Yingzhen was hurt by Chen Yang's original copper coin because he had never met and had no defense. At this time, we have already studied this, so at this time, we immediately launched the ghost Prajna vortex!

The ghost Prajna vortex permeates his understanding of the laws of time and space.

At that moment, the vortex began to absorb the disordered time and space outside the copper coin.

Chen Yang felt a great deal of difficulty, and the origin of copper coins suddenly entered the vortex, just like another long river of time and space, which made it difficult for the origin of copper coins to penetrate.

"Hey Chen Yang's internal strength is in a frenzy. He immediately speeds up to activate time crystal. In the crystal of time, the river of time surged again. In a flash, the endless power of time was absorbed by the original copper coin.

Then, the force of time also formed a vortex!

The origin of the copper coins around the vortex, and then, the origin of the copper coins through the ghost of win really Prajna vortex, directly shot to win really eyebrows. Win really can't help but lose color slightly, his eyes dignified, body shape move, then already entered the turtle sky boat inside.

The tortoise of Shengui Tianzhou suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and spewed out the black electric light like a wild python. The black electric light instantly chopped the original copper coins out.

Chen Yang's power of time and space just broke the ghost Prajna vortex of Yingzhen. At this time, encounter the power of winning the real tortoise Tianzhou Leichi, it is unable to support.

Yingzhen is integrated with Shengui Tianzhou, and the Leichi also contains the power of Prajna wisdom.

Chen Yang's body trembles slightly and reaches out his hand again. The copper coin of origin has once again used the power of time and space to travel through time and space and return to his hands.

Then, with a flash of body, Chen Yang went back to the emperor's side directly. He held his fist respectfully and said, "Lord of the temple, just now, the true or false intention of winning a duel with me wanted me to help him escape. But his subordinates have rejected his rude request. Now, it's hard for my subordinates to defeat this man, so I'd like to ask the Lord of the temple to frighten this evil thief with heaven's power! "

Emperor Shengtian looked at Chen Yang with a smile and said, "is that right?"

Chen Yang immediately said, "I dare not cheat you."

Emperor Shengtian said, "well, I ask you, what's the matter with this copper coin you're displaying?"

Chen Yang said: "this copper coin is a personal magic weapon." He deliberately did not tell the truth, just to give the emperor a sense of heaven, Lao Tzu's origin is very mysterious, there are many secrets on his body.

The emperor and the heaven can't help but stop talking.

He didn't know what to ask.

It was also at this time that Yingzhen came out of the turtle boat and stood on the turtle's head.

At this time, the wind, hunting!

Yingzhen's robe is flying in the wind

He heard Chen Yang's words clearly just now. At this time, he looked around. In the past, all his subordinates had stood on the opposite side.

Looking up, no one is not an enemy.

At this moment, Yingzhen's heart was very sad.

"Let me appreciate the power of the Seven Realms of the God King of creation." Yingzhen said.

Emperor Shengtian said lightly: "as you wish!"

Then, the wind blows, the fight

No one intervened, and no one dared.

Is it not a question of the authority of the emperor?

Yingzhen's figure flashed into the turtle sky boat. The turtle sky boat launched directly, carrying the power of storm and thunder, and then came to kill emperor Shengtian.

Space sticky, time pause!

The black electric light flickered on the tortoise's boat. The tortoise seemed to be alive. He opened his eyes angrily and roared

At that moment, all of a sudden, Shengui Tianzhou entered hyperspace.

Then they saw that there was no trace of Tianzhou.

Then, the turtle sky boat has appeared in front of emperor Shengtian, but it is already a miniature turtle sky boat.

As small as a needle!

Emperor Shengtian just clamped his hands and put the turtle boat between his fingers

At this time, the turtle sky boat exploded again.

It's not that easy to win. In the eyes of Shengui Tianzhou, two black lights suddenly came out!

To be exact, it's not light, it's a black flame!

It's also a magic weapon to win the truth, a mysterious magic weapon that few people have ever seen.

If we don't have to, we won't win at all. At any time, he did not give up the desire to survive.

What he said, what he did, everything is to find a ray of life and paralyze emperor Shengtian!

Those two black flames are the pure fire of black flame!

This black flame pure fire is extracted from the black flame storm planet in the universe. It is said that the black flame storm burned for more than 30000 years, and finally the black flame storm planet was burned out. And this black flame pure fire is where the soul left behind after burning. Later, someone collected the spirit and made a magic weapon, the black flame bottle!Only the black flame pure bottle can store this black flame pure fire!

Yingzhen's sudden display of such a subtle existence is to hit the emperor Shengtian and escape from Shengtian.

When the two black flame pure fire such as tiny lightning needle shot to the eyes of emperor Shengtian, Emperor Shengtian immediately felt the crisis. He was slightly stunned. Fortunately, he was extremely cautious all his life. Although the victory is in hand at the moment, there is no slightest carelessness.

In that ten thousandth moment, the fingers of emperor Shengtian twisted, and the power of time around him seemed to be in his hands. As a result, the speed of black flame cleaning fire immediately slowed down

Then, two sword lights came out of his eyes!

The sword of Nirvana!

Beyond time, space, Vientiane, Prajna's nirvana sword light!

These two Nirvana sword lights and black flame pure fire cut together. In a moment, Nirvana sword light had no resistance and was burned directly into ashes.

But soon, the ashes suddenly broke and then stood up, and turned into sword light again!

And began to derivative, into countless Nirvana sword light.

The sword light revolves, and a tornado storm forms in an instant, which seals the black flame!

It's amazing to win. I didn't expect that heiyanjinghuo still failed to attack successfully. He immediately cast the spell again, urging the mana and the black flame net bottle. The power of Prajna's wisdom is all transported to the black flame pure bottle.

The two black flames changed suddenly, and suddenly the light of the fire was very strong. In an instant, the black flame became a hell on earth, burning the nirvana sword light to ashes.

Then, win really burst roar, that black flame net bottle black light big Sheng.

Black flame pure bottle and turtle sky boat, win really form Trinity!

All the power in one!

The black flame pure fire forms the flame storm, then the emperor holy heaven is completely sealed inside.

The flame is fierce, and the virtual shadow of a star appears, which makes people see that a star seems to be burning for 30000 years, and finally turns into ashes.

And the emperor is burning in this kind of black flame at the moment!

Emperor Shengtian was among them, and I didn't see how he moved.

Di Feiyan was surprised. She worried about her father's safety. In fact, apart from emperor Feiyan, the rest of the people at the scene were expecting emperor Shengtian to die

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