"Every time I see you, I feel that you are more unfathomable." Su Yanran said with a bitter smile. Chen Yang laughed and said, "are you sorry? You should have treated me better." Su Yanran immediately pretty face with spring, said: "at the beginning is also good enough for you."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's true!"

After a short greeting, Chen Yang said goodbye to Su Yanran and went directly to the boat of one yuan.

On the one yuan bridge, Chen Yang patiently waits for Xuan Zhenghao's arrival.

Inside the boat of one yuan, there are many stars, which are as vast as the sky of the universe.

Even though Chen Yang now has such terrible accomplishments, he still feels his own insignificance standing in the boat of one yuan. It seems that what I am facing now is not the boat of one yuan, but the real universe.

Chen Yang looks around, and he knows that after Xuan Zhenghao gets the Pangu banner and jueshun banner, the power of the boat of one yuan has become unimaginable. Maybe now, even if you are a master with the power of the world, you will not be able to break the boat of one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao stepped into the fairyland with a mortal body, and finally laid such a mountain with his own strength. Since ancient times, there has been only one person.

Chen Yang has not yet waited for Xuan Zhenghao, but a voice comes from the depth of the nihilistic one yuan boat.

"Chen Yang!" A man's voice called.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, then bowed respectfully and called out: "master Dixuan!"

"Ha ha..." Emperor Xuan immediately laughed and said, "as soon as you enter the boat of one yuan, I feel your magic power. Your magic power is majestic, but also with the smell of mystery and terror. Now, I'm not your opponent. How can you be so polite to me? "

Chen Yang said: "the younger generation just got some opportunities. No matter whether the younger generation can surpass you, the older generation will always be the older generation of the younger generation and should always be respected."

"Ha ha ha..." Emperor Xuan laughed, he said: "however, although your power is very mysterious, I want to try your cultivation today."

Chen Yang didn't refuse either, and said, "how dare you not accompany me when you are so elegant

"Good!" Emperor Xuan said.

From the beginning to the end, Emperor Xuan did not show his true face.

Then, Emperor Xuan made a move.

Chen Yang is attentive!

At any time, Chen Yang will not underestimate the enemy, the lion fighting the rabbit, still need to do his best. How can Chen Yang not understand this truth.

In front of Chen Yang, the dark void fluctuates. Then a golden compass appeared. The compass is the magic weapon of Emperor Xuan, the compass of death!

Reincarnation compass was suppressed in the boat of one yuan. Emperor Xuan could only mobilize reincarnation compass when he was in the boat of one yuan.

There are countless small characters on the compass. These runes are like metaphors of the secrets of the earth from ancient times to the present. They can see through the past and the future.

The old compass appeared. In the middle of the compass, a big fingerprint came back and forth. Big fingerprints contain gold, and gold contains black energy. Then the whole person of Chao Chen Yang grabs photograph to come over!

The first time a master tries a trick is to capture the enemy with his big fingerprints.

Chen Yang did not say much when he caught the big handprint, and immediately cast out the black hole crystal. Black hole crystal turned into black hole fingerprint!

Chen Yang's palm protrudes like a swordfish. The black hole fingerprint suddenly formed and collided with the golden one.

"Hey Emperor Xuan drank softly.

The compass of the past gives out a dazzling light, and then the infinite force of the universe around is absorbed by the compass. The compass spins violently Then, the light in the golden fingerprints was also dazzling, and Chen Yang immediately felt that the power in the golden fingerprints was extremely heavy.


Extremely heavy!

It's heavier than a hundred planets!

According to reason, the earth can't bear such weight.

Chen Yang's black hole fingerprints were immediately out of control.

The big golden handprint suddenly caught, pinched and exploded with a backhand.

Chen Yang's black hole fingerprints are directly broken.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, boy!" Emperor Xuan laughed and said, "although you are the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, I don't want to die on the beach."

Chen Yang wry smile, he said: "senior high move, junior understand."

"Ha ha, it doesn't count!" Emperor Xuan has no plan to let Chen Yang go. He took the golden fingerprint and waved it. Suddenly, the compass flew out.

The lightning shuttle of the compass directly covers Chen Yang's sky.

In the compass, the dense runes are all alive, generally around the compass. Chen Yang's naked eye can see that the compass is absorbing the power of the universe.

Chen Yang wants to get out of the way, but it's too late. The dead compass was suppressed in an instant!

Chen Yang was surprised and immediately launched the black hole vortex, trying to swallow the dead compass. However, the compass does not fall, but is integrated with the boat of one yuan. It's like a small pot that can't absorb a bigger lid. But the power of the compass is extremely heavyChen Yang immediately felt the difficulty, he suddenly changed color.

Originally, he thought it was easy to deal with Emperor Xuan, but now Chen Yangcai finds out that it's not the same thing.

Chen Yang can't swallow the compass of the past, nor can he absorb the power in it.

Pure gravity rolling.

Chen Yang tried to move the compass away, but it didn't work at all. This compass has a kind of past, present, future, exclusive momentum.

Chen Yang dominates the universe, and there are times when he can't take over. There have been dangerous, critical moments. But there has never been a moment like this, unable to bear the weight of each other.

This feeling of weight, Chen Yang since the cultivation of magic power, rarely experienced.

In a flash, Chen Yang's mana is ferocious and galloping, and the galloping power of more than 20 billion horses is enough to destroy the planet, but now he can't bear the weight of the compass of death.

Chen Yang's forehead is full of tendons and sweat.

The bridge of one yuan under his feet began to crack.

"What is this for?" At this time, Xuan Zhenghao came to the bridge of one yuan from outside. Xuan Zhenghao is wearing a bright yellow gown, handsome and handsome.

On the contrary, he became more and more handsome.

Emperor Xuan sees Xuan Zhenghao and laughs. With a flash of his figure, he comes to Xuan Zhenghao. "I see Chen Yang's ability has increased a lot, so I'll try Chen Yang."

Chen Yang is under the pressure of that compass, and Chen Yang is suffering.

However, Emperor Xuan is light and graceful. The great emperor is also an elegant figure in a blue gown. He talks and laughs with Xuan Zhenghao.

"You are so wicked, you fellow." Xuan Zhenghao spat: "you have gathered the strength of my one yuan boat. If you leave this one yuan boat, you can bully Chen Yang so much, then I admire you."

Emperor Xuan laughs and asks Chen Yang, "how about Chen Yang? Can he hold on?"

"I admire the master's excellent moves." Chen Yang said laboriously.

Emperor Xuan was ready to take back the compass, but just then

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