"Of course, I'm going to recover faster than you," she said. However, I only have the last ray of Lei Yuan now. This Lei Yuan is my last hand preparation for dealing with unexpected needs in this world. "

Chen Yang said, "Oh. That is to say, you can be regarded as helpless now? "

"It's true, if I don't run that Lei Yuan," she said. I feel like I'm in the same state as when I was beaten by Miaoshan. "

Chen Yang said, "that's not the case. Soon, you can get out of bed and jump

Suzhen in black is not in a bad mood. She smiles and says, "to be honest, I think it's a good feeling. Knowing the pain and hunger, this is a feeling I haven't experienced for a long time. I didn't expect that I would have the chance to experience the feeling of being an ordinary person in my life. "

Chen Yang wanted to say something more. Suzhen in Black said, "well, let's not say more. Too much talk makes people suspicious. Play your part. As for how to find our sealed bodies, we'll wait until we get out of the hospital and get to know the world well. "

Chen Yang said, "well, that's OK! Well, is there a mirror here? What am I like now? How old are you? You're the one, or my sister? I'm not a kid, am I? "

Suzhen in black seems to be in a good mood. She smiles and says, "you are about my age. You are also 15 or 16 years old."

"Brother and sister? About the same size? Are they twins Chen Yang said.

"No, it seems that we are not related by blood. We were all adopted by Chen Leyi from the orphanage." She said.

Chen Yang said, "Oh, that's it! What's your name now? "

"Chen Jingyao!" Suzhen Heiyi said

"Oh, that's a good name!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

They soon finished talking, and then Chen Leyi came in. Chen Yang has many things to understand, but he does not dare to ask more, because the more he asks, the more flaws he has. Fortunately, we also had a car accident. Some people believe that our memory is bad.

In the following days, Chen Yang has been recovering and understanding the world with Suzhen in black.

There is also a TV in the hospital, and there are also mobile phones. So Chen Yang learned a lot from TV and mobile phones. The world is a replica of the earth.

Because this place is built by drawing on the power of the world on earth, and the world outlook is the same as that of the earth. However, this world does not have the ability of the earth, it can build three thousand worlds. So in the end, we only created a world like existence.

Chen Yang's country is China!

And the most powerful scientific and technological power is called Liguo! Chen Yang estimates that it is about equal to M country in the world. Here, we can also find the shadow of many island countries and South Korea. Chen Yang checked the history in his mobile phone, and the history is also astonishingly similar to the world.

However, in the last 100 years, the world seems to have begun to change.

Today's time is also A.D!

Year 2020!

Two years faster than the world!

This is what Suzhen in Heiyi said about the time dislocation.

As for why it is misplaced, it is not clear.

This world is called the celestial world.

The scientists and elites of the celestial world actually found out that this is an imitation world. This is a world that belongs to the celestial sphere and is sheltered by the power of the world. Many of their instruments and technologies cannot leave the celestial world.

Even they have found that this celestial world is formed by absorbing the world power of a certain planet. They can find the shadow of the earth, but they name the earth primordial star.

In this world, there are various myths and legends in ancient times. As like as two peas in the world, there are Pangu great gods, primitive chaos, and even the four famous literary work.

Besides The story of the white snake.

This is ridiculous and damned.

Suzhen in Heiyi whispers to Chen Yang. Although Suzhen in Heiyi is usually indifferent, it doesn't mean she has a low IQ. She told Chen Yang, "I doubt that the world has not been formed for that long. It is possible that many histories are copied from the earth. History, and culture, copy the earth. It's like cloning... "

Chen Yang a smile, said: "you also know cloning ah!"

Black dress Su Zhen spat a way: "roll!"

Chen Yang immediately said, "I know what you mean."

As described in some science fiction novels, cloning a person is born to look like an adult. But this man, he didn't know that. He will have many memories of the original owner, and even feel that he is the original owner.

After all, this celestial sphere is a clone of the earth!

"You see, when did these historical divisions occur?" "If you look carefully, you know more about history than I do," she saidChen Yang said: "it seems that in the past 100 years, all kinds of differentiation began to appear. China has become China, and the United States has become a good country. "

"That's right," Suzhen Heiyi said

Chen Yang said, "look, it's really interesting. Although there is no mana in this celestial sphere, there is aura. So The subject is divided into liberal arts and martial arts. Students go to school, from the beginning of primary school will be divided into subjects. The liberal arts includes language numeration and so on, while the martial arts includes Taiji, Bagua, Xinyi liuhequan, Bajiquan and so on. Their martial arts foundation is to practice Qingling Qigong There are nine levels of Qingling Qigong! The more powerful dragon Qigong can be practiced only after the Ninth level of Qingling Qigong. Dragon Qigong also has nine levels! There are only a few masters of nine level dragon Qigong. There are fire dragon, flying dragon, ice dragon and sky dragon in dragon Qigong, among which the sky dragon is the most powerful. Level one dragon Qigong can cast level one dragon. At level nine, you can fly by the dragon. "

She said, "I've seen it. To put it bluntly, it's another form of mana! Because the aura here is very lush. It's just controlling this kind of Qi. It's not very mysterious. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you think it's simple because of your experience. But the environment here is different. Maybe it's not so easy for us to practice. "

"Suzhen Hei said:" try it, we are now equal to the same starting line. Don't be overtaken by me then. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "don't worry. I'll cover you here. I've got you

"Here, your sister will always be your sister!" Suzhen in black is dismissive.

The world seems to be particularly interesting.

Chen Yang gradually reduced the anxiety in his heart. He also felt happy that Suzhen in black seemed to be in a happy mood here.

She is a person again, feel seven emotions and six desires, may alleviate the pain of losing her sister in her heart. This is Chen Yang's idea. He wants to accompany Suzhen to complete this wonderful journey.

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