"This world is not so much the celestial sphere as the elemental world," she said. Originally the arc element world, but because of the fire quenching, let my dark elements and arc elements into one, become a new element. I haven't named this element yet. Before, the old elemental forces were guarding the world. At that time, after we were robbed and burned, our bodies were too weak, so we could not integrate with them normally, instead, we were swallowed up. Now it's different. Now the world is my world. "

Suzhen Heiyi added: "the rules in the power of elements are equivalent to the way of heaven on earth, which has no human consciousness. And now I am equal to the human body consciousness of the way of heaven! In this place, elemental power has been used for me! We're going out. It's easy. There was a time error before, which was the most intractable problem. But it's very easy because the crystal is here at this time. In other words, our time would not have been wrong if there had been no burning time spar. Now, it's about making the time crystal return to normal time, so it's not very difficult. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized, he said: "equivalent, you are now the creator of the world?"

"I can change a lot of things and rules in this place by integrating elements into the rules," she said. But if I want to leave this place and enter the normal world of the celestial sphere, I will also be restricted by the rules. Unless I change the rules here, the mana of the whole celestial sphere is no longer limited. "

"That can't be done!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Don't worry, I always hate trouble," she said

Chen Yang said, "it's equivalent to being here, you can have the power of the world, right?"

"I can mobilize the power of the world, but I can't take it away," she said

"I see," said Chen Yang

Black Yi Su Zhen said: "there is a slight crack in the crystal of time. This kind of crack is the crack of time. The longer we stay here, the bigger the cracks will be. To a certain extent, it will cause the storm of time and space in the time crystal. At that time, there will be more chaos. "

Chen Yang was surprised.

"Ten years, ten years is the limit," she said. Ten years later, we came back on time. In the past ten years, I want to go around and have a look, and then you can practice hard and realize the truth! "

When Chen Yang heard that there were still ten years left, he was relieved and said, "good!"

When ye Chaoning and others are in despair

Chen Yang and Suzhen come out of the darkness and come to them.

People are glad to see that Chen Yang is still alive. But when I saw Suzhen in black, I couldn't help showing fear in my eyes.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "don't be afraid. The people around me are not the night king, but my sister!"

"Ah?" All of them were surprised and happy.

Chen Yang gave a brief explanation and told the public that all the disasters had passed.

Ye Chaoning is happy, but sad, because her brother Ye Feng is still dying.

Chen Yang's injuries are all over. Because he's in the middle of the elemental world, it's like restoring mana. Just a little bit of injury.

Before, Chen Yang entered the stomach of the ice dragon, but his body was full of stench. But under the wash of mana, the clothes are clean.

Black Yi Su Zhen didn't say much, she came to ye Chaoning in front, and then squatted down to explore Ye Feng's situation.

At that moment, there was something complicated in her eyes. Of course, she knows what Ye Feng has done for him

"He'll be fine." Black dress Su Zhen then said to ye Chaoning: "just take a good rest, and when you return to the normal world, the light shines, eat more nutrition, everything will be OK."

"But the outside environment is very bad." Ye Chaoning tearful eyes whirling, said: "I don't know, brother can support."

"There's no problem, then, wrap him in a sleeping bag," she said. Then warm him with a slight fire dragon. "

Ye Chaoning's eyes brightened.

"Now, can you tell us who you two are?" Jade Luo Cha can't help saying.

They are really extremely curious about this issue.

Including Su Luomo!

All the people look at Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

Chen's curiosity or Yang's refusal to be tough can't be ignored.

He will not forget that in times of danger, these people have been with each other for a long time.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "we have no malice towards the world."

Suzhen in black is not good at words and doesn't care to explain anything.

Chen Yang thinks that it is also a very troublesome thing to explain the cause and effect of things clearly.

So next, Chen Yang briefly said the origin of him and Suzhen in black. And when I fell into this world, my soul went out of my body and so on. The real body is stuck in chaosChen Yang didn't say that they were here to change the elements, just said that doomsday was coming and so on.

Then, Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao who are also looking for in a car accident.

Ye Chaoning and Su laolan believe this. Because they have investigated the identity and origin of Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao. As we all know, the changes of Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao only started after the car accident.

But no matter what, people finally understand the context.

Time, never stay, always go forward.

Time, like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes stir up waves

In the twinkling of an eye, three months passed.

Xiaoyao Wang and his party have gone to the end of the world.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have already returned to Kyoto, and Ye Feng's injuries have all improved.

Everything is back on track.

It's just that Su's injury is not good after all.

Su Luomo has a long talk with Chen Yang and Suzhen in black, and also asks Chen Yang what they plan to do in the future.

Chen Yang replied that he would leave in ten years.

Su is worried.

In fact, Chen Yang is also worried that Chen Leyi will not be able to bear it.

At that time, Chen Yang expressed his worry, while Su Zhen in black only said lightly: "don't forget, the time is wrong. Once we get back to the right time, it's like we've never been in the world. The fact is that Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao were already dead in the car accident. No one can change that, including you and me. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

He asked Suzuki Hei, "can you change the accident in the element rules?"

Suzhen in black sighed and said, "I'm just beginning to understand Yuanjue's position and difficulties. The establishment of rules is to abide by them. If I change the rules, the rules will become fragile, especially, I am the law enforcer. The way of nature is to follow natural changes. Natural disasters and man-made disasters are part of nature and cannot be changed. Once changed, it will cause a series of changes that can not be tolerated. "

Chen Yang feels dejected.

Suzhen Heiyi said: "life, old age, illness, who can avoid vulgarity?"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "sometimes I think we can do anything. But sometimes, I feel like we can't change anything. "

"Magic and persistence can change things that have not happened, but no one can change things that have happened." She said.

Chen Yang said: "therefore, the gate of immortality, heaven and man five decline, you should also understand that even then, it can not change anything." When he saw Suzhen in black talking about it, he talked about the door of eternal life.

Suzhen in black was slightly stunned.

"Yes, of course I understand!" She said after a long silence.

As for Su Luomi, Chen Yang and Su Luomi worry that after Chen Yang and Suzhen in Heiyi leave, no one in the celestial world can compete with the dark king. Chen Yang and Su Luomi say, "don't worry, ten years is enough for Ye Feng to grow up. I can't. We can kill the dark king before we leave. "

He didn't want to think about this meaningless trouble, so he directly comforted Su lonely. After hearing this, Su Luolan's eyes brightened.

In fact, new people always change old people!

Su's worry about loneliness is superfluous. Without him, other people will rise.

What's more, Chen Yang already knows that when he and Suzhen in black leave, there will be no trace of them here.

Everything will return to the normal track.

Time flies.

In the twinkling of an eye, a year passed.

In this year, Chen Yang was not with Suzhen in black. He entered a state of retreat, in Kyoto, in the house of Yan jiuzhong.

What he is cultivating is not the Dragon Qi of the world, but the meaning of life and the mysterious connection with the universe. This kind of realization is very helpful for him to recover his true body in the future.

Chen Yang doesn't know what Suzhen in Heiyi is doing this year.

Suzhen in Black said that she would go around, eat all kinds of food and see all kinds of scenery.

Chen Yang offers to go with her, but Su Zhen in black refuses. "You should practice well and don't waste your precious time," she said

Chen Yang thinks so. He always has some anxiety in his heart.

So Chen Yang stayed.

This year, Chen Yang and ye Chaoning occasionally went out to eat. Ye Chaoning likes to hear Chen Yang tell stories about his world. This makes ye Chaoning have infinite yearning He even asked Chen Yang if she could go with him.

Chen Yang rejects ye Chaoning and tells him that this is impossible. Because the error of time must be corrected.

No one can take ye Chaoning away.

There's no need to take it.

Ye Chaoning can only give up this idea.

Chen Yang can feel ye Chaoning moved heart, played a light feeling. But Chen Yang can only pretend to be blind and keep a distance. He didn't want to have any more feelings out of the plan.However, this day, Chen Yang wanwan did not expect that he received a phone call from Ye Feng.

On the phone, Ye Feng tells him that he has proposed to Suzhen in black.

And Suzhen in black has agreed.

On the phone, Ye Feng was very excited and excited. He said that he thinks Chen Yang is a very important person for Suzhen in Heiyi. So it's necessary to let me know.

Chen Yang was shocked!

At that moment, he was confused.

"What nonsense is this fool talking about?" Chen Yang murmured.

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