Chen Yang wanted to hide, but he didn't. The reaction speed of the body can't keep up with that of his brain.

Suddenly, half of Chen Yang's cheek became red and swollen. He is speechless!

He hasn't been slapped like that in years. But Chen Tiannan was the one who beat him. He couldn't be angry.

Chen Tiannan finished Chen Yang, and scolded: "little beast, I should kill you!" Then he immediately went forward to make amends to Su Luolan. He saluted deeply and said, "master, my nephew, I don't know that heaven is high and earth is thick. This is my fault. Please don't give him the same opinion for his younger age

Su Luomo did stop.

After a while, he turned back and looked directly at Chen Yang with his eyes like falcons.

It's really shocking that he looks like this.

How many powerful masters can't stand his pressure.

Chen Yang suddenly also felt the pressure, but he did not turn his eyes, so he and Su liaolan looked at each other.

At this time, how could he bow his head.

Su liaolan was slightly surprised, but he didn't think much about it, just said faintly: "little guy, do you know that in this world, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this since I became famous. According to my old temper, you should be dead now. However, I don't care about your sister's face today. But if you dare to be presumptuous again, don't blame me for being merciless to you. "

His words contain an unspeakable spirit of Xiao Sha.

This murderous atmosphere makes people shudder!

"Of course I believe in the prestige of the master!" Chen Yang touched the swollen half of his cheek, and then he said, "but I beg you to stop the thunder first, master."

"Xiaojun..." Chen Tiannan doesn't know what nonsense Chen Yang is going to say.

Chen Yang ignored Chen Tiannan, his eyes firm, cold, word by word said: "when I am crazy or arrogant. Master, just give me a year. After a year, I will come to the Dragon division again and ask you for advice! "

"Even your sister's talent, I dare not say such crazy words!" Su lonely slightly after a Zheng, coldly said.

Chen Yang said: "does that master dare to give me this year?"

Su liaomo sneered and said, "I don't know the heaven and the earth, don't say a year, give you a hundred years, what can you do?" After that, he turned and left.

"Xiaojun, you are so unruly." Chen Tiannan immediately reprimanded Chen Yang. He really hates iron but not steel!

This little nephew was the most honest. Now how so arrogant and don't know heaven and earth.

"I think I should send you home, let you here, sooner or later something will happen!" Chen Tiannan then said.

Chen Yang doesn't care. He's holding his breath now. Decided to wait for this leg to heal, and then speed up the training speed.

Now, the whole Qi and blood is not smooth, it is not conducive to cultivation!

However, Chen Yang did not dare to talk to Chen Tiannan like this. He bowed his head and said nothing.

When Chen Tiannan saw that Chen Yang was honest in front of him, he saw that half of his cheek was red and swollen, and his anger disappeared a lot. Then he thought about it and comforted him: "I know you are young and look down upon, and you are not happy. However, it's no use trying to be brave without self-improvement. Especially in front of a master, being brave will only make you look naive. Do you understand? "

Chen Yang said, "well, I understand."

Chen Tiannan said softly, "did you hurt just now?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "a little bit, but I know, uncle, you are afraid that the master will offend me."

"You said you It's not stupid. Why offend the master like this? What kind of madness is it to ask for advice in a year's time Chen Tiannan said.

Chen Yang laughs and says nothing more.

Chen Tiannan and guard Xiao Zhang leave the villa with Chen Yang.

I have no face to stay here.

Facing the wind and snow, guard Xiao Zhang finds a taxi. After getting on the taxi, Chen Tiannan contacted his comrades in arms here. His comrades in arms were not in Kyoto, but they soon found someone to arrange a hotel for Chen Tiannan. And came to pick them up in person.

Comrades in arms are a net. Like Chen Tiannan, they can go anywhere without hindrance.

Soon, the three were in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel.

It's very warm in that suite.

Chen Tiannan is in touch with Mr. Huang again

Mr. Huang said that Weilong military academy had already agreed to send people there.

Chen Tiannan was very happy.

"Uncle, at least I'll go after my legs are ready." Chen Yang doesn't want to go.

Now this kind of waste wood is discriminated against everywhere.

Chen Tiannan said: "we should wait until your legs are ready, but we didn't think so much at that time. Mr. Huang has established a good relationship over there. If we don't go all the time, there will be ideas. Let's talk about it after we go, OK? ""I want to go home." Chen Yang said.

Chen Tiannan was speechless and said, "you are still ambitious just now. What do you say? You can ask the master for advice for a year. What's wrong now? Go home, can you learn skills when you go home? Do you know that Weilong military academy is one of the first-class military academies in China, and many people can't get in if they want to. There are requirements for entering Weilong military academy. It is only after the fourth level of qinglinggong cultivation. You should smile secretly The resources in it can't be compared with other military academies. You may not know, your uncle, I graduated from Weilong military academy

What else can Chen Yang say now?

The next morning, Chen Tiannan and Xiao Zhang accompanied Chen Yang to Weilong military academy.

The military academy is located in the suburb. The teaching building has 29 floors. The whole school is magnificent

There are all kinds of facilities, and excellent greening, there is a beautiful large lake!

Now, with ice and snow, the whole Weilong military academy is even more beautiful. There are many students skating on the lake!

In a luxurious and spacious office in the office building.

The logistics director received Chen Tiannan and his party.

The logistics director is a woman in her thirties. She looks very beautiful. Although it was winter, she was still wearing a dark blue professional suit. It looks clean and capable.

Her name is Li Yuqin!

Li Yuqin is kind and kind to Chen Tiannan. She is also a person with accomplishments, nine levels of qinglinggong!

As a logistics director, this accomplishment is not low.

All the teachers in Weilong military academy are crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

The headmaster of Weilong military academy is called Yan jiuzhong, who is also a peerless master of dragon nine. However, Yan jiuzhong is not the opponent of dragon master.

There are many ways above the nine steps of the dragon.

Up to the Ninth level, it is more than the number of summoned dragons.

"Mr. Chen, we have received the above instructions. Chen Jun will be admitted to our military academy as a special recruit. I will make proper arrangements for his accommodation and all aspects. Please rest assured. " Li Yuqin said to Chen Tiannan.

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