Xuanyang is a famous assassin and killer in the field of dragon piercing. At this time, he will not be a little bit of color heart, what do you think of Ye Chaoning. Public is public, private is private, when he carries out the task. Professionalism comes first

Xuanyang Dang is going to fight

In ye Chaoning's pupil, fear is extremely obvious.

After all, she is still young and has gone through too few battles. So, at this time, she can't be as calm as a mountain, and even more can't look death at home!

However, at this time, a voice came from behind ye Chaoning.

It's a slow, lazy voice.

"Little sister ye Chaoning, fortunately, brother, I didn't expect you to protect me! How come you're in trouble this time? "

It's Chen Yang's voice.

Ye Chaoning was stunned first, and then ecstatic. "He's not dead!"

When the voice falls, Chen Yang takes Chen Leyi by the hand and walks over like a couple. Chen Leyi's palms are full of cold sweat. She's too scared, so she hasn't let go of Chen Yang's hand.

Xuanyang was slightly stunned.

He was not in a hurry to start, and the scene in front of him was strange.

Chen Yang and Chen Leyi come to ye Chaoning.

Xuanyang also stares at Chen Yang, using Li Guo's language That is to say in English: "you are not dead?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said with a smile, "isn't that nonsense? Is it a dead man standing in front of you at this moment? "

"Didn't Gong benxuan kill you?" Xuanyang couldn't believe it.

Chen Leyi and ye Chaoning were very proficient in English. So there is no obstacle for us to communicate.

Chen Yang said slowly, "what do you say about the island man? He has been killed by me. "

"You killed me?" Xuanyang said: "impossible, you don't have this ability!"

Chen Yang said, "impossible? Oh, you don't believe it. " After a pause, he said to ye Chaoning with a smile: "little sister, call me brother, and I will consider saving you. Otherwise, I'll take my sister with me. "

"You Son of a bitch Ye Chaoning's mood is extremely complicated. She is a little confused about everything in front of her. But at this time, she is absolutely not in the mood to joke with Chen Yang.

She didn't understand why Chen Yang would be OK. And at this time, I can be so calm.

Is xuanyang, also aware of a trace of the wrong!

"Oh, if you don't call me!" Chen Yang is not angry.

Later, Chen Yang said to ye Chaoning, "well, you step back and protect my sister! I'll kill this man! "

Ye Chaoning can't help listening to Chen Yang's words at the moment. When she is most helpless and desperate, Chen Yang's appearance is like the coming of God. Chen Yang seems to be ye Chaoning's life-saving straw, so she can't help but grasp it!

"You, can you?" Ye Chaoning and Chen Leyi step back together, but she still asks.

Chen Yang light said: "you look is!"

Ye Chaoning can't imagine how a person of dragon level 7 can deal with a famous master like xuanyang. However, Miyamoto Xuan in xuanyang's mouth has actually died in Chen Yang's hands.

Ye Chaoning and Chen Leyi quit a certain distance!

Chen Yang and xuanyang stand opposite each other.

Chen Yang took a light look at xuanyang and said, "well, I'm still very busy. Let's not waste time

Xuanyang nodded and said, "good!"

He was happy, too, and then his eyes flashed.

All of a sudden, his frozen sword flashed, and he was involved in the Ice Dragon Storm Thousands of ice blades, fierce, crazy attack and kill Chen Yang.

It's not the ice Stegosaurus!

It's completely out of the routine!

It's the highest level that there are countless changes and no trace to be found between master and close combat!

This shot, is ye Chaoning also stunned.

She had never met such

She felt that if it was herself, she would have to stay where she was and wait to die.

However, Chen Yang will not wait to die.

At this moment, Chen Yang's posture still looks very casual.

Inadvertently, in the midst of the lightning, Chen Yang's body arched slightly, like a beast ready to attack at any time Xuanyang is the top killer. His quiet time is as eternal as heaven and earth Moving is like thunder.

A static move between the hands from the knife!

To him, killing is the acme of art.

Every moment of opportunity is perfect art!

It's just a pity that what he met today was also the fighting ancestor. This is a real master duel!

When Chen Yang was killed by thunder and ice, Chen Yang directly sacrificed the heaven and Earth Dragon. His big hand in the air, heaven and Earth Dragon in his hands to form a terrible dragon, and finally turned into a Tai Chi vortex!At that moment, all the ice blades were involved in the Taiji whirlpool!

Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, Taiji!

In the blink of an eye, all the ice blades are crushed by Chen Yang's Dragon Qi. But at this time, the frozen sword of xuanyang assassinated him. The cold star on the tip of the sword is like a wonderful ice needle. It carries the power of thunder. In an instant, it pierces Chen Yang's Taiji vortex and assassinates Chen Yang's eyebrows!

Xuanyang's move is his famous killing move. It's called ice Sealed sword!

This move, I don't know how many famous masters have been killed!

The sharp point of the sword killed Chen Yang's eyebrows, and Chen Yang didn't dodge. But his foot has been kicked ahead of time, this foot is the ghost of northern faction Tan leg! As soon as Tan's leg comes out, the gods and ghosts will be worried!

This foot has no shadow invisible, between blink of an eye kick to Xuan Yang's armpit.

Xuanyang suddenly felt the crisis, he couldn't help losing face slightly, in the crisis, his sword left hand, backhand is a sword cut Chen Yang's head!

The sword is so sharp that he can change his moves very quickly. His response was perfect Chen Yang kicked one foot in the air and three legs in a row.

The leg strength contains the air of dragon, which is extremely fierce.

At the same time, Chen Yang finally shrunk!

The tortoise shrinks his head!

The blade of the sword shaved over his head and cut off a few hairs.

Xuanyang can't attack any more. He retreats and avoids Chen Yang's attack.

After that, they stood still.

This round of fighting ended with xuanyang's attack and killing, and Chen Yang lost a few hairs.

Chen Yang stood still. He touched his head and grabbed two hairs. He gave xuanyang a smile and said, "is it for two hairs? I can give it to you! "

"No way!" Xuanyang's eyes were complicated. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "how old are you? How can you have so much fighting experience? My move just now, even in the face of 20 years of experience veteran, the other side is also very difficult to have you so easy to deal with! "

"So, a lot of things to talk about talent!" Chen Yang said with a smile, "you are old and your thoughts are out of date. It's been less than a year since I started practicing martial arts. You guys are really not good! "

His words, let xuanyang and distant ye Chaoning have a kind of feeling to vomit blood!

It's so irritating.

It's really a comparison of goods and people!

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