At this moment, everything in di Feiyan's heart seemed to be disillusioned.

In such a world, di Feiyan feels like a clown My brother lied to her and hurt her. Her father lied to her, took advantage of her and ignored her.

It seems that Chen Yang has never cheated her.

Suzhen in black frowned. She doesn't talk, these people, she has no feelings. So in the end how to deal with, or listen to Chen Yang.

Emperor Shengtian stares at Chen Yang. He naturally knows that his life at the moment is pinched in Chen Yang's hand.

Chen Yang pondered for a long time, and then said, "well, Emperor Shengtian. You just want to live. I can make you live. Although it's not a pity that emperor huaixiu and you both died, it's not a good thing to say that I will kill my brother and father. "

Chen Yang said that after a speech, he said, "however, I will damage half of your brain. For the rest of your life, try to repair your brain

Emperor Shengtian's eyes suddenly turned red and roared: "absolutely not!" Today's disgrace has been remembered in his mind. In his heyday, he was not as good as Suzhen in black. If his cultivation is damaged again, how can he accept it.

"If you don't, you'll kill them. Then, we'll kill you again! " Chen Yang is also resolute.

Voice, there is no room for negotiation.

Chen Yang has his own bottom line.

Emperor Shengtian said in a deep voice, "are you serious? Do you care for their lives?"

Chen Yang said coldly, "this is my greatest pity. Originally, you had to die."

"If I lose my accomplishments, how can I live any longer? There are too many people who want to kill me Said the emperor.

"You can go as far as you can. Here, no one will control you! " Chen Yang said. "But in return, you must stay," he said

Emperor Shengtian said, "I don't believe it. You will watch them die."

"No more nonsense, aunt, I'll kill you all together." At this time, Suzhen said impatiently. She had a murderous look in her eyes!

The emperor's heart trembled.

He took a deep breath and said, "OK, I promise you!"

Then, Emperor Shengtian directly let go of emperor Feiyan.

"Kneel down!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Emperor Shengtian knelt down.

Suzhen in black immediately moves, her dark elements invade into the brain of emperor Shengtian, instantly corroding the brain of emperor Shengtian. Emperor Shengtian immediately groaned in pain

In a moment, Suzhen took back the dark elements.

Emperor Shengtian's sweat was like a serious illness.

He then handed over the chariot and said to Chen Yang, "can I go now?"

"Go away!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Emperor Shengtian turned around and walked away. At this moment, the sun reflected on his back, so desolate

Di Feiyan was silent. She didn't speak.

Even at this moment, there was still something in her heart that she couldn't bear.

Emperor Shengtian didn't look back. Suddenly, his figure flashed and he flew out of the Dragon planet.

Chen Yang doesn't worry that shanlingyue will be killed. Emperor Shengtian doesn't have the courage.

In fact, Chen Yang also immediately checked the bodies of shanlingyue monk Lian xiner and others, and their marks were indeed eliminated. That night, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black left the Dragon Star.

Time is undoubtedly very urgent for them.

So there's no need to delay here.

Before he left, Chen Yang gave the chariot to Emperor Feiyan. At the same time, put down the words, di Feiyan is Chen Yang's friend. In the future, he will come to Baron at any time. If anyone dares to harm emperor Feiyan, he will not be spared.

As for the other affairs of Dragon Star, Chen Yang did not take care of them. They didn't kill Qin Dong

For Dragon Star, Dragon Star has the destiny of Dragon Star!

Chen Yang did not want to intervene, nor did he want to come in as an aggressor.

Therefore, Chen Yang gave emperor Feiyan the right to dispose of everything.

In front of Qin Dong, Daoxu, Wuxu, banjuesheng and other experts, Chen Yang handed over their power of life and death to Emperor Feiyan.

Di Feiyan was not knocked down by life, but she still chose to forgive.

This can also be regarded as Chen Yang's help to sell emperor Feiyan to these experts for a great favor. Before leaving, Chen Yang took Qin Dong's soul chariot away.

The soul chariot has a deep connection with Qindong and is integrated into one!

However, under the witness of Suzhen in black, Qin Dong still painfully cut the soul chariot.

Chen Yang didn't covet the soul chariot very much. He took it mainly for emperor Feiyan. After the soul chariot was taken away, the Dragon Star was left with only the chariot of Jiulong.

As for the Tiangang chariot, Chen Yang did not think of it at that time. It is only after emperor Chen and Tiangang know that they are on the chariot.At the same time, Chen Yang drew nearly a trillion pure yuan pills from the East Hall of Spirit descending!

The production of balongxing pills is extremely fast. But the consumption is also very large, Chen Yang draws a trillion pure yuan Dan, has let the Dragon Star stretched.

Chen Yang didn't think about the ancient furnace, but he was still a little embarrassed. Moreover, he vaguely understood that the ancient furnace of the abyss was created by heaven and earth, and it was integrated with heaven and earth, and could not be taken away at all.

So Chen Yang didn't mention it at all.

After leaving the Dragon Star, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black rush to Beidou.

In the Dragon eaglewood chariot, Suzhen in black controls the Dragon eaglewood chariot at will In the void and darkness, the nine headed dragon is powerful and powerful, galloping fast in hyperspace Going through wormholes, black holes, that's all.

The interior of Chenxiang chariot is luxurious and elegant!

There is also a picture of Yuanshi Tianzun. The painting is hung on the wall in the middle. The Taoist style of Yuanshi Tianzun in the painting is close to people's heart.

If it had been before, Chen Yang would have been astonished. Now, a portrait can not bring too much waves in his heart.

"In that ancient furnace, there is the effect of delaying time. It's a year inside and a month outside. If I have enough time, I really want to stay in it for a while! " Chen Yang is sitting at the table, drinking immortal wine, and says to Su Zhen in black.

Suzhen in black came to the table and sat down.

Chen Yang immediately said, "you're here. Who's in charge of the direction?"

"Can't you see it?" Suzhen in black also poured herself a cup of immortal wine and drank it in one gulp.

Chen Yang looked up and saw that there was another man in the main battle field of the Dragon eaglewood chariot. That person is the empty spirit left by Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Black dress Su Zhen says suddenly: "I am to understand now, how do you have peach blossom affection debt everywhere."

Chen Yang immediately red face and said, "what do you understand?"

Yidi said, "that's very good for you, too! Isn't that all mercy? "

Chen Yang said, "I don't think so. I'm just doing my part as a friend! "

"I find that most of your friends are women," she said

Chen Yang said: "nonsense, isn't Taoist priest Luo Tong a man this time? Also, my eldest brother, second brother and Fu Qingzhu are all men. "

Black Yi Su Zhen Ge Ge a smile, say: "I casually say, you so nervous why?"

"Am I nervous?" Chen Yang immediately denied.

"You're just nervous." Black Yi Su Zhen says very firmly.

Chen Yang insisted: "no!"

Two people also belong to boring, in casual chat some topic.

Chen Yang then said: "from here to the position of the arc element matrix, at your speed, it will take one month at the fastest."

"That's right!" "It's a bit boring," she said

Chen Yang said, "how time flies! I can still remember the days when we wandered together. "

"Do you think time is fast?" she said? I've been more than 800 years. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "in my impression, it's only ten years."

"Although more than 800 years have passed, I have never forgotten those years," she said. It's very good now. Everything you've been thinking about has been done. Ling'er has nothing to do with it

"Yes Chen Yang suddenly said, "what about you?"

Suzhen in black was slightly stunned.

She thought of her sister

"I Probably not. " She thought about it and said.

Chen Yang was shocked. "After so long, you can put it down."

"I didn't have a word of warmth for her before she died," she said. But she sacrificed her life to save me. Do you think there is such an incompetent sister as me in this world? "

"If she's still alive, I want you to be happy. Otherwise she would not have done that! " Chen Yang said.

"But she's gone. There's no spring to know," she said. She's just gone. She won't know what I do or say. It doesn't make sense

Chen Yang sighed.

He knew that the death of Bai Yi Su Zhen had been a great blow to her.

Chen Yang thought about it and said, "where's Xu Xuan?"

"She's dead," she said

"Dead?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"After his sister's absence, he was almost useless," she said. Indulge yourself and die in the devil's heart when you finally practice. I can't help it! "

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling dejected.

Then he thought of something and said, "when you shed blood and tears, you should have lost all your talents. Why is your cultivation still so fast?"

Suzhen Heiyi said, "it's a picture of the country. There are spiritual roots in the picture of mountains and rivers, and spiritual roots help me recover my talent. "Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"Drink the bar!" Suzhen then raised her glass and said, "we haven't been together like this for a long time."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "yes, cheers!"

After drinking a lot of wine, Suzhen suddenly said, "I've heard such a legend."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, what legend?"

"It is said that there is a gate of eternal life in the depths of the universe. Xuan Zhenghao's boat of one yuan seems to have come from the gate of eternal life. "

Chen Yang was slightly surprised and said, "is that right?"

"It's said that if you find the gate of eternal life, you can revive the people you want to revive," she said

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