Later, Suzhen said, "it will be at least a month before the position of the arc element matrix. You have enough pills now. Practice well. I'll take care of the journey. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

In fact, he was willing to chat with Suzhen in black.

He felt too lonely in her heart.

What's more, Chen Yang has to admit that he likes Suzhen in black in his heart. However, in front of Suzhen's powerful aura, he also felt a little inferiority. In addition, he has a wife, so this feeling has been deeply buried in his heart.

He and Suzhen's feelings, as early as when they were fighting against the enemy together, were like flesh and blood. But later, when Suzhen in black met with great changes and ling'er was there, Chen Yang kept a good restraint.

That kind of light like, then deeply hidden in the deepest heart. Chen Yang doesn't dare to show it. It seems that if he shows it, he will desecrate friendship.

This kind of feeling is quite different from the dream dust.

At the moment, Chen Yang feels very comfortable. When he is with Suzhen in black, his heart will be very peaceful. I don't need to say anything more. I just think it's very good if it goes on like this all the time.

Chen Yang sat down on his knees and began to comb his magic power.

Now, Chen Yang has reached the peak of creation. There is only one layer of film from the triple creation.

But it is this film that Chen Yang has never been able to break through.

His brain's big source technique is too strong.

Although LAN Tingyu can break through the triple realm of creation, it seems that he has not suffered. But LAN Tingyu's strength is not as good as Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang's great origin and the evolution of many cells in his body make his entry extremely difficult. But even so, he has been able to finish the four masters of creation.

It's just that when I met the seven fold heaven of creation, I was helpless.

Chen Yang continuously combed the supernatural powers and learned from the rich experience left by Linghui monk.

Time is in this process, day by day in the past.

That is, in the twinkling of a month.

Chen Yang still hasn't broken through that thin film, but he still feels that he has gained a lot. I feel that many areas that have not been clarified have been thoroughly clarified, and I have a deeper understanding of the power in the body.

On this day, Suzhen in Black said, "it seems that there is still one day left before we can reach the maternal position mentioned by xuanzhenghao." Chen Yang stopped practicing and came to the position of the main array. Through the position of the main array, you can see the vast starry sky outside.

And the dragon, pull the eaglewood chariot together!

Jiulong eaglewood chariot has been galloping in the super space, and the surrounding space is in a fuzzy state.

"There's no Galaxy out here, is there?" Chen Yang suddenly asked.

Suzhen in black turned her eyes and said, "if you want to get out of the Milky way, it's possible to fly for a thousand years. What the hell are you asking

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm teasing you."

"You're just a brain jerk!" Suzhen in black is mercilessly exposed.

Chen Yang said: "there are countless galaxies in the universe, and the galaxy is small in the universe. And the universe we often talk about is just a galaxy. "

"It's true," Suzhen Heiyi said

"I don't know what's going to happen." Chen Yang looked ahead, and the closer he was to the matrix of the arc element, the more insecure he felt.

This is a matter of great importance.

It's not going to go well. The smoother it is, the more uneasy it will be.

Suzhen in black didn't think too much.

"You are tired, too. Let me drive the chariot of eaglewood in Kowloon." Chen Yang proposed to replace Suzhen in black. Suzhen in black nodded and said, "that's OK. You can directly use your mana to merge with Jiulong eaglewood chariot. I can use this to protect you when you are in danger in the future. "

Chen Yang laughs.

He felt that he was really like eating soft food in front of Suzhen in black.

But it's nice to have a soft meal.

"In fact, have you ever thought that maybe one day in the future, Emperor Shengtian will become a big threat to you?" Black Yi Su Zhen crosses a knee but after sitting, one side is attentive, one side says.

Chen Yang is slightly a Zheng, say: "you just say this stubble now?"

"You haven't mentioned it all the time, and I don't want to. You should also understand that it was not difficult for us to pursue emperor Shengtian at that time. What's more, no one knows that we haven't kept our word since we left Tyrannosaurus

Chen Yang said, "is it too late to go back now? I'm afraid I can't do it now. "

"OK, don't be poor with me," she said

Chen Yang laughs and says, "in other words, do we keep our word and are afraid of the Dragon Star? Keep your word, not for them. To keep one's word is to keep one's own principles. Although you are indifferent, but I know that if I really turn back, you will look down on me. Is that right? "Black Yi Su Zhen smile slightly, say: "you this also is I appreciate very much. One is one, two is two. We must abide by what we promise. "

In fact, it took Chen Yang two days to get there. Chen Yang doesn't know whether his speed is slow or his position is deviated. Maybe it's both!

But in the end, the destination is here.

The Dragon eaglewood chariot slowed down.

Suzhen in black has come back to life full of blood. She and Chen Yang come to the heart of the main array and look out.

The scene ahead is a shocking one.

Although Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are used to seeing the world, they are also shocked and shocked at this moment.

The sky ahead is full of elements like jellyfish. Those jellyfish are shining.

Like stars all over the sky, like fireflies all over the sky.

In that central area, these elements are still changing, sometimes dancing, sometimes spinning, sometimes condensing into mountains, sometimes turning into turbulent tides.

That light, lit up the starry sky, but also spectacular world.

This place should be the farthest place for Chen Yang to walk out of the earth.

As far as Chen Yang is concerned, he doesn't know what kind of Galaxy it is.

The outside world is extremely cold, and there are all kinds of star radiation and toxic substances.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black don't care about this at all.

Although the front is beautiful, how many people can appreciate and bear the beauty?

Just like the prairie looks so beautiful, but how many insects, ants and mosquitoes are hidden in the prairie under the starry sky?

"I'll let Yuanshen in to see the situation first!" Chen Yang said.

Suzhen Heiyi said, "what's good to see? Can you stop going in if there's a problem? Go She has always been very popular, and then she drove the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot.

The Dragon eaglewood chariot was moving rapidly towards the inside in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he broke into the interior of the element world.

The beautiful elements immediately changed, those elements began to shrink, and all the elements began to condense towards the Dragon eaglewood chariot.

In the blink of an eye, it's dense, blocking the sky and the sun

Chen Yang felt that the chariot of Jiulong eaglewood was trapped It's in the marshmallow. Moreover, the further you go, the greater the resistance.

This kind of resistance is squeezing all the laws out.

Chen Yang frowned slightly.

Suzhen in black asked Chen Yang, "so we are here to destroy the matrix of arc elements, right?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

"There's no need to worry about that," she said

Chen Yang feels not good, way: "what do you want to do?"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "nonsense, since the elements get in the way, of course, it's on the spot!" After she said that, her eyes flashed, followed by a finger cut out! At that moment, the light inside the Dragon chariot roared. The nine dragons were killed together, and black thunder swords came out of their mouths!

Big universe thunder sword!

The thunder sword of the universe is countless times higher than Chen Yang's big soul thunder sword!

All nine dragons display the thunder sword of the universe!

Thunder sword instantly crisscross ten thousand li, nine thunder swords open a huge opening in front.

Chen Yang is also an eye opener.

At the same time, I think Suzhen in black is the real goddess of violence! Before, he thought that Qiao Ning was a little violent, but Qiao Ning's violence was far worse than that of Suzhen in black. Of course, Chen Yang also knows that if Qiao Ning's cultivation reaches the level of Suzhen in black in the future, it will be absolutely no inferior.

Jiulong eaglewood chariot flies out quickly, and finally comes to the center of the element world.

That's the destination of Chen Yang and Suzhen in black!

There is an element matrix ahead!

The rest of the elements are small luminescent bodies, just the size of fireflies. But the matrix is like a hill.

"Arc element matrix?" Chen Yang said in secret: "is this matrix the real matrix?"

"It's this thing, isn't it?" Suzhen Hei said

Chen Yang said: "the emperor said that there will be many false matrixes. I'm not sure if it's the real matrix! "

"Whether it's true or not, destroy it. Aren't there two more teams going somewhere else? " Suzhen in black is crisp.

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

"I did it?" said Suzhen Heiyi

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Black Yi Su Zhen's eyes a coagulate, follow is to point out a finger.

In a flash, the Dragon spewed lightning!

The fierce black thunder and lightning killed all the elements on the matrix. The thunder and lightning are thick and strong, and there are nine mysteries of thunder and lightning in the middle!

In the blink of an eye, the matrix of elements is blasted to ashes.There is no element matrix in the scene!

The surrounding scattered elements are still floating, and some are gathering.

"Done?" Chen Yang said.

"Suzhen Heiyi said:" to get a fart, is it so simple? According to the theory of Yuanjue, if the real matrix is eliminated, these scattered arc elements should wither along with it. You see, aren't they good? "

Chen Yang frowned and said, "you are very smart now."

"Do you really think I have big breasts and no brains?" said Suzhen Heiyi

"You don't have a big chest!" Chen Yang said.

"Go away!" Suzhen's face turned red.

When Chen Yang looks around, the floating elements don't mean to disappea

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