he thinks that if he succeeds in giving up, his life will be difficult. If you want to choose between the heavenly devil and the emperor, Chen Yang will certainly choose the emperor.Chen Yang's great phagocytosis and the seeds of xuanhuang divine Valley all burst out quickly, and the power of the black hole twined around emperor Shengtian. Chen Yang absorbed the black evil spirit of emperor Shengtian.

"You want to die!" The heavenly devil's grandmaster was furious.

Then, the black evil spirit on the emperor Shengtian quickly floated out. This black evil spirit rushes into Chen Yang's black hole vortex

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