Ye Chaoning then said solemnly, "in other words, uncle Yan can't protect you. You are the safest only when you enter our dragon division. Besides, your sister is also in the dragon Department. There's no reason why you don't join. It would be unwise to kill yourself in a moment's anger. "

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "if I were a calm person, I would not be as far as I am today. Three months ago, your master Su Luomi met me, but he refused me. Therefore, today, I can't go to the dragon Department again. I know that the threshold of shenlongsi is very high. It's an honor to enter. But I, Chen Jun, don't come and go at once. "

"It's stupid of you to do so!" Ye Chaoning said directly.

Chen Yang said, "really?"

Ye Chaoning said: "young man, I advise you not to be too crazy."

Chen Yang said with a smile: "not crazy, or young people?" After a pause, he said, "what's more, I have to go to the headmaster immediately. Since you call the principal uncle, it's not good to dig his corner so openly. "

Ye Chaoning frowned and said, "so, you don't think about it?"

"Don't think about it." Chen Yang refused directly.

Of course, he also knows that it's best to go directly to Shenlong department with a low head and stay with Suzhen in black. All the trouble was solved.

But people fight for breath and Buddha for incense.

Chen Yang's temper is very stubborn sometimes. What is said is that there is no reason to take back the spilled water.

Ye Chaoning was silent for a long time. Then she said, "well, I hope you don't regret it in the future."

She then left a business card and said, "it's still useful to make this call before you visit your teacher. Once the apprenticeship is over, you will have no room to turn back! "

When she had finished, she went out. As soon as he got to the door, Chen Yang picked up the card, threw it over without looking at it, and said, "I once told your master that he didn't accept me that day, then he would kneel down and beg me, and I wouldn't look at the Dragon division more. What Chen Jun says is that he will never take back his spittle and nail! "

Ye Chaoning took the business card, she stayed in place for a while, and then left without looking back.

Inside the Dragon division, in a study, Su laolan is doing his work with his knees crossed.

When ye Chaoning came, she called respectfully, "master!"

Su Luomo opened his eyes and said with a smile, "he refused?"

Ye Chaoning immediately resentful, said: "he is simply arrogant, do not know good or bad! One day, he will taste the bitter fruit of himself

Su Laomo said with a faint smile: "this is what I expected. He made such a show of himself that he meant to demonstrate to me."

Ye Chaoning said, "he's nothing. Our dragon division doesn't necessarily lack him."

Su Luomo said: "without him, the Dragon Division will not do anything. But with him, he will surely be more powerful. It's also strange that I was a teacher, and I even lost my sight at the beginning. How can he be humiliated for his mind. No wonder at the beginning, he would put down his cruel words in front of his teacher. "

He then changed the subject and said, "his talent is not under your brother and Jingyao. It's not safe and secret to put him outside to practice. Being a teacher is for the country, not for the Dragon division. Shennong Department has reached the present stage, and he has no need to be a teacher for a long time. "

Ye Chaoning said: "this man is headstrong. If he really does anything in the future, it's all his fault."

Su Laomo smiles and says, "well, Chaoning, don't be angry. Since he insists on not coming to Shennong department, naturally we can't force others to do so. You should pay close attention to his movements secretly all the time. As soon as there is any disturbance, report it to my teacher. Before he really grows up, we need to ensure his safety department! "

"He hates you so much, and you help him like that?" The more ye Chaoning thinks about it, the more angry he is.

"To be a teacher is not to help him!" "It's for our country," Su said. Now our country's foreign enemies look around. It's not easy for us to have such a genius in our country. Don't let him wither in the middle, understand? "

"He doesn't understand you at all!" Ye Chaoning said.

Su Laomo waved his hand and said, "these are not important."

The next day, Chen Yang formally apprenticed to Yan jiuzhong.

He is the only disciple of Yan jiuzhong!

In fact, Chen Yang didn't give Yan jiuzhong the gift of apprenticeship. Chen Yang is a teacher, not a master.

Yan jiuzhong understands Chen Yang's purpose, but he is willing to be used by Chen Yang.

The older generation's love for their country is beyond the imagination of young people. Yan jiuzhong thinks that Chen Yang is a talented person. He is willing to teach by words and deeds to inspire Chen Yang's love for his country. He will also serve his country and defend against foreign invaders in the future!

It is worth mentioning that Yan jiuzhong never married or had any children in his life.

This new year, Chen Yang will live with Yan jiuzhong.

Yan jiuzhong usually lives in a military academy, but this time, he takes Chen Yang to a building in a business district. This place is the secret residence provided by the government to Yan jiuzhong. Yan jiuzhong will choose this place when he is closed.Yan jiuzhong said to Chen Yang, "every year during the Spring Festival, many students come to visit me. That's a good network, but I think you probably don't want these networks. So, you can practice at ease! "

Thank you very much!

I live on the eighth floor, three rooms and two halls! The sound insulation inside is very good. Even in the downtown area, after the doors and windows are closed, the fresh air circulation system is started. It's like being in a paradise.

Yan jiuzhong doesn't come out of the room.

Chen Yang was so happy and quiet that he didn't come out of the room.

As for the daily diet, Yan jiuzhong made it for Chen Yang himself. Chen Yang was embarrassed by his kindness.

Sometimes, Chen Yang wants to cook, but Yan jiuzhong doesn't let him.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Yang called Chen Leyi for a long time.

Although Chen Leyi missed Chen Yang, she was helpless.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang and Yan jiuzhong had a reunion together. They drank a lot of wine and talked a lot. Chen Yang still restrained himself and did not tell his origin.

He is an emotional person, once identified a person's character, they are willing to treat each other.

Therefore, he felt guilty for hiding from Yan jiuzhong.

He thought that if he had enough strength one day, he would make it clear to the headmaster.

The celestial world is full of troubles!

No matter where, as long as in the world of mortals, chaos will not disappear.

But in this downtown area, Chen Yang seems to be isolated from the world.

What he has to do every day is to practice hard and meditate.

In ten days, Chen Yang cultivated the dragon's Qi to the fifth level of the dragon!

At the same time, Chen Yang did an amazing thing.

All of a sudden, he wanted to have a try.

He inhaled the fire dragon into his body

Fire dragon Qi and Tianlong Qi in the body immediately repel each othe

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