"Hey, there, it's baron." In the void, Chen Yang sees the star ahead and says excitedly to Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black drove the chariot of eaglewood in Kowloon and quickly flashed towards the planet.

Chen Yang guides Suzhen in black.

So, in this sunny day, a strange light came directly to Donglan mountain, and broke the protective array of Donglan mountain. Then, the chariot of Jiulong eaglewood came to the platform.

Chen Yang and Chen Zhen follow Chen Jiulong's chariot.

With a big move, Suzhen in black took the chariot into her eyebrows.

At this time, Chen Yang was dressed in black, and Su Zhen was also dressed in a long black skirt.

When Chen Yang stood there, he was full of spirit and courage. He gives people a kind of horizontal knife, and immediately, only Chen dayuanshuai's momentum.

"Emperor, your grandfather, I'm back. Get out of here and die!" Chen Yang yelled.

His voice instantly spread in all directions, sound waves concussion, such as thunderclouds rolling, rippling a hundred miles.

This action immediately alerted all the people and horses in the East Hall.

And then, immediately, there's a flash.

The experts in the temple of descending will be out immediately. These experts have already been shocked

At that moment, countless figures flickered.

Then, dozens of figures appeared on the platform.

Among them, there are banjuesheng, Daoxu, Wuxu, Tianqiong, Qindong, ghosts and witches.

A total of more than ten masters arrived in an instant.

There are also more than 20 disciples with excellent accomplishments.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are surrounded in the middle.

A look of surprise flashed in Qin Dong's eyes. He looked at Chen Yang and then at Suzhen in black He couldn't see Su Zhen's accomplishments at all.

Qin Dong is a human spirit. At this moment, he seems to understand something.

That's why emperor Shengtian suddenly seems to have changed a person.

Obviously, the emperor is afraid.

The person he is afraid of is obviously not Chen Yang. And now, Chen Yang dare to come so blatantly. Then he relied on the woman in black in front of him. This woman in black, if she can be unknown, she will scare the emperor first

How terrible was her cultivation?

Qin Dong can't imagine.

Then, he immediately said to the man beside him: "you are here, I will report to the first lady immediately!"

General juesheng nodded.

Qin Dong is about to leave

"Qin Dong, I think you'd better stay!" Chen Yang suddenly smiles.

Qin Dong's body trembled, and he subconsciously directly sacrificed his soul chariot. The dark, ghostly soul chariot appears. He stands on top of the soul chariot and faces Chen Yang.

Qin Dong said in a deep voice, "Chen Yang, it seems that there is no personal grudge between you and me?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I can't talk about gratitude and resentment. But at the beginning, you played me and mengqingchen. When he Yingzhen besieged me, you also contributed a lot! "

"It's not personal enmity, it's acting on orders!" Qin Dong said.

"You're standing here honestly. I haven't figured out what to do with you." Chen Yang said coldly.

"That's crazy of you!" Qin Dong said.

At this time, the elder of the sky directly opened his mouth, sneered and said, "Chen Yang, you were very lucky to escape last time. You dare to come here on your own initiative today. You are looking for your own death

"What did you say?" Suzhen in black looked coldly at the elder of the sky.

The sky elder said, "I..."

"I'll give you courage," she said. "You say it again."

The sky elder could not help but step back and said, "let's kill these two evil thieves together!"

"OK, let's go!" Wuxu immortal, Daoxu immortal also cheered.

Naturally, the three brothers are of one mind.

Few people here have Qin Dong's mind. All of them immediately joined hands.

In this moment, the stars vibrate and the sky and earth change color.

With a brush of the silver dust in the hands of the immortal Tianqiong, thousands of silver needles immediately burst out, like countless stars, like the collapse of heaven and earth.

In the hands of Wuxu real person is an antique box, which is called hollow box!

This empty box starts, and the abyss comes. In the abyss, countless rock walls collapse, and they cover Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

There is also the immortal Daoxu. His eyes are red with blood. With a roar, he sacrificed a bloody sound sword!

All of a sudden, the blood cloud billows, the devil's voice swings, Qi Qi blows, such as heaven and earth disaster!

The rest of you, all of you.

Each magic weapon, not stingy to call over

Ghost elder, ban juesheng, ghost wizard elder and so on, all move Ghosts and tracks.Chen Yang felt such a terrible attack. He felt that he had only one move to do for himself, which was to use the copper coin of origin to create the channel of time and space. However, it has a big disadvantage, that is, it can't last. But the enemy's attack and kill can be endless

At this time, Chen Yangcai was not worried at all.

When the front of the avalanche to crack, he calmly flashed behind him, but almost did not learn the drama of Xu Xian called a lady to save me.

All in a flash!

There are many disciples gathered around the platform. When they see such a scene on the platform, they are all stunned.

For the first time in their lives, they saw the power of explosion and destruction.

They were already trembling with fear just around them.

At this time, Suzhen in black also made a move.

Suzhen's pretty face is cold, and she's very quick. She is just a big hand, her slender hands in the middle, the rapid emergence of the dark elements.

The dark element instantly formed a dark vortex, which became bigger and bigger, and directly swallowed all the attacks and kills.

Then, Suzhen grabs again, the dark vortex shrinks, and finally condenses into a black crystal. She took the crystal stone in her hand, and then she shot it at the immortal dome.

One second ago, it was the collapse of heaven and earth!

After a moment, it has been calm.

Then, the black spar catapulted into the sky. The immortal Tianqiong immediately turned his power to resist, and the silver dust rolled. But when the black crystal stone was shot, the silver dust of the immortal Tianqiong was smashed, and then the black crystal stone bounced into the eyebrow of the immortal Tianqiong.

The eyes of the real man in the sky were wide open, and then all the power burst out

Boom! The immortal in the sky was killed and smashed

The aftereffects of the explosion carried with them endless horror and profound meaning, and they were killed in all directions

In the blink of an eye, the whole shrine and Donglan mountain will be destroyed

That is at this time, in the void, a shadow flashed by.

Wearing a golden robe, the figure immediately took out his hand and grabbed all the aftershocks of the explosion into his palm. Then, he sealed all the aftershocks of the explosion into a pill and catapulted them into the void.

This ejection will go a hundred thousand miles, and then the rear will explode!

Then the figure settled in front of the crowd!

It is the emperor who comes!

"He is the emperor's heavenly son!" Chen Yang immediately said to Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black looks at the emperor. Emperor Shengtian also looked at Suzhen in black!

At this moment, all the experts in the field are shocked!

Shocked by the power of the woman in black, I also hope that emperor Shengtian can come to turn the tide.

Elder Tianqiong is master Xuanjin. It's terrible that such a powerful person was killed by a woman in black.

"You are the emperor?" Suzhen in black first asked with a cold smile.

Emperor Shengtian nodded and then said in a deep voice, "is that a girl?"

"Easy to say!" Chen Yang opened his mouth first and said, "emperor Shengtian, you must not forget that you wanted to kill me at the beginning. I tried my best to persuade you. I told you that I have a friend named Bai Suzhen. It doesn't matter if you mess with me. If you mess with her, you're dead. It's a pity that you were determined to go your own way at that time. Now, it's time for you to respond to your good fortune that day. You said, even if she comes, it's a challenge. Good. I'll see if you can stand the challenge

"Bai Suzhen?" Emperor Shengtian was shocked.

"Yes, I am Bai Suzhen!" Suzhen in Black said with a sneer, "I heard Chen Yang say that he once saved you. It's a pity that he didn't force you. He almost lost your hand. Just now, that Taoist with a big nose dared to threaten Chen Yang in front of me, so I killed him. And you are more than a threat. Now, do you want me to do it by myself or do it by yourself

Emperor Shengtian took a deep breath and said, "well, since you have come. There's nothing wrong with that one... "

"Pa!" At this moment, Suzhen in black suddenly reaches out her hand

She slapped the emperor in the face.

Suddenly, half of his cheek was red and swollen.

"What do you dare to call yourself in front of your aunt?" Suzhen in black sneered.

Stay in the audience!

Including the emperor!

Emperor Shengtian looks at Suzhen in black in horror. He originally wanted to have a fair fight with Bai Suzhen. But this slap, in an instant, awakened the emperor.

"What? Don't you see clearly? " Suzhen in black suddenly smiles. Then she reaches for her hand again. Another slap on the other cheek of emperor Shengtian.

His cheeks are red and swollen.

Suddenly, he stood on the spot.

"No, it's impossible!" Emperor Shengtian's expression was shaking as if he had lost his mind. "It's impossible. Why, why?"Qin Dong and others were even more shocked.

They could not believe that such a terrible emperor had no resistance in front of the woman in black.

Is this woman's cultivation as high as heaven?

"Do you want to fight again?" Suzhen in black asked coldly.

Emperor Shengtian looks at Suzhen in black in horror. Since he fought with Chen Yang, the seed of fate has made him fall into a nightmare.

At this time, when he looked at Suzhen in black, he felt that this was not a nightmare, but a reality.

"No..." Emperor Shengtian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell on his knees, his hair scattered. "Why? Why? I have been working hard all my life, but in the end, why is she not as good as a finger? Why? "

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