In the morning, the weather is overcast, the north wind is whistling, and the chill permeates people's hearts.

Chen Leyi drives while Chen Tiannan sits on the co pilot. Chen Yang and Suzhen in black sit in the back

This is for the airport.

The car was quiet, and everyone was silent. There is only a melodious love song on the radio.

Do you have time to look back at me again

I can't tell whether the sky is red clouds or the flame you ignite

which life is the end

but I can't say goodbye after fully understanding

is there any time left for burning out fleeting years to emerge into missing

is it fate or nightmare

is it robbing ashes or cooking smoke you ignite

Chen Leyi's eyes are red and she can't bear it I feel sad.

Sad sister's indifference, sad brother's heartlessness!

She was once told not to adopt children. Especially the orphanage children, because most of these children are abandoned by their parents. The natural parents can be so cool and thin, their children's bones, genes will have this kind of cool and thin.

Over the years, Chen Leyi has placed all her love on her younger brother and sister. But she can always feel her sister Chen Jingyao's ingratiating and careful. I can also feel the shrinking and indifference of my younger brother Chen Jun.

Now, we are going to separate. I don't know how long it will take But my sister and brother are still so calm. In their eyes, it seems that there is nothing in general.

Chen Leyi felt a little cold.

She saw Suzhen in black in the rearview mirror. Suzhen in black looked out of the window, her face indifferent. She couldn't guess what her sister was thinking.

She looked at Chen Yang in the rearview mirror again.

Chen Yang is meditating, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Chen Leyi withdrew her eyes.

Chen Tiannan said with a smile: "Leyi, it's not a life and death. They are developing well, you elder sister should be happy. And in the future, they can come back. You can visit them, too! "

Chen Leyi also a smile, said: "I know, uncle!"

Then she said nothing more.

After arriving at the airport, Chen Yang got out of the car and got into a wheelchair. Suzhen in Black got out of the car and took her luggage. Chen Leyi saw them into the airport and then waved goodbye.

Chen Leyi looked more at Chen Yang and Suzhen in black, and then said, "if you don't adapt, call me and I'll pick you up."

Her eyes were red. After that, she turned and left.

Chen Tiannan immediately said, "let's go!" He took all the salutes. Then Suzhen in black pushed the wheelchair

Just, just walked out a few steps, Black Yi Su Zhen suddenly stopped.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Suzhen in black turned around and strode after Chen Leyi.

Chen Yang is stunned. He turns his wheelchair and looks back at Suzhen in black.

Chen Tiannan was also slightly surprised.

Chen Yang sees that Suzhen in black soon catches up with Chen Leyi, and then she hugs her tightly.

Too far apart, Chen Yang could not hear what they had said. But Chen Yang saw that Chen Leyi's tears finally came down.

Chen Yang lowered his head, thinking.

At this moment, Chen Yang's heart is actually like a mirror. He understood why Suzhen in black turned to chase Chen Leyi. Although Suzhen in black is indifferent, she is not a man who can't see through people's hearts. Of course, she can see the sadness of Chen Leyi

Suzhen in black is just not good at expression!

Although she is unique in the world, she is a timid person emotionally. So at the beginning, she immediately had concern in her heart and didn't know how to express it to her sister.

So in the end, my sister will die, she is in the mouth, she said she will not be sad.

After her sister died, she almost choked with pain.

So today, when she hugs Chen Leyi, she takes a step, just like catching some regrets.

She probably didn't want to leave a second regret.

Chen Yang's heart is sour and astringent. After so many years, her guilt towards her sister has never been alleviated!

She's not cold, she's just hard to get emotional. But once moved the sentiment, actually can't forget forever.

The plane is going to Nanning.

Nanning has a military region. Chen Tiannan has been serving in Nanning military region.

On the plane, Suzhen in black sits next to Chen Yang.

Chen Tiannan sits in the front.

In a hurry, I didn't get first class.

Chen Yang suddenly silently holds Su Zhen's soft hand. Her hands are cold. When Chen Yang holds them, her body suddenly becomes stiff and subconsciously wants to pull them back.

Chen Yang held on tightly and didn't give her a chance to escape. He whispered, "if you want to cry, cry. I understand that! "

Suzhen in black takes a look at Chen Yang.They have lived and died together since they were in the ancient world. Along the way, Chen Yang knows the sadness and sadness of Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black also understood that Chen Yang understood her, understood her hug, not only for Chen Leyi, but more for her dead sister.

"I'm fine!" Suzhen in black has always been stubborn, but she still insists on pulling back her hand.

Chen Yang is slightly embarrassed. At the moment, he can't say any more.

At noon that day, we arrived at Nanning Airport.

There are military vehicles at the airport specially for pick-up and drop off. There are two security guards. He was very respectful to Chen Tiannan. When he met him, he saluted and called for the chief.

The location of Nanning military region is a little remote

in the mountains, it took about two hours to drive all the way.

Entering the base of the military region, there are all martial law signs and power grids on the periphery. The base is very broad, with large playground, tanks everywhere, and various special training devices.

Chen Yang is no stranger to this kind of place, nor has he never been here. So it's not surprising!

Suzhen in black was still dazed.

Chen Tiannan was worried that the two children would show their diffidence, but now he could only smile bitterly when he saw their state. He really felt that the two children were so different from when he met them before.

It seems that nothing can surprise them in this world.

Chen Tiannan first takes Chen Yang and Suzhen in black to his residence. His residence is a bungalow, which is a living room, a room, with a bathroom. Not even a kitchen Of course, in this base, Chen Tiannan does not need to cook his own food.

"You'll have a rest here. I'll ask Xiao Zhang to bring you the food. I'm going to see the chief first and report to him! " Chen Tiannan said to Suzhen and Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK, uncle, go and help yourself."

Chen Tiannan then said to the guard called Xiao Zhang, "take care of them!"

Xiao Zhang immediately saluted and said, "report to the chief, we must complete the task!"

Chen Tiannan smiles and then leaves.

After dinner, it was dark.

There are lights on in the house and lights outside. Chen Yang can also hear the voice of soldiers training

"Most of the soldiers still haven't stepped into the martial arts road!" After hearing the sound, Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black.

"Of course," she said, "although it's full of aura here. But if an army can be full of martial arts experts, that's great! "

Xiao Zhang has been guarding outside, suddenly, his loud voice rings.

"Hello, leaders

The sound of footsteps followed.

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