Among the three young people, the first evil youth is Yang Yu! Yang Yu was born very well. His family has some status in Kyoto. Moreover, he also entered the Weilong military academy through his real talent and learning. Therefore, Yang Yu looks down on Chen Yang's backdoor behavior.

Even Every student of Weilong military academy has a strong sense of pride and honor for their school. Weilong military academy has always been known for its selflessness.

Today's Chen Yang is like a rat excrement mixed with a pot of soup. How can these students not hate him?

In this Weilong military academy, information communication among students is very developed.

The school did not expect that the news spread so quickly.

Now, the last young man to laugh at Chen Yang is called Sima Feng!

The second youth was called huangfuyi.

Huangfuyi and Sima Feng follow Yang Yu, only Yang Yu is the leader!

Yang Yu is also a top student in school. His cultivation has reached the seventh level of qinglinggong! He has only been in school for two years. If he reaches the eighth level of qinglinggong, he can graduate directly.

In the whole Weilong military academy, Yang Yu is not only very good at cultivation, but also a genius in all aspects of fighting class!

He practiced baguazhang, Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and so on. He is as fierce as a tiger and wolf. In school, few people dare to offend Yang Yu.

This time, Yang Yu is upset and Chen Yang has another reason. That is, originally, there were five people living in this dormitory, and there was an empty shop on the top. Yang Yu sleeps in the lower bunk. He can put some things on his upper bunk.

But the logistics director Li Yuqin came and asked Yang Yu to sleep in the upper bunk. Because it's going to be a freshman, it's not convenient.

Yang Yu didn't want to, but he didn't dare to listen to Li Yuqin.

If he gets into trouble, he may be punished. When it comes out, it seems that I am not generous enough.

At this time, Yang Yu three met Chen Yang, and immediately saw that Chen Yang fart's accomplishments were not.

In the face of these three people's sarcasm, Chen Yang is very angry.

Damn it, he hasn't suffered from this kind of cowardice in years.

I said I didn't want to come to this place

Chen Yang doesn't want to cause disputes. He smiles and says, "I'm new here. If I offend the three seniors, I hope they will forgive me."

"Ha ha!" Yang Yu gave a sneer.

Sima Feng and Huang Fu Yi looked at each other, and both of them looked with disdain.

Chen Yang thought that the storm would pass like this, but Yang Yu suddenly said, "this dormitory is too small. Now go out and have a look. I see you. You are not very comfortable."

The anger in Chen Yang's eyes suddenly burst out again, and his fist could not help clenching.

But he soon loosened his fist, just a smile, said: "good!"

At present, Chen Yang from a wheel chair toward the dormitory outside.

Sima Feng and Huang Fu Yi suddenly stopped at the door.

"Two seniors, excuse me." Chen Yang looks at them helplessly.

"Well, don't call us seniors." Sima Feng said at first, and then he said with a smile, "because we don't have such a waste student in Weilong military academy!"

"Ha ha ha!" Huangfuyi also laughed.

Yang Yu sneered and said nothing.

Chen Yang is extremely agitated. He really doesn't want to stay in this place all day. But he is also embarrassed to call Chen Leyi, and even more embarrassed to go to find Chen Tiannan, otherwise he would be like a child.

At the beginning, he didn't even bother to bear the great owls like emperor Shengtian, but now he has to bear these little bastards!

Chen Yang took a deep breath and tried to suppress his emotions.

"All right!" Yang Yu waved his hand and said, "stop talking. It's not good to make other people's children cry."

Huangfuyi and Sima Feng made way together.

Chen Yang turns the wheel and leaves the dormitory.

However, this is not the end

At dinner, Li Yuqin comes here and arranges everything for Chen Yang. And gave Chen Yang a meal card, Li Yuqin pushed Chen Yang to the student canteen of Weilong military academy.

Weilong military academy is closed management!

So all the meals are in the military academy.

The canteen is very large, with 30000 teachers and students, and 30000 people eat in this canteen.

There are stalls on all sides of the canteen, and the food is all inclusive.

When you enter the canteen, it's time for dinner.

The canteen is full of lights and heat.

Outside the canteen, it snowed heavily.

Noisy, lively students each become a small group, talking and chatting, very happy.

Li Yuqin arranged for Chen Yang at a separate table.

Li Yuqin asked Chen Yang what he wanted to eat. Chen Yang said, "whatever, just fill up. Please, director LiLi Yuqin smile, said: "you're welcome!"

After that, Li Yuqin went to help Chen Yang order a sumptuous meal. She sat with Chen Yang for dinner Halfway through the meal, Li Yuqin answers a phone call. She has something to leave first.

But some of them were worried about Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, you..."

"Director Li, don't worry about me. I know the way back. I'll go back to my dormitory after eating. I can go back directly from the corridor here. I can do it. " Chen Yang is most afraid of troubling others.

Li Yuqin thought about it and found a girl student she knew. That girl student is the school flower of Weilong military academy with excellent character and learning. She is called Duan Sisi!

Duan Sisi's cultivation also reached the seventh level of qinglinggong!

Duan Sisi was wearing the school uniform and the head of the student. He was pretty and cool, with a trace of cold.

She and two female students with their plates, came to Chen Yang's side to sit down.

"Hello, my name is Duan Sisi." Duan Sisi first introduced himself, and then said, "after you finish eating, my friend and I will send you back to the dormitory together!"

Chen Yang is a little embarrassed.

These three girls, all in their twenties, are pretty girls.

"No, I can do it myself," he said

"Nothing!" After Duan Sisi finished, he had dinner with his two best friends.

They also know Chen Yang, and they really don't like Chen Yang, so they don't want to talk much. They are just not as mean as Yang Yu's gang.

Chen Yang said nothing more.

He also buried himself in his meal.

But just then, footsteps came back.

Chen Yang doesn't have to look up to know it's Yang Yu and others.

Or Yang Yu, huangfuyi, simafeng.

After the three men came, Yang Yu said with a smile: "Sisi, I have some new ideas about baguazhang recently. If it's convenient for you, we can communicate with each other in the evening class."

Duan Sisi didn't lift his head and said, "I'm not interested."

Yang Yu immediately closed the door and felt a little upset.

He can't keep his face Just then, his eyes fell on Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang doesn't want to get into trouble. He's still eating.

Yang Yu suddenly a smile, said: "Chen Jun classmate, I heard you are our school special recruit student! It is said that your fighting skills are very strong. You use a chopstick to fight with your uncle and win him, don't you? "

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