Suzhen in black knows that it's not easy for Chen Yang to tell the truth in front of the public, so she doesn't ask any questions now. Just because she talks less doesn't mean she's stupid. She has something in mind about the current situation.

In the past, Suzhen in black didn't care about these messy relationships at all. Anyway, I'm me. Whether you like me or not, I'll just be myself.

But now, the strength of the problem, it must care about these things.

She looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile, "I'm much more relaxed. It seems that the night King's injury is not light."

The dark king doubted: "did you really hurt the night king and kill the ice dragon? I know something about that giant dragon, although it absorbed too much dark power, causing the real dragon power to be damaged. But its power is still terrible, even if the king meets it, it will take a lot of trouble to defeat it. What's more, the strength of the night king is far above you and me. If they join hands, you should have no chance at all. "

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "you should have known that I'm not an ordinary person. Do you think I'll go out and get hurt on purpose to lie to you, and then let you go to the night king to die? "

Dark king's heart is just so in doubt, but did not expect, Chen Yang saw through his mind at a glance.

In his heart, Chen Yang is a mysterious God from ancient times. He was afraid of Chen Yang from the bottom of his heart.

The dark king pondered for a moment, and then said, "I'm just curious. You think too much."

Chen Yang said: "you have to kill the night king. Now that the night king is seriously injured, it's a good time. But right now, I really need to rest. So, it's still up to you to find the night king. "

The night king said, "the dark king is very mobile. It's hard to track him down if we take him with us. "

Chen Yang said: "you can lead the team and take some people to look for it. Let's just leave some people on guard. Anyway, I'm injured. I can't help you for the moment. If you are with us, we will be your burden, won't we

The dark king said, "but if the night king comes to kill you?"

Chen Yang said: "that's our business. Although I'm injured, I'm confident that I still have the ability to protect myself and the people around me. Besides, the night king doesn't have the ability to attack us. It's too late for him to escape. Dark king, this is the only chance. Don't take it lightly

The dark king thought about it and finally said, "good!"

He soon ordered his troops and generals and left with his disciples.

Chen Yang and his party stayed where they were.

After that, Chen Yang began to heal with his knees crossed.

He also knew that it was impossible to expect the dark king to kill the night king. But the advantage of the dark king is that he can drive the night King around, so that he has no time to recover.

What Chen Yang needs is this time difference. After his injury is healed, he can make the night King slowly. The more contact he had with the night king, the less mysterious he was, and the more confident Chen Yang was.

Chen Yang told Suzhen in the dark sea, "since the night king knows our real bodies, it means that our real bodies are in this place. We can also find the real body. Once we find the real body, we can change from passive to active. "

"I've tried to find my real body, but I don't have a clue," she said

Chen Yang is optimistic and says, "it's up to people."

Everyone took a rest.

Chen Yang carefully examined his injuries, and found that his injuries to the viscera could not be repaired in a short time. He has to absorb more dead breath to strengthen himself.

Chen Yang instinctively resisted the breath of the dead, but now, under the circumstances of life and death, he can't worry about that much.

This place is for three days.

It's been a quiet three days.

Chen Yang's injuries have all improved under the moistening of the spirit of death.

And the dark king is driving the night king all over the mountain, and the injury is still not good. Moreover, Chen Yang's injury was not as serious as night king's.

Chen Yang's injury is caused by the dark power of the dead, but the night King's injury is caused by the most powerful force of thunder.

After Chen Yang recovered from his injury, he contacted the dark king again.

He let the dark king to guard the safety of the people, and he began to chase the night king all over the hillside.

Of course, the dark king has no opinion.

The dark king's understanding of the spirit of the dark dead is not as good as Chen Yang's, so it is difficult for him to chase the night king. Unlike Chen Yang, Chen Yang's knowledge is more profound than that of the dark king, so his mastery of the spirit of death is much purer than that of the dark king.

It wasn't long before Chen Yang realized in the dark abyss and accurately locked the position of the night king.

After that, Chen Yang chased and killed the night king.

The night king is tired of running!

In the depths of a dark abyss, Chen Yang finally caught up with the night king.

There is no escape for the night king. He turned to face Chen YangChen Yang also looks at the night king.

"I don't want to kill you. You can withdraw the dark power from my sister. Then take us to find the real body, so, what you want in the future, has nothing to do with me. If I can, I'll leave you some immortal power of my real body, and it's not impossible! " Chen Yang gazed at the night king and said, "before you didn't agree, you thought you still had a chance to gamble. But now, you should know that I don't have to lie to you at all. "

The night king also stares at Chen Yang. After a long silence, he suddenly smiles and says, "do you really think you won?"

Chen Yang felt bad and said, "don't you care?"

"The night king said:" yes, because the king suddenly figured out a very critical problem

"Oh?" Chen Yang said.

The night king said, "before, I wanted to grab a little value from you, and then I could go to the world to be free. But now, the king suddenly thought, why only grab a little value? Why must we confine ourselves to this celestial sphere? If I become you, then I can travel in the starry sky

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yang's face changed.

The night King laughed and said, "if the king dissipates, he will be integrated with the spirit of death again. Then, all the spirit of the dead can be regarded as the king, and the king can revive your sister and occupy all her life. After that, I'll get your real bodies, and then I'll be your sister. "

"It's impossible. You have no such ability!" Chen Yang was thrilled.

The night King laughed and said, "I'm going to break up."

After he finished, his figure began to become ethereal

Chen Yang was shocked. He reached out to catch the night king, but he only caught the night King's body. But there is no soul in the night king.

Night king, it's really gone.

Chen Yang smashes the night King's body with one palm. Then he turns around and goes back to find Suzhen in black.

He soon joined the crowd.

Suzhen in black sat with her knees crossed, motionless.

Chen Yang, like a gust of wind, came to Suzhen in black and asked, "how are you now?"

Suzhen in black frowned and said, "is he dead?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "in a sense, he is dead. What do you think? "

When they heard this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Another man called out, "look, there's an exit."

In that dark place, a dark door appeared.

Looking inside from the outside, it was darkness.

Looking out from the inside, you can see the ice and snow.

The people had long been eager to leave this ghost place. At this time, they were all overjoyed to see the way out.

Chen Yang is regardless of these, his eyes only black Su Zhen.

Suzhen shook her head and said, "I don't think it's very good."

Chen Yang said, "let me have a look!" He went to explore the pulse of Suzhen in Heiyi, and immediately realized that the dark power in her body was surging, devouring all her

If it goes on like this, Suzhen in black will be full of the spirit of death.

This was not so terrible, but Chen Yang was really afraid that the night king would occupy Suzhen's body and replace Suzhen.

Chen Yang can't accept this and can't stand it.

"Let's get out of here first!" Su Luomo can't help but say.

As soon as he proposed, everyone agreed.

Chen Yang also thinks that if you want to leave this place first, leave this ghost place, then the dark power will weaken.

So, everyone went to the cave

However, soon, we found that the black fog around Suzhen was surging, like a storm vortex. As soon as she got close to the hole, it began to fill with darkness. Instead, she stepped back and the hole opened again.

"You all go!" Chen Yang didn't embarrass everyone. He said, "don't be embarrassed. Most of you follow me just to get out of here. Now, you can go. Anyway, you can't help here. "

After Chen Yang finished, he drove out the dark dragon, and then sat up with Suzhen in black.

"Let's go!" The dark king is clean.

Most of the others said they wanted to go.

It was the king of Xiaoyao, yuluocha and Miao Renhong who wanted to stay.

Ye Chaoning and Ye Feng will also stay.

Su Laomo also said that he wanted to stay.

This is not a big contradiction, although Chen Yang said that it is unnecessary. But what we insist on is still there.

The dark king and others left.

After these people left, the hole disappeared.

"It seems that the night king is not dead. The night King obviously wants to let everyone leave and leave Jingyao here!" Ye Chaoning said first.

Chen Yang doesn't pay attention to the public. He sees that Suzhen's face is getting paler and paler. He found out that the dark and dead breath in her body was becoming more and more turbulentSeeing, Suzhen in black will be completely occupied by the spirit of death.

And there was nothing they could do.

Chen Yang doesn't know what will happen once Suzhen in black is occupied by the spirit of death. But he was afraid of the terrible consequences.

He whispered, "dark, dark, light, yes, light!"

So he tried his best to drive the bright dragon Qi, and then transported the Dragon Qi to Suzhen's body.

It's a pity that the power of this light is really like the light of a grain of rice compared with the breath of darkness and death.

It doesn't work at all!

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