Musashi Ichiro's pupils suddenly contracted and said, "are you serious?"

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "I'm not here to brag with you because I've traveled across the ocean and risked my life."

Musashiichiro fell into a deep meditation. After a long time, he said, "I still don't understand. How did you get here? You know, the defense of our Taoist school is extremely tight, and my master's aura, the Taoist school exists. It's impossible that you have the ability to hide from my master. "

Chen Yang said: "well, when Gong benxuan went to kill me, he said a lot. Today, I'll help you. It's true that your Taoist hall is well defended, but it's hidden in the woods. I came through the woods. At the same time, I... "

As he spoke, the dark dragon gas was ejected between his fingers!

The dark dragon Qi surrounded his fingers as if he had life.

"Dark dragon? How can you be dark dragon? Don't you think it's the air of the dragon? " Ichiro Musashi was shocked again.

Chen Yang said, "well, I've solved your doubts."

At this time, musashiichiro suddenly realized. In front of this person in the dark ahead, hidden in the woods, and used the dark dragon. Only when the dark king comes can he be found.

Musashi Yilang took a deep breath and said, "you are really good!"

Chen Yang said: "I come here with sincerity. Please don't play tricks with me. If you want me to die, just shout. But that would cost your sister's life Believe me, even if the dark king stands here today, he can't save your sister. "

When Chen Yang came here, he specially investigated the relationship between Ichiro Musashi and Sakura Musashi. I know that the brother and sister are dependent on each other, and they have deep feelings.

It is because of this that Chen Yang dares to take risks.

"Sister cherry blossom!" Chen Yang suddenly smiles at Musashi Sakura and says, "don't do anything stupid. I promise you'll die here before you say anything. I'm here. It's a gentleman's appointment. Before, your men went to assassinate me. Kill all the servants in my house and the people who protect me. Today, I didn't kill an archipelago, which is my greatest kindness. Don't let me down

Musashi Sakura's delicate body trembles slightly, and tears flash in her eyes.

After all, she was only fifteen years old. How could she not be afraid?

"Don't be afraid. I'll be fine with my brother." Musashi Ichiro comforts Musashi Sakura. Then he said to Chen Yang, "come on, I'll drive you out. Let's find a secluded place and die! "

Chen Yang got up and came over. Musashi Ichiro was about to take Musashi Sakura out. Just then, Chen Yang suddenly said, "wait a minute!"

Musashi Ichiro and Musashi Sakura's face suddenly changed. Musashi Ichiro said in a deep voice, "what do you want?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "don't be nervous. I want to remind you that you haven't brought your weapons yet. It's unfair of you to fight me empty handed! "

"You..." Musashi Ichiro is really too nervous. That's why he forgot to take his sword ChiYan sword.

"Are you so confident?" Musashiichiro clenched his fist.

Chen Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm kind enough to remind you that it's like I have a conspiracy."

As soon as Musashi Yilang grasped it in the air, he caught the ChiYan sword with the air of flying dragon. He was sure that ChiYan sword was not passive.

No one has the ability to use his sword without being noticed by him.

They quickly went out and got on the special bus of Ichiro Musashi. After that, it was driven by Ichiro Musashi.

Chen Yang and Musashi Sakura are sitting in the back. He was a gentleman. He didn't do anything wrong with Musashi cherry blossom, just like a modest gentleman.

Ichiro Musashi plays an important role in the school of Taoism. He wants to go out at night, and no one will interfere and stop him.

Very smoothly, they left the temple.

Musashiichiro drove to the top of the mountain on the other side. Here is the mountains around the sea, the sea breeze at night, so that the air is full of salty taste.

On the other side of the mountain, there are some lovers enjoying the sea view and night view. They chose a secluded space.

"Cherry blossom, don't run. Once you run, your body will explode!" Chen Yang told Musashi Sakura patiently before the war. He spoke like a tender lover. Such a gentle tone makes Musashi cherry shudder.

Later, Chen Yang ignored Musashi cherry blossom.

He was three meters away from musashiichiro, and they stood opposite each other.

Musashiichiro has drawn his sword.

"Roar!" At that moment, Ichiro Musashi was like an enemy, his eyes were red.

As soon as the ChiYan sword came out, the air was filled with a blazing flame. The sharp edge of the sword flashed out its fierce and murderous spirit in the moonlight.

Follow the tip of the sword like a snake.

The dragon is raging!

The air of fire dragon instantly forms a huge fire dragon!The fire dragon roars, like the suppressed dragon breaking the seal. Ichiro Musashi has his own plan. No matter whether he wins or loses, he has to be active and quiet.

As soon as the fire dragon comes out, it will immediately disturb the people around. The news will soon reach Daoguan

Chen Yang also knows the abacus of Ichiro Musashi. He is too lazy to take care of it.

The fire dragon roared. In a flash, the flames rolled around, as if to cook people.

In front of me, the fire dragon has come.

In a flash, Chen Yang fell into a sea of fire. He doesn't talk much. He opens his mouth and spews out his breath

Heaven and Earth Dragon burst out!

Suddenly, the golden dragon scale heaven and Earth Dragon and fire dragon intertwined together. Fire dragon burning heaven and Earth Dragon, heaven and Earth Dragon claws tear fire dragon, both sides fight together, fire sky!

Heaven and Earth Dragon suddenly opened his mouth, actually spewed out a breath of Thunder Dragon!


Fire dragon body trembles, heaven and earth dragon mouth will swallow the fire dragon's head, and then two claws a tear, the fire dragon will be torn to pieces.

"Broken!" Musashi Ichiro is a famous master. He suddenly cuts out a fire dragon sword with a flash of cold light in his eyes!

The fierce sword light and lightning cut the dragon to heaven and earth.

Chen Yangru holds the sky in his hand. As soon as he clenches and releases his fist, the giant tail of the heaven and Earth Dragon swings and smashes the fire dragon sword to pieces.

"Go Chen Yang drinks again.

The Dragon Spirit in his body is rampant, forming a close connection with the heaven and Earth Dragon. The dragon of heaven and earth flies away. Ichiro Musashi responds calmly!

This time, the light of his sword flickered, and he killed two fire dragons.

Two huge fire dragons roared in the air and rushed to heaven and earth together.

"Broken!" Musashi Yilang roared again, and his sword shot out suddenly, condensing endless dragon Qi in the air! The Dragon Qi forms a fire dragon, and the fire dragon is wrapped with a red flame sword!

In a flash, all the three dragons were summoned.

The three dragons smashed Chen Yang's heaven and Earth Dragon in the blink of an eye.

Then, the three dragons roared to kill Chen Yang.

The dragon is rolling and roaring, tearing all living beings in the world!

This is the battle of the dragon.

Chen Yang fell into a sea of fire. At this time, the sky was full of thunder clouds, followed by a Thunder Dragon. Thunder Dragon lightning down, in the blink of an eye, the three flame dragon cut into pieces.

Thunder Dragon Qi is a kind of extremely overbearing and mysterious dragon Qi.

The flame dragon is only shivering under the Thunder Dragon.

In the scene, the air of fire dragon is rolling, and the heat wave in the air is rolling. But Chen Yang is not damaged at all. His eyes burst out with cold light, and the Thunder Dragon hovered low. As soon as his gesture turned, the Thunder Dragon turned into thunder lightning and killed Ichiro asakuro.

Musashiichiro was surprised.

Just now he has experienced the power of this mysterious Thunder Dragon.

It's the first time he's faced with such a strange dragon spirit.

A strong sense of crisis spreads all over the body. When Musashi Ichiro retreated suddenly, he shot three fire dragons again in a row.

Three huge fire dragons roar again, and they are entangled with Thunder Dragon.

After that, it all disappeared.

Chen Yang's body flashed, and asahiko quickly swept away. The air of flying dragon formed under his feet, and the whole person almost wanted to fly. Musashi Ichiro simply condenses the spirit of a flying dragon, and the whole person flies to the sky in a flying dragon.

"Seek your own death!" Chen Yang can't fly far now. He can't catch up, but he doesn't intend to. At that moment, he once again triggered the Thunder Dragon.

When the Thunder Dragon appears, Chen Yang roars, and the Dragon turns into an electric light, and asahiburo kills it.

The speed of Ichiro Musashi can be compared with that of electro-optic!

Others are in the air, most of the forces are controlling the dragon's air, how can they resist the Thunder Dragon's air at the moment. At the critical moment, Ichiro Musashi reluctantly controlled the fire dragon to resist, but he didn't. The next second, Thunder Dragon hit his flying dragon. In a flash, the flying dragon broke, and musashiichiro lost his center of gravity and fell down.

He's already 20 meters high, and it's not good for him to fall down at this time.

Of course, if there's no one down there to attack, he doesn't matter much. After all, dragon is powerful!

But Chen Yang is still standing below.

Ichiro Musashi's eyes contracted and fear flashed

Chen Yang's eyes are full of indifference, in that moment, he once again popped up a thunderbolt.

The Thunder Dragon's Qi was as cold as sword light, and directly shot through Ichiro Musashi's chest.

The next second, Ichiro Musashi's whole body was weak. At last, he fell to the ground heavily, but his seven orifices were bleeding. He didn't even have time to hum, that is Death!

"Brother!" Sakura Musashi shouts in island Mandarin. She pours on Ichiro Musashi's body. She is in pain.Chen Yang has no pity in his heart. Then he turns around and leaves.

When the body of Ichiro Musashi was carried to the master Takeda Mufeng, Takeda Mufeng's body could not help shaking.

His heart is bleeding.

This is the disciple he has cultivated for many years! This is his proudest disciple!

So he died

At the same time, onoro also learned about the death of Ichiro Musashi.

And the Gufa family also knew about it.

For a moment, the martial arts world vibrated.

News spreads like a plague

"It is said that the disciples of lundao hall and the Gufa family together killed Chen Jun, a genius of China As a result, Chen Jun not only did not die, but killed the person who went to assassinate him. Moreover, he went to the island and killed musashiichiro, the most proud disciple of Wutian Mufeng in the Taoist school! "

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