The main hall of tranquility was dark but boundless.

The chariot of Jiulong is in the dark, like a bright lamp in the sea of bitterness, with a little golden light and a warm breath.

Emperor Shengtian sits on the chariot of Jiulong.

Di Feiyan came to di Shengtian. She knelt down on one knee and said, "my daughter has seen my father."

Emperor Shengtian, dressed in a golden robe, sits lazily and casually.

"Get up!" Emperor Shengtian said after a long silence.

Di Feiyan gets up and looks up at di Shengtian.

For a moment, she felt strange. Because her father was close, she could see clearly. But the scene that brings in the eye is a little fuzzy.

It's like a fog.

She only felt that her father was more and more enigmatic. She may even begin to feel that the person in front of her is very strange, as if father is just a title.

Is the actual blood relationship worth paying attention to?

Di Feiyan is not sure at all.

The emperor opened his mouth first, and he said: "recently, being a father is practicing, and he is feeling the power of the world left by the heavenly devil in being a father. It's a vestige of the power of the world, hard to figure out. In the process of pondering, I feel that my father's emotions are rapidly receding. That's why you have a vague feeling of being a father right now. "

"Seven emotions and six desires are retreating?" Di Feiyan was surprised.

Emperor Shengtian sighed and said, "isn't everything in this world like this? What you get, you lose. How powerful is nature? But does nature have seven emotions and six desires? My father found that once you enter this path, you can't retreat. And go straight ahead, but will become more and more emotionless. If you go on, maybe, being a father will be immortal. But at that time, there is no difference between being a father and creating things in heaven and earth

Di Feiyan understood his father's meaning.

She knew that the sky was merciless. Therefore, the thunder, storm and natural disaster will never be pitied.

"Is there no second way? Or do you stop going forward? " Emperor Feiyan asked.

"If you give up the idea of going forward for your father, then all the rules and principles will be depressed. The power of being a father will automatically regress! Sailing against the current, do you think you can retreat Said the emperor.

Emperor Fei Yan said: "no!"

Emperor Shengtian said, "just understand. This is the way to be a father. It's also the path of every practitioner, and you will follow the same path in the future. "

Emperor Feiyan was silent.

Emperor Shengtian thought of something, and then said: "you suddenly come back, and forced to see my father, presumably for Chen Yang's sake."

Emperor Feiyan didn't beat around the Bush and said directly, "yes!"

Emperor Shengtian said, "Chen Yang wants to leave?"

Di Feiyan said: "he and Qingchen came for me, now Now, they are no longer needed here. A friend, they want to leave, I naturally should complete

Di Shengtian stares at di Feiyan, but he doesn't speak for a moment.

Di Feiyan didn't dare to look directly at di Shengtian. She bowed her head and said, "I know, brother's death, you..."

"I didn't worry about my father. Previously, I told you that my father's feelings became more and more indifferent." Said the emperor.

Di Feiyan said: "that's your principle. No matter whether you have feelings for big brother or not, he is your son. So you can't let Chen Yang go, can you? "

Emperor Shengtian said, "you just understand that."

"How about that Di Feiyan said: "if you kill the elder brother, you can let him go. Why can't Chen Yang? If we say the culprit, in fact, I am! "

Emperor Shengtian said: "if you let go of banjuesheng for your father, it's because you want to show forgiveness to those masters of guiwangzong. As a father, even if you don't kill him, they will be more assured. This is the way of power. Besides, banjuesheng is just an executioner. And it was Chen Yang who started it

Emperor Feiyan couldn't help feeling desperate and said, "so, do you really want to kill Chen Yang?"

"No!" Emperor Shengtian said, "if you really want to kill him, he won't live to this day. I'm still thinking about some things as a father. "

Emperor Fei Yan's heart heaved out a glimmer of hope and said, "how can you let Chen Yang go?"

Emperor Shengtian said: "this matter, you don't care."

"I can't ignore it!" Di Feiyan said. She then raised her head and faced the Emperor: "I know that in your heart, I'm not so important. Especially now, you have dominated the world. There are many experts under you. It's not very different whether you have me or not. I'm not likely to threaten you, but daughters have their own principles. My daughter has been cultivated to the fifth level of the realm of God and king. What she thinks will not be changed by anyone's words. Chen Yang came here to help his daughter. I can absolutely trust his character. If you kill him without telling me, my daughter will never live. It's not a threat, it's a request! "Emperor Shengtian's eyes were cold, he said: "the feeling of being a father has not completely subsided, you probably don't know, if it's not for your feelings. Chen Yang is already dead! "

Emperor Feiyan knelt down and said, "as soon as he leaves, what's the difference between death and immortality? Father, I only ask you this one thing, OK

Emperor Shengtian thought for a while and said, "OK, you go down first. Think about it as a father

Emperor Feiyan saw that emperor Shengtian seemed to be determined to loosen up. Now she was overjoyed and said, "thank you, father!"

Later, the emperor's non-smoking retreated.

Di Feiyan soon came to Huaqing Palace.

Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang are waiting for emperor Feiyan.

Before, Meng Qingchen had deliberately kept a distance from Chen Yang in order to prevent emperor Shengtian from getting suspicious. But later, when Chen Yang pleaded for Luo Tong, Meng Qingchen stood up again. Therefore, all the camouflage is meaningless at this time.

Dream light dust is no longer taboo.

Chen Yang's black hole crystal always covers the room. When Di Feiyan comes in, Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang immediately get up to greet each other.

"How?" Dream light dust asked first.

She seldom has such an unstable time, just because it all concerns Chen Yang's safety.

Chen Yang seems calm.

Probably, he has experienced too many life and death crises in his life.

Di Feiyan said: "my father said to consider, I believe, he should let you go."

"Think about it?" Dream light dust is not optimistic at all. "Does he really need to think about it? Your father is not a man of indecision

Di Feiyan said, "but with my father's status and ability, he doesn't have to lie, does he?"

"I hope so!" Dream light dust said.

Di Feiyan said: "at that time, I'll see you off in person. Recently, I live in the gorgeous palace. Wait for my father to make a decision! All in all, I've explained it to my father. If he wants to kill you, I will never live alone. "

Emperor Fei Yan's feelings are sincere.

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