Qin Dong said immediately, "you are always calculating, master of the temple. Chen Yang wants to fight against you. It's like you're looking for your own death!" He skillfully only scolded Chen Yang, but did not mention dream light dust. This is his intelligence, because no matter what, mengqingchen is now the wife of emperor Shengtian. Although emperor Shengtian hates his teeth, who knows what he thinks in his heart?

Emperor Shengtian sneered, but then asked: "do you know how to track them now?"

Qin Dong pondered for a moment and said, "they fled in Dongxiang. Have you left the seeds of breath on Dongxiang, the Lord of the temple?"

Emperor Shengtian said: "not only on Dongxiang, but also on xiaowuyou. I also left the seeds of breath. However, Dongxiang's breath seeds have been quenched. But they can't quench the breath seeds on the carefree body. Moreover, if you are right, they have already separated from Dongxiang for the sake of safety. "

Qin Dong said: "this..."

He then said, "now that the breath has been refined and the subordinates are dull, I really can't guess what kind of magic power you are relying on now, Lord of the temple, before you can continue to track them."

Emperor Shengtian said: "with the shadow of Nirvana!"

"The shadow of Nirvana?" Qin Dong was even more puzzled. Emperor Shengtian said: "this is a very mysterious thing, similar to intuition. Because the nirvana breath of this seat has stayed in their bodies for enough time, there will be a shadow breath that does not exist. Although this breath does not exist, it can be felt by our intuition. No matter how long it takes, we can find them. Unless their cultivation can reach the level of this seat. "

"So it is! I admire the power of the temple master Qin Dong was secretly frightened. He felt cold on his back, but he was flattered. It is obvious that emperor Shengtian is deliberately revealing these things to Qin Dong, so that they can know how terrible it is to betray him.

In the void of the universe, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are already very fast. Chen Yang is flying all the way, while mengqingchen is stepping up recuperation. However, the lack of the origin of life is not so easy to make up for. Even Chen Yang and her Yin and Yang break, it doesn't have much effect. There must be corresponding spirit liquid Chen Yang tried the common spirit liquid of xuanhuang Shengu seed to mengqingchen, but it didn't work.

Chen Yang comforts Meng Qingchen. Don't lose heart. There must be a way to repair the missing source of life.

Dream light dust is a smile, said: "I don't lose heart, lose heart is you.". I was ready to die. Now I can live one more day. That's what I picked up. "

Chen Yang holds Meng Qingchen's hand and says, "I will never let anything happen to you!"

The dream light dust satisfies incomparably.

At this moment, she did not want to say any more. Every minute of the rest of life is so beautiful and precious. It was as if there was nothing else in the world worth caring about.

Chen Yang doesn't know much about the origin of life and can't feel it. It doesn't seem to have much influence on the magic power of mengqingchen. But Chen Yang has seen the blue and purple clothes damage the origin of life. He is almost too old to move. No stone is effective at all

That's a terrible thing.

Dream light dust has nothing to show, but Chen Yang knows that this is definitely a hidden danger. Therefore, sometimes dream light dust to replace Chen Yang to fly, Chen Yang firmly refused.

"I'm going back to earth with you?" During the flight, both mengqingchen and Chen Yang are in the black hole crystal. Mengqingchen asks Chen Yang. Chen Yang said, "of course, is there any doubt?"

"Well, it seems that I haven't promised you to go to earth with you?" Dream light dust some dissatisfied said.

Chen Yang said, "ah? We've both slept. You're Chen Yang's woman. What do you want if a woman doesn't follow a man? "

Dream light dust rolled a white eye, said: "what is sleeping, how can I listen so unpleasant?"? In my world, no you sleep me, only I sleep you. I'm sleeping with you. You want to follow me, OK? "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "although you are the queen, the queen has to let me go. You have to follow me."

"Why?" Dream light dust spat way.

Chen Yang said, "if you don't agree with me, I can bring you to justice now."

"I won't agree." Dream light dust said.

"Good!" Chen Yang immediately found a Death Star nearby and stopped. Then I will press the dream dust under my body and do it.

The struggle of mengqingchen is very slight. After a while, he doesn't struggle at all. Instead, he kisses back actively.

The enthusiasm is like fire, the clouds are like rain.

When they were happiest, Chen Yang asked Meng Qingchen, "who is in charge of our family?"

Dream light dust or dead duck mouth hard, said: "I decide!"

"Good!" Chen Yang said.

At last, Meng Qingchen didn't beat Chen Yang. Under Chen Yang's bad influence, he repeatedly begged for mercy and took the initiative to say that Chen Yang was in charge. Chen Yang just gave up.I don't know how long it took for the fierce tide to pass.

In the end, they got together.

"I suspect you did it on purpose." Chen Yang said suddenly.

"Go away!" Dream light dust kicked Chen Yang.

Joy is always short-lived. It's still too close to Baron and too far from the earth.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen will continue to go on their way soon.

At such a time, Chen Yang misses the earth very much.

In such a critical moment, he thought of the distant place, he completely forgot that on earth, he had many enemies. He just thought, on earth, he has a lot of friends.

When it's warm, people are bothered by the enemy.

When it's cold, people always think of those who can bring warmth to themselves.

However, just when Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are full of longing to return to the earth, the crisis comes quietly.

At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were flying rapidly, but suddenly they felt a great sense of crisis.

"No, it's the emperor who's coming." Chen Yang is disgraced.

Mengqingchen also turned pale and said, "he's really Haunted!"

"Damn me!" Chen Yang couldn't help but slap himself and said, "why should I save him? If only he had been taken away by the heavenly devil. Now I'll hurt myself, and I'll hurt you as well! "

"Don't say that, Chen Yang!" Dream light dust clenched Chen Yang's hand, she suddenly smile, said: "we are together, nothing is afraid. To die, we die together. I don't regret, I don't regret meeting you! " Chen Yang body a shock, then tightly embrace the dream light dust.

"Clearly we have quenched all the breath, why can he catch up?" Chen Yang couldn't figure it out. He said, "what's wrong?"

Dream light dust said: "at the moment I also don't understand this problem."

Chen Yang said, "you can't escape. It's better to find a black hole that emperor holy heaven is afraid of. Only in this way can we have a chance of survival. "

Dream light dust said: "the general black hole is not able to deal with the emperor of heaven, to find the kind of black hole you say, need a lot of luck."

"Chen Yang has always been lucky. I don't believe I can't find him!" Chen Yang drives the black hole crystal and looks for it everywhere.

Although his speed is fast, the pursuit speed in the rear is faster.

It seems that Chen Yang's luck has finally come to an end. In the process of their pursuit, Chen Yang never found a large black hole or a wormhole. Not even a small black hole

Then, in that instant, the rear golden light suddenly flourished.

The crisis is coming!

In an instant, the golden light covered the void for thousands of miles, and finally formed a golden armor!

At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are directly covered by the golden armor cage.

Chen Yang immediately said to Meng Qingchen, "Qingchen, I will open the channel of time and space for you later, and you will run away immediately."

Dream light dust suddenly change color, said: "said to die together." Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "but I can't die. If you survive, go to earth and find Bai Suzhen to save me. Remember, go to Tianzhou to find xuanzhenghao first

Dream light dust said: "no! Don't think you can't die. Emperor Shengtian can quench your body fragments with the pure fire of black flame. The eternal crystal can't be destroyed. But you will die. He has long wanted to take you as an eternal crystal

Chen Yang was stunned, but soon, he still said, "just listen to me!"

"I can't hear you!" Dream light dust said. At the moment of their argument, the emperor's chariot has arrived.

Chen Yang and mengqingchen are now out of the black hole crystal, facing the emperor.

Emperor Shengtian sits on the chariot of Jiulong, and Jiulong has soared. And Qin Dong and others immediately formed an encirclement, surrounded Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen in the middle.

Emperor Shengtian was dressed in a golden robe and his face was cold.

"Chen Yang, thief, I don't think so!" Ban juesheng first sneered and said, "I can't imagine that you can't escape from the palm of our Lord. Now, the Lord of the temple has arrived. I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy immediately. Maybe the Lord of the temple is kind and can make you die faster! "

Chen Yang is too lazy to pay attention to it. He stares at emperor Shengtian.

The emperor looked at the dream light dust.

Dream light dust also looked at the emperor holy heaven.

Emperor Shengtian finally opened his mouth. He said faintly, "mengqingchen, do you remember what I said at the beginning? I have said that if you dare to betray me, I will make it impossible for you to live or die. It seems that you don't have a good memory. You really forgot. "

Meng Qingchen sneered and said, "emperor Shengtian, you are too happy. Do you really think that spell is no longer valid? " Emperor Shengtian said, "if it's effective, it's ineffective. I know it. You can't use this seat. "

Chen Yang's face is dignified. He conveys his dream to light dust with his mind. He says, "light dust, when I beg you, when I open the passage of time and space for you, you must go immediately."Mengqingchen shakes his head, but says it directly. Facing the crowd, she said, "Chen Yang, it's useless. Even if I run away from your passage of time and space, if you are not there. They are still able to chase me, no matter where I flee, the emperor will not let me go. Therefore, the only way is to kill the emperor. "

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