Yuanjue said: "among the many elements, the arc element is particularly important to the power of the world. But arc element is not indispensable to the whole universe. So, my idea is to let you find the matrix of the arc element, and then destroy it. As long as the matrix is extinguished, all arc elements will perish. At that time, those masters have to force out all the power of the world in their bodies. If they don't, they will explode and die. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "since the arc element has such magical power, it is difficult to find the matrix of the arc element. Because if it was easy to find, someone would have done it, wouldn't it? "

Yuanjue said, "it's really hard to find! However, not many people are aware of the arc element, and even fewer can see through it. It is even more difficult to find the matrix of arc elements. "

"The vast universe, rashly to find, how to find?" Chen Yang has a headache.

It sounds like a fantasy.

Yuanjue said, "it's not easy to do. If it's easy to do, it won't bother you. Moreover, this matter is serious. Once Lin Zhan loses the power of the earth. Then, it will be more difficult for him to protect the whole earth. In short, it is difficult to predict the pros and cons of doing this. But if you don't, the earth will collapse first. As for how to find the matrix of arc elements, it is necessary for Lin Zhan to cooperate with Xuan Zhenghao. You have a boat of one yuan. You are the only one who can break the boat of one yuan. This is an opportunity. "

Xuan Zhenghao said, "well, God of Dharma, how long do we have to do this?"

Yuanjue said, "I can't calculate the exact time. But with the distance between the imperial sky boat and the earth, it should be three months before we can get to this place as quickly as possible. If they were slower, it would be longer. "

"Well, we'll take three months," he said

Yuanjue said, "it should be so."

After that, young people said, "let's see if you can make it as soon as possible."

Xuan Zheng Hao immediately got up and said, "since that's the case, I don't dare to delay any more, so I left first." As he spoke, he got up first.

Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan are not motherly, so they get up.

Even the God Emperor stood up.

Several people said goodbye together, then turned around and left Mount Tai together.

The emperor followed.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang, is in the boat of one yuan.

Shendi and xuanzhenghao work together to find the matrix of arc elements. As for Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan, they can't help.

Xuan Zhenghao said to Chen Yang, "this matter of looking for the matrix of arc elements can not be found in one night. You go back first and spend time with your family and children. I'll let you know as soon as I can. It's hard, but the earth can't be empty. God and I can't leave. You need to do it then. "

Chen Yang nodded.

Then Chen Yang left Tianzhou and returned to the world.

Just in time, Chen Yang went to pick up Nianci from school.

This day, is still so blue, this world, looks so calm.

When Chen Yang comes back, he chats with Nianci and looks at the busy streets.

It doesn't look like the end of the day at all.

Few people know that the crisis is like an arrow on the string.

He sighed a little and said, "well, son, your father is really ready to save the earth this time. As long as I'm alive, I won't let the earth be hurt! "

This night, it was still a happy one.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu talked about what the Dharma God said. Fu Qingzhu was also disgraced after hearing this, but he didn't show it.

He said, "I'm the one looking for the matrix of arc elements. I'm also a destiny. At this time, I should also contribute to the earth. "

Chen Yang a smile, said: "good, when the time comes, say not to have to separate to look for."

Fu Qingzhu nodded.

When sleeping, the bedroom is very quiet.

Shen monong is lying in Chen Yang's arms. Chen Yang tells Shen about the arc element matrix. Shen monong was also greatly surprised.

Chen Yang took her hand and comforted her softly, saying, "don't worry. I've experienced all the hardships along the way. No matter how desperate I am, I've experienced it. I can't cross it. I will find the matrix of the arc element and extinguish it. At that time, the crisis of the earth will be naturally relieved. " After a pause, he said, "again, even if the earth doesn't work, in ten thousand steps. Don't worry, xuanzhenghao and LAN Tingyu will be able to take you away. I have found several living bodies and habitable planets outside the earth. As a last resort, we'll leave the earth, but we'll be free. "

"Don't leave the earth!" Shen Mo Nong's body trembled. She hugged Chen Yang tightly and said, "promise me, we must try our best to keep the earth.""Of course, I mean as a last resort," Chen said. This earth has our blood and familiar plants. Since I am standing in this position, I will try my best to protect it

Shen monong nodded heavily.

This night, the two did not live as husband and wife. It's very warm to hold together quietly.

All, it is silent than sound.

Chen Yang had the heart to go to find Suzhen in black, but now it seems that this matter should be postponed.

Three days later, news came from xuanzhenghao. Let Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu go to Tianzhou immediately.

Originally, Xuan Zhenghao wanted to shout even LAN Tingyu, but he didn't shout because he was worried about the safety of the whole world.

Although this is such an urgent moment, if there are other fatalists who want to make trouble in the world and hurt Chen Yang's family. God can't stop it!

Once stopped, the power of the earth will be weakened again.

The reason why Yuanjue has come to this point is that he has broken the rules.

At present, the matter of the arc element matrix has not been written down. If God's power of the earth weakens again, there will be no fight at all.


Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu came together and quickly came to the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu met Xuan Zhenghao, Shendi and Dixuan.

At the moment of seeing Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu couldn't help losing face.

It turned out that Xuan Zhenghao's hair was white and his face was wrinkled. He was getting younger and younger, but he didn't know how much effort and energy he spent these three days.

"Your hair, emperor?" Chen Yang is disgraced.

Xuan Zhenghao was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "it's all small things. After shaving, I'll grow black hair again. The matrix of arc element was finally found by me. It's lucky to say that the sky is endless, and we are on the earth

He looked very excited.

Chen Yang and others are also very happy for it.

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