Li Yuqin knocked at the door of the office and said with great care: "headmaster, Mr. Chen Jun and Mr. Chen Tiannan are here."

Yan jiuzhong just looked up. He was very kind. He stood up and said with a smile, "please come in!"

After introducing Chen Yang and Chen Tiannan, Li Yuqin turned around and left.

Yan jiuzhong first said to Chen Tiannan, "Mr. Chen, I've heard everything about Xiaojun. Last time you came, I was too busy with my business and didn't entertain myself. It was my fault! The chief has already said hello to me. "

How dare Chen Tiannan be proud in front of Yan jiuzhong. He leaned forward, holding Yan jiuzhong's hand in both hands, and then said, "principal, you are too polite. How dare we bother you with such a small matter. However, one thing I want to make clear is that we are not really here to go through the back door. At the beginning, I really felt that my nephew had great talent. That's why I recommended Xiaojun to our chief. Now, headmaster, you can verify it yourself. "

Yan jiuzhong looks at Chen Yang. He said with a smile, "are you Xiaojun?"

Chen Yang bowed slightly and said, "Hello, headmaster, I'm Chen Jun!"

Yan jiuzhong laughed and said, "well, it's good. At such a young age, I have such accomplishments. Good spirit, especially! Come on, sit down

Yan jiuzhong takes two people to sit down in front of the long sofa.

Then, Yan jiuzhong went to the coffee machine and poured two cups of coffee. Chen Yang and Chen Tiannan stand up and take the coffee. Yan jiuzhong said with a smile again: "sit down!" He's always smiling.

Compared with the original dragon master Su lonely attitude, Yan jiuzhong is really kind a lot.

But this does not mean that there is something wrong with Su's attitude.

Because today's Chen Yang is qualified to be looked up.

If Chen Yang of that day had today's accomplishments, he would have been in the dragon Department by now.

On that day, Chen Yang had confidence and confidence in himself, but Su Laogu didn't believe it.

Yan jiuzhong then said with a smile, "I also know about tomorrow's life and death. All alumni of the same school, Xiaojun, do you have to be so stiff? "

Chen Yang looked at Yan jiuzhong and said, "as far as I know, the Dragon division is now gaining momentum. There is a disciple who is just like a God. His name is Ye Feng

About Ye Feng, Chen Yang is listening to Chen Tiannan.

When Chen Tiannan talks about Ye Feng, he has a sense of astonishment. He even asserted that Ye Feng would be the next master of the Dragon division in the future.

Ye Feng also has a sister named ye Chaoning! Ye Chaoning is also gifted, but his light is covered by Ye Feng.

"The Dragon Division has Ye Feng, ye Chaoning and Chen Jingyao! Maybe you haven't heard the name of Chen Jingyao, but you should know that master Su accepted a disciple three months ago. That disciple is Chen Jingyao. Chen Jingyao is my sister Chen Yang said word by word.

Yan jiuzhong was slightly stunned, and then said interestingly, "Xiaojun, what do you mean when you suddenly say these things?"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "master Su met me three months ago. However, I didn't have self-cultivation at that time. He refused me Dragon division, I don't care. At that time, I wanted to join the Dragon division, but I wanted to be with my sister. After that, I came to Weilong! "

Yan jiuzhong said with a smile: "I thought it was an exception to accept you! Dare feeling, to you, it is a must to condescend

Chen Yang said: "in fact, the rest is not important. Three months ago, I had no accomplishments. In three months, I grew up to my present cultivation. Then, headmaster, do you think I am qualified to compete with people like Ye Feng, ye Chaoning and even my sister in the future? Does Wei long need a representative student to boost his reputation? "

Yan jiuzhong said with a bitter smile, "we are different from the dragon company. We are a school. When you reach the eighth level of Qingling, you can graduate! Among the students going out, there are also outstanding ones. "

"Yes, it is. But is there a disciple like Ye Feng or ye Chaoning? " Chen Yang asked.

Yan jiuzhong was a little depressed and said, "a disciple like Ye Feng is hard to meet in a hundred years."

"In a moment, my sister will be a once-in-a-hundred-year disciple, too!" Chen Yang said.

Yan jiuzhong said, "so, what do you mean?"

Chen Yang said: "if you like, I can also be a sign of Wei long."

Yan jiuzhong smiles and says, "are you so confident?"

Chen Yang said: "I sat in a chair and had a fight with my uncle. Fight each other with a hundred jin force. Therefore, my uncle recognized my talent and recommended me to the leader above. Later, I came to Weilong. Yang Yu didn't agree with me, so he fought with me. He was definitely not my opponent, but he became angry and humiliated me in public. Today, as long as you don't use dragon Qigong, I can compete with you. If I lose, then I won't be able to compete tomorrow. I will kowtow to Yang Yu and admit my mistake. From then on, I will never step into Weilong again"You're so confident?" Yan jiuzhong's eyes flashed a touch of essence. "It seems that you have reached the seventh level of Qingling, even if I don't use dragon Qigong. I'm more powerful than you Young man, do you know that I have lived more than 90 years. You can't imagine what I've been through. I advise you never to be too full of words. "

Chen Yang said, "I know."

Yan Jiuchong's eyes were a little complicated and said, "you are only 15 years old, since you have no accomplishments before. So, how did your fighting skills come from? Before that, I would only think you were full of big words. But within three months, you have reached this level of cultivation. I have to reexamine your words. "

Chen Yang said: "this world is full of miracles. Maybe it's because someone is born a genius! "

Yan jiuzhong laughed, then his eyes flashed and said, "I've seen countless talents in my life, and I've killed many talents in my hand. I don't know how many geniuses have boasted Haikou in front of me, but in the end, it came to a miserable end. "

Chen Yang said, "I'm not your enemy. I'm still thin now. In my opinion, you are the best supporter besides dragon company. I'm not here to irritate you. But I know better that I need to show my strength

Yan Jiu nodded his head and said, "well, I really want to see if it's your arrogance or your ability. But you can compete with me. Tomorrow, show your skills. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect Yan jiuzhong to avoid fighting.

Of course, Chen Yang doesn't think Yan jiuzhong is afraid. People like him will never be afraid.

"Self identity!" Chen Yang immediately understood.

Chen Yang and Chen Tiannan then left Yan jiuzhong's office.

Then he left school.

At present, the school is full of ups and downs. Chen Yang doesn't want to stay in school!

"As principal Yan, of course he won't compete with you." On the special bus, Chen Tiannan said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, said: "is my thoughtlessness."

Chen Tiannan said with a wry smile: "however, you really think that as long as principal Yan does not use dragon Qigong. You can win? When principal Yan was young, he was a famous murderer. His actual combat skills are unparalleled today! "

Chen Yang looked at Xiao Zhang, the guard driving, and said with a smile, "I can't doubt the ability of principal Yan. But he hasn't done it for a long time. Once he did it, he also used dragon Qigong. If he doesn't use dragon Qigong. I don't think he has a good chance of winning, which he knows in his heart. Therefore, I should also have this concern about his refusal. "

Chen Tiannan is now convinced of Chen Yang, he said with a smile: "it seems that you really don't want to go to the Dragon division."

Chen Yang also said with a smile, "what you say is the water you pour out. In fact, I don't really need the help of the Shenlong department or Weilong in my cultivation, but I'm afraid I'm too sharp, so I'd better find a backer

Chen Tiannan said, "you are right in this idea."

There are still ten days to go before the New Year!

In Weilong military academy, it is usually the last three days before the year.

The school is full of joy.

Chen Leyi has called Chen Yang several times, hoping that Chen Yang and Chen Tiannan can go back to celebrate the new year together. Chen Yang has no problem Chen Tiannan can't go back. He has a lot to do.

Every new year's day, soldiers are always the busiest.

Chen Leyi can't get in touch with Suzhen in black. Naturally, she hopes Suzhen in black will go back with her.

Chen Yang and Chen Tiannan said they could not contact Suzhen in black. Therefore, whether Suzhen in black can go back for the Spring Festival is unknown.

Chen Yang had a very peaceful night!

Although the weather is cold in the morning, it is sunny.

The appointed time is ten in the morning.

The martial arts arena is in the middle of the playground. On this day, there are no empty seats on the stage around the playground.

The whole school is here.

News media is ready for live broadcast!

It's a wonderful day!

Yang Yu stood on the arena in his school uniform, while Chen Yang stood opposite Yang Yu in his thin white shirt.

Yang Yu's parents and elders also came.

His father Yang Zhan, grandfather Yang Qing, his mother and uncle were all present.

Most of the Yang family are martial arts practitioners.

Yang Zhan's cultivation is the fourth level of dragon!

And his grandfather Yang Qing is the sixth level dragon!

Of course, Chen Yang knows the family behind Yang Yu, so he visited Yan jiuzhong yesterday.

Of course, Chen Yang's background also includes Chen Tiannan.

Chen Tiannan's position in the army is not low, and the Yang family really can't provoke Chen Tiannan.

Today's battle is the battle of the students in Weilong military academy, signing a life and death certificate. Even if Chen Yang does not visit Yan jiuzhong, if Yang Yu is defeated, Yang Yu's parents will not be allowed to play around.Everything must be done under the rules.

Chen Yang and Yang Yu stand opposite each other!


Yang Yu has a dignified look

Chen Yang stood casually, his face light.

For so many years, Chen Yang turned his hands into clouds and covered them with rain. He seldom suffered such humiliation.

Today, Yang Yu will pay for what he has done.

Headmaster Yan Jiuchong was sitting in the nearest auditorium. At this time, a teacher appointed as the referee asked, "two students, are you ready?"

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