The origin of copper coin was so fast that it was shot at one of the experts in an instant. That person is not others, it is the old servant of emperor Shengtian, cangnu.

In front of this group of experts, although very strong, but their realm is not much higher than Chen Yang. In addition, Chen Yang's understanding of many metaphysical laws has been extremely deep. So at the moment, they are besieging together, and it is difficult to trap Chen Yang. On the contrary, their attack together provided great energy for Chen Yang.

At this time, although Chen Yang was worried about the life and death of Qingchen, he didn't lose his mind.

Chen Yang knows that Cang Nu is the most important one among these people. Cang Nu is immortal. People dare not go even if they want to, because they are afraid that Cang Nu will wear shoes for them.

Emperor Shengtian absolutely trusted cangnu.

Cang Nu's eyes suddenly opened, and he felt the great crisis. The original copper coin from the shooting came towards his eyebrow. Cang Nu only felt that his eyebrow itched violently In horror, Cang Nu immediately retreated

But the original copper coin was too fast for cangnu to escape.

At the critical moment, Cang Nu immediately seized the magic weapon Yipin Xuexiu!

The blood sleeve was sewn on cangnu's sleeve robe. When the blood sleeve was activated, a great blood mist rushed out. The blood mist instantly formed a tornado storm and devoured the original copper coin.

However, faster, the origin of copper coins directly penetrated the blood fog storm!

It's like walking through different time and space!

The emperor and heaven could not resist the attack of the original copper coin, not to mention the cangnu!

Cang Nu's face was no longer dead and calm. His eyes were full of panic. He roared, and then the copper coin shot into his eyebrows. The origin of the coin and its powerful mana caused great damage to his brain.

In his brain, countless cells are engulfed by the power of origin and time and space. The damage is eternal and can never be repaired!

Later, Chen Yang had recovered the original copper coins.

Then Cang Nu's body floated out, just like this He died.

"Who else wants to die?" Chen Yang, holding the original copper coin, looked around the crowd coldly and said word by word.

His heart was anxious, but his face didn't show it.

Qin Dong and others looked at each other.

At that moment, they all stopped, and there was no more movement.

Wuxu immortal, Daoxu immortal and Tianqiong immortal were also stunned on the spot. It was the first time that they saw the horror of the original copper coin. For them, the scene just now was also a real shock.

They all know that cangnu's cultivation is not under them. Can be such a master, but Chen Yang blinked between the seconds to kill.

They didn't dare to do it again, but they were afraid that they would follow Cang Nu's footsteps.

"I don't have much patience any more. You can do it now!" Chen yangpao drinks. His eyes are red with blood, and his murderous spirit is exposed. He chooses people to eat.

"Don't mess with it Hearing this, Qin Dong immediately jumped up like a cat that had been trampled on its tail and said, "the more we attack him, the stronger his power will be. He can transform our mana. On the contrary, if we do not attack him, he will be helpless. "

Wuxu and others suddenly realized.

"What about that?" Wuxu said immediately.

"If you don't attack me, I can kill people as well!" Chen Yang said with a sneer: "also, I don't believe that I will attack and kill by force. You can be slaughtered by me!"

"At present, cangnu is dead, and the life and death of the temple master are uncertain. We'd better go back to the temple first, and then make plans." The real man in the sky couldn't help saying.

He said this as a voice of the people.

So it immediately hit it off.

These people immediately make eye contact, then turn around and quickly disappear into the sky.

Chen Yang is in the mood to pursue and kill these people at the moment, and he immediately moves away from the star field, and then drives the black hole crystal to a death star.

As soon as he landed, he immediately laid the black hole spar. In the crystal of the black hole, he came to mengqingchen.

At the moment, mengqingchen is like a sleeping beauty. She sleeps peacefully.

It's just that there's blood around the corner of the mouth.

The long purple hair and the long blue skirt are just like the beautiful queen coming out of fairy tales.

Chen Yangxin's hair was flustered. He immediately sat on the ground and held mengqingchen in his arms. Then, he reached for her hand, and the mana poured into her body.

The magic power penetrated into the body of mengqingchen. In an instant, Chen Yanghu's body vibrated violently.

He could not feel the vitality and breath of the dream dust.

Dream light dust Dead!

"No, no, it's impossible!" Chen Yang's tears could no longer be restrained and gushed out. That kind of grief is beyond description. He tried very hard to catch something, but he found that he couldn't catch it."Light dust, light dust, don't sleep, don't sleep!" Chen Yang cried in his heart.

"There must be a way, there must be a way. I hide her in the black hole crystal, the soul can not escape from the black hole crystal. Heaven and earth, I must save you

Although Chen Yang's grief reached the extreme at this time, he still didn't mess with himself. On the contrary, he was careful and calm to a terrible degree.

"Yes, double repair, double repair! Although the body seems to have died, there must be weak brain waves in the brain

Chen Yang immediately fixed mengqingchen's body with his magic power, and sat with his knees crossed relative to mengqingchen. Chen Yang tried to calm his mind and let his mana begin to penetrate into the brain of mengqingchen.

It's a very difficult process to get into each other's brain. You have to be empathetic and so on!

However, Meng Qingchen is on the verge of death, and Chen Yang's exploration is not hindered.

Mana all the way from the dream dust into the brain, this process is more difficult than through the black hole. Because of the complexity and mystery of the brain, it is really comparable to the star universe. Chen Yang must not destroy the original brain cell structure of mengqingchen.

Moreover, all the way in, Chen Yang's heart became more and more frightened.

Because all the way, it's cold and desolate everywhere. It's the land of the dead!

All the brain waves went out!

Chen Yang doesn't dare to have any other ideas. He is afraid that he will mess up.

Walking all the way is like walking in a deep and mysterious universe, but the universe is extremely cold and full of death. Finally, after about ten minutes, Chen Yang's mana and ideas came to the core of mengqingchen.

That is the deepest existence, such as through the vast universe, Chen Yang finally met the last remaining brain waves of mengqingchen.

The brain waves have been extremely weak, and are beginning to relax.

Chen Yang quickly drives the mana to entangle it. In a moment, the brain waves fuse together. This is based on the fact that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen have practiced spirituality several times before, so they fit each other incomparably at this time.

The magic power of mengqingchen is very weak. When the two sides agree, Chen Yang's body is shocked.

He instantly felt all the feelings of mengqingchen at this time. Mengqingchen's body could not feel the pain and everything was lax. It's like ordinary people don't close their eyes for three days and three nights. Their eyelids are too heavy to open.

Chen Yang's magic power moistens the dream dust.

So, dream light dust began to wake up gradually, but this sober, suddenly, countless pain tearing feeling came up. Chen Yang feels that he has fallen and decayed. All the functions of his body have been damaged and his vitality has been exhausted. It's like he has fallen into a black hole in the dark. The huge black hole is devouring, pulling the dream dust.

At this time, Chen Yang uses his magic power to pull mengqingchen away from the boundless black hole. Nevertheless, Chen Yang feels the cry of mengqingchen. Her body and everything seems to be burning and suffering in the fire. It's a tearing feeling.

Moreover, mengqingchen's mana is too weak at this time.

Therefore, Chen Yang can't help Meng Qingchen to relieve her crying.

"Light dust, light dust!" Chen Yang kept shouting.

His consciousness and dream light dust consciousness entangled, he kept shouting dream light dust.

Finally, mengqingchen has a response. A scream from her, which contains endless crying.

"Chen Yang?" Dream light dust also shouts.

"It's me!" Chen Yang said quickly. He paused and said, "I'm here to save you. Now I'm in the deepest part of your brain, blending with your residual brain waves. Don't panic. Calm down. Let's nurture all things with the fusion of yin and Yang. "

"It's no use!" Dream light dust said: "my life source has been burned out, now, there is no way back.". I can feel that my consciousness is gradually dissipating. Once it is completely dissipating, I will no longer exist in this world. "

"There must be a way." Chen Yang gritted his teeth. He murmured, "there must be a way, there must be a way. I want to save you, I don't want you to go, absolutely not! "

Dream light dust sighed. This sigh, with a trace of resentment.

She then wry smile, said: "Chen Yang, we finally have a good chat, OK?"

Chen Yang's tears burst the bank in an instant. He hated himself to the extreme: "it's me, it's me who killed you. I saved emperor Shengtian. I was wrong, wrong It's really wrong. Why does it have to be like this? I just want to die less and help them. Is that wrong? "

"Chen Yang?" Dream light dust calmed down instead, she said: "now say these, what meaning?"

After a pause, she said, "I really don't have much time."

Chen Yang is terrified and tries to calm himself.

"What can I do to save you?" Chen Yang asked. He was like a drowning child, trying to catch the last straw.

Dream light dust said: "I am the body of the goblin, the source of my life has been burned out. No matter what you do, you can't save meChen Yang murmured: "no, no, there must be a way."

"I It's painful. " Dream light dust said: "I don't want to die, but I can't stay. Chen Yang, do you know? I'd like to say that I don't regret it. I would like to say that I never regret knowing you. But I am about to leave, behind me, is a void of darkness, they want to devour me. I'm so afraid of I have no meaning, no meaning What can you do for me in the future? What do you do? What does it have to do with me? How long can you miss me and how long can you be sad? Even if you are sad all your life, I It doesn't exist anymore. I'm so sorry I know you! I don't want to go, I don't want to die, I don't want to disappear, I don't want to, I don't want to Ah

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