In the mysterious celestial world far away from the earth, Chen Yang's recovery is not fast. It's Suzhen in black. She'll be all right after three days. Doctors are amazed at the speed of black Su Zhen's recovery, and told Chen Leyi that she can be discharged.

Chen Yang can't!

This makes Chen Yang also very helpless, think about him before that is also the recovery ability can be called abnormal person! There is no way to be weak now.

During this period, some students came to visit Chen Yang and Suzhen in black. Most of the male students came to see Suzhen in black.

Of course, the head teacher also came to visit and expressed concern.

Both Chen Yang and Suzhen in black create the illusion of concussion and unclear memory. Anyway, they had a car accident. We can understand the sequelae.

Chen Yang also asked everyone, and asked Chen Leyi a lot of things.

Gradually, Chen Yang began to know more about the world and his family.

For example, Chen Leyi's family is very good. But my parents died early But her parents left her a rich family fortune and a company with stable profits. The company is engaged in Internet foreign trade business and supplies large app e-commerce.

There are tens of millions of profits every year.

After Chen Leyi took over, her business was very stable. Chen Leyi has an uncle who is still unmarried and in his forties. He is a senior officer. This uncle's name is Chen Tiannan! Chen Tiannan's cultivation has reached the level of the fourth level dragon! Is an absolute master! This is the reason why no one dares to provoke Chen Leyi in business.

After her parents died, Chen Leyi was very lonely.

Ten years ago, Chen Leyi came into contact with the orphan and widowed children, and with Chen Jingyao Well, the little girl with Suzhen in black is quite congenial. So I adopted Chen Jingyao Chen Jingyao and Chen Jun are good friends, so they adopted Chen Jun by the way.

At that time, Chen Leyi was still in school. When she made this decision, she was opposed by all sides. But she has an uncle! My uncle helped her with all this.

Finally, he was adopted in the name of his Uncle Chen Tiannan.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Jingyao and Chen Jun are now in senior three. Chen Jingyao is the class flower, even the school flower Chen Jun is unknown. His only shining point is his sister Chen Jingyao.

Many male students approach Chen Jun just to get close to Chen Jingyao.

A week later, Chen Yang also came home from the hospital for self-cultivation!

Although Chen Yang's recovery is not as fast as Suzhen in black, he is still much faster than ordinary people. However, Chen Yang's legs still can't get out of bed and walk.

On the day of discharge, Chen Leyi and Suzhen in black came to meet Chen Yang.

Chen Leyi drives a luxury car called bison.

During this week, Suzhen in Heiyi seldom came to the hospital and stayed at home to rest.

Suzhen in black didn't come to see Chen Yang either.

When we meet at this time, Chen Yang still has some small grievances.

Suzhen in black ignores Chen Yang's little emotions. She is a cold person in her heart. On the way back, Suzhen in black looks out of the window in a daze.

Because of Chen Leyi's presence, Chen Yang doesn't like to talk to Suzhen in black. He's also afraid of showing off.

In this celestial world, the sun, moon and stars are formed by the power of the world.

At least, ordinary people can't feel any difference from the earth.

The city I live in is called Xiangyang City! Xiangyang City belongs to the first tier city, is a municipality directly under the central government! The price here is more than 40000 yuan. Chen Leyi's family is a villa close to the suburbs and some distance from the city.

This is the villa area!

The transportation is also very convenient.

Along the way, Chen Leyi was very concerned about Chen Yang, and made a lot of inquiries. Chen Yang still thinks that Chen Leyi is a good sister.

Chen Leyi said: "next year, the college entrance examination will be held. I've hired a tutor for you, but I still can't do the latest homework. Jingyao, starting tomorrow, you can't stay at home. You have to go to school, you know? "

Chen Leyi is driving. Suzhen in black is sitting on the co pilot. After hearing the speech, she suddenly feels headache. "Well Elder sister, when I think about it, my head aches. Please let me rest for a while

Chen Yang is funny. He knows what lessons Suzhen in Heiyi will do there! I'm sure I have a headache when I go to school. I have to make up for it! He immediately rounded up and said, "yes, sister. Besides, what's the matter with the college entrance examination? It's really no good. We can go to a pheasant university in the future. I'll work for you after graduation. We don't choose the salary. Just give us a bite. "

After listening to this, Chen Leyi chuckled and said, "Xiaojun, you've been hopeless since you were a child. I didn't expect much of you, but your sister is different. She's a good material for going to Kyoto University in the future. She can't be abandoned. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "Oh, sister, you are hurting my heart. You look at people in the crack of the door. You look at people flat. You wait for me. I will be better than the second sister in the future. ""Just brag about it." Chen Leyi said, "I'm thankful that you can get into a second university."

Chen Yang said, "cut!"

Black dress Su Zhen can't help but say: "elder sister, I postpone a few days again, OK?"

"How many days?" Chen Leyi is reluctant.

"A week!" She said.

"No way!" Chen said.

"Six days," she said

"Three days at most!" Chen said.

Suzhen in black was helpless and said, "OK."

Chen Yang laughed. It's rare for him to see Suzhen in black so shriveled But in fact, Chen Yang also knows that Suzhen in Heiyi enjoys this kind of care. Otherwise, with her temperament, she would not talk to Chen Leyi like this.

The car drove home quickly.

The villa area was surrounded by villas, and the car drove into one of them. In front of the villa, there is a courtyard, a garage and a swimming pool.

There are also two nannies in it. One is cleaning and washing. One is for cooking.

After driving into the courtyard, Chen Leyi asked Suzhen in black to take out the wheelchair from the trunk. After that, the two girls got Chen Yang into a wheelchair.

The nannies came by, too.

The nanny, one called Han Ma, the other called Li Ma. They are all old people who have been serving Chen Leyi for more than ten years. Chen Yueyi, Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao are very affectionate.

Chen Leyi pushes Chen Yang to the censer in the living room. Behind the censer are the portraits of Chen Leyi's parents.

Chen Leyi said, "this time you will not die. It's the blessing of your father and mother. You give incense to your parents. "

Chen Yang said: "mm-hmm, I want to kowtow to my parents."

"Don't be poor. I'll remember that when your legs are ready, you can't run away." Chen said.

Han Ma hands Chen Yang and Su Zhen in black a piece of incense.

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