Deep fried hair, close the vitality! This is Chen Yang's basic skill for so many years! As long as he recovers a little, he can continue to practice marrow washing. He knows the sound of tiger, leopard and thunder, as well as the meditation formula of sun and moon, which are all very good marrow washing skills. At present, there are too many impurities in the body, so the body is heavy and the blood is thin, so the strength is small.

After the pith washing, you can practice pith like frost and blood mercury.

The bone marrow in the joints is as white as frost, without any impurities.

Blood, like mercury, emits silver gray light, like mercury, but it's not real mercury! When we reach this level, we will become a great body. After that, the muscles and bones are as hard as steel. Skin film, such as rhinoceros skin and so on! There's a lot of knowledge in martial arts. A mang Fu can't become a peerless master.

To practice martial arts, we also need the university to ask!

At the same time, there should be still Qi!

In martial arts, Chen Yang is the kind of super professor who won the Nobel Prize.

In martial arts, his attainments can be said to be invincible.

Therefore, for Chen Yang, what he needs now is time.

The martial arts in this world are slightly different. But Chen Yang is not worried, because all kinds of methods are of the same origin. After all, they can go the same way.

After frying the hair, Chen Yang immediately snorted, because he pulled the wound. He had an operation.

Chen Yang gave up the practice immediately.

For the previous car accident, Chen Yang also has a little understanding. It was their school bus that suddenly turned and ran into a pickup truck on the opposite side. Some of the students in the class died It's a big deal.

The school was closed for a few days.

But in the near future, the compensation for the compensation, all in the good direction. The minivan driver and the school bus driver were directly taken to jail. In terms of compensation, it is mainly the schools and the Education Bureau.

The leaders of the Education Bureau and the school also came to see Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

About an hour later, Heiyi Suzhen bought the medicine Chen Yang wanted. When I came back, as soon as I entered the villa living room, I met with Chen Leyi.

Chen Leyi didn't go to work in the company recently, and her mind is on Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

"What did you buy?" Chen Leyi asked Suzhen in black.

Black Yi Su Zhen slightly a Zheng, then some depressed, say: "medicine!" She really can't lie. She never lied in her life.

"Medicine, what medicine?" Chen Leyi just asked when she smelled some traditional Chinese medicine.

"It was Xiaojun who asked me to buy it," Suzhen Heiyi said She won't lie, so she betrays Chen Yang without hesitation.

Chen Yang just pushed the wheelchair out.

Chen Leyi took the medicine bought by Heiyi Suzhen, checked it, and then asked Chen Yang with a bad face: "what do you want these traditional Chinese medicines for? Why don't I know when you became a doctor? You didn't learn well in school. You still know a lot about heresy! "

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He said, "Oh, sister, as the saying goes, 360 lines make the number one. I'm not good at my study, and you don't have to attack me on it all the time! I read a lot of Chinese medicine books on the Internet, and also understand some pharmacology. Let me have a try! "

"Try what!" Chen Leyi was not angry and said, "can I take medicine at will? I think it's better to see things on the Internet than you do? "

Chen Yang raised his hand to surrender and said, "OK, sister, I'm wrong."

Chen Leyi handed the medicine to Suzhen in black and said, "go and throw it away."

Black dress Su Zhen obediently took over, said: "good!"

Turn around, really out of the door, threw in the garbage can.

Chen Yang, this heartache!

But he was helpless.

At this time, Chen Leyi received a call from the company.

After she answered the phone, she said to Suzhen in black, "I'm going to the company. You're good at home."

Suzhen in black and Chen Yang nodded.

Chen Yang said: "sister, be careful on the way."

Chen Leyi smiles a little, then turns around and goes to the garage. After a while, she drives away.

"Go and get the medicine for me." Chen Yang saw that Chen Leyi had left and said to Suzhen in black.

Black Yi Su Zhen looked at the garbage can outside, then said: "I push you to pick it up, too dirty!"

"Your sister!" Chen Yang is speechless.

Black clothes Su Zhen really pushed Chen Yang to the garbage can, Chen Yang is not easy to get up. Black clothes Su Zhen really can't see past, finally helped Chen Yang to pick up the medicinal materials.

And then you go into the house, into the room.

Just into the room, Li Ma brought ginseng soup for Chen Yang and black Suzhen to drink.

Suzhen in black took the soup and said thank you. Then close the door again!

Chen Yang drank ginseng soup. Now he really needs a lot of nutrition. At the same time, we should also improve our physical quality to prevent the phenomenon of deficiency not being compensated.

They took out the medicinal materials, such as Baba ointment, Dieda wine and some other medicinal materials."I'll teach you a kind of strength. You've inhaled aura, haven't you?" Chen Yang said.

"That's right," Suzhen Heiyi said

Chen Yang said, "it seems that you didn't eat lingzhidan?"

"I didn't eat," Suzhen Heiyi said

"But you succeeded in breathing in the Aura!" Chen Yang said.

"It's very simple," she said

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "is it true that when you get here, your talent still needs to be so abnormal?"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "you say business, now how to do?"

Chen Yang said: "well, this kind of strength is dark strength huff and puff, which can push the medicine directly into my viscera for easy absorption. Many of the medicines I took and applied were digested or wasted by other parts of my body. This is direct therapy, dark strength, lies in huff and puff, you see... " He grabbed Suzhen's hand and demonstrated it.

Although Chen Yang's strength is very weak at the moment, it does not hinder his demonstration.

Suzhen in black has a very high savvy. She learns to divide five into two.

After crushing the medicine, she pressed it on Chen Yang's back and legs. Chen Yang's broken bones are growing and can hardly be touched by external forces. But black clothes Su Zhen through the dark strength, but it is magical, did not meet Chen Yang's broken bone, but let the drug force penetrate into. After that, the plaster and splint were tied up again.

Although this treatment can speed up Chen Yang's recovery. But after all, it is still slow, which makes Chen Yang very dissatisfied.

He hated this kind of life in a wheelchair so much that he wanted to recover his strength immediately and run for three thousand miles.

For the next three days, Suzhen in black had no time to practice. Of course, she also has a gentleman's agreement with Chen Yang to wait for Chen Yang to practice together.

In these three days, Chen Yang is helping Suzhen in Heiyi to enrich her cultural knowledge.

Find out all Chen Jingyao's previous lessons, and Chen Yang explains them to Suzhen one by one.

When Chen Leyi came to see him, Chen Yang said that Suzhen in black was giving him a make-up lesson.

At the same time, Chen also invited a tutor.

Suzhen in Heiyi studies very hard, and she also studies very fast. She is really too smart, the height of IQ, is unimaginable.

In three days, Suzhen in Heiyi showed amazing talent in mathematics.

As for physics, chemistry, geography and so on, they are catching up quickly. History, too.

Including the Li language of Li country, Suzhen in Heiyi is also learning very fast!

One way to pass, then ten thousand ways to pass in black clothes Su Zhen body show incisively and vividly. That is to say, in terms of language and composition, Suzhen in Heiyi is a little worse. She is really not good at emotional expression, and composition needs emotional expression.

Chen Yang cooperated with his own medicinal materials, and combined with the breathing method of the sun moon meditation formula, his wound healing speed is accelerating again. At night, the fracture was itchy, and Chen Yang seemed to feel the new meat sprouting.

On the night of the third day, Suzhen in black put on her school uniform.

The school uniform with white and blue stripes is not against Suzhen in black. Chen Yang is laughing, because he thought of the vertical and horizontal invincible Jialan nvjun!

The ruthless female god of war, dressed in black, has become a school flower in school uniform and horsetail. This change is really interesting.

Black Su Zhen is mercilessly white Chen Yang one eye.

It's November and it's getting cold.

After all, Suzhen in black went to school. Chen Yang felt it was a pity because he could not see what Suzhen in black looked like when she went to school.

Chen Yang asked Suzhen curiously. Suzhen said, "what's so strange about this? What the teachers said is very simple. But there are a lot of boring men who like to chat up, and I don't care! "

After hearing the speech, Chen Yang could only laugh.

Chen Yang's recovery is more and more ideal. Ten days later, he was able to walk on crutches.

This makes Chen Yueyi overjoyed.

Chen Yang himself still feels slow.

It was Saturday in the afternoon. It was dark and cold.

Suzhen in Heiyi is also at home. She is going to make up lessons at school on weekends. However, Chen Leyi asked Suzhen in black for leave.

Because their Uncle Chen Tiannan is coming back today.

What Chen Leyi respects most is this uncle.

She asked Han Ma and Li Ma to prepare a table full of dishes and open a bottle of high-end red wine.

At 3 p.m., Chen Leyi and Suzhen drive to the airport to meet Chen Tiannan.

Chen Yang is waiting at home.

Suzhen in black didn't want to go, but she was too embarrassed to say she couldn't, for fear that Chen Leyi would be sad.

At five in the afternoon, Chen Leyi drove back.

Chen Yang is waiting at the door. Of course, he is in a wheelchair.

Stop the car and open the door.

From inside came a young man in a military uniform, followed by Suzhen in black. She was very quiet in her black down jacket.Young men have two eyebrows, handsome, founder!

Although he is forty years old, he looks only in his twenties.

This man has a sharp edge and righteousness. Seeing him, the curfew will naturally have a sense of awe.

He is Chen Tiannan.

Chen Yang saw a picture of Chen Tiannan on Chen Jun's mobile phone.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Jun's mobile phone is a fingerprint code. So it's easy for Chen Yang to use it.

After getting out of the car, Chen Tiannan came to Chen Yang. He gave Chen Yang a hearty smile and said, "Xiao Jun, my uncle heard that you survived this time! How are you doing now? "

Chen Yang's first impression of Chen Tiannan was very good. Wen Yan grinned and said, "except that his legs have not recovered, everything else is very good. Uncle, we are looking forward to your return. "

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