"I know what I'm doing is naive. But if I don't say it, I'm afraid I'll go crazy. " Chen Yang said.

"What are you trying to say?" Su Zhen in black stares at Chen Yang and says.

"You go out!" At this time, Ye Feng cheers to Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

"I hear you Black clothes Su Zhen ignore Ye Feng, said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a deep breath again. Then, a light of determination flashed in his eyes. He said, "I don't want you to marry him. I want you to be my woman. Let's go, let's go together, get out of here and go to a place nobody knows. May I? "

After he said this, the scene was silent!

This is crazy.

Su liaolan's face was livid with anger.

Ye Feng is more murderous

But at the same time, everyone looked at Suzhen in black.

Obviously, the most important thing in this farce still depends on Suzhen's attitude.

Suzhen in black is silent

After a while, she suddenly said, "let's go."

When she spits out these four words, the whole audience is in a daze.

Chen Yang is even more shocked. He feels like a madman. Today, like ye Chaoning of that day, he knows that he will be rejected and ridiculed, but he still wants to say what he wants to say.

He never thought Suzhen in black would agree.

So, when he heard Suzhen in black say let's go, he almost thought he had heard wrong.

But soon, he was ecstatic.

After that, he took Suzhen's hand.

"Don't go!" Ye Feng is angry to leave

He directly sacrificed a bright sword in his hand and stopped Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

"Jingyao, what do you mean? Don't you think you're going to give me an account? " Ye Feng glares at Su Zhen in black and says.

Suzhen in Black said lightly, "I do things according to my own preference. If you are uncomfortable, you can come and kill me. Of course, if you have the ability! "

"I'm sorry, elder sister. We'll explain to you later." Chen Yang takes a look at Chen Leyi, and then condenses the flying dragon.

They quickly jumped on the dragon!

The next second, Suzhen releases the dark dragon Qi.

The scene entered an absolute darkness.

The flying dragon broke through the air and went through the roof

Flying dragon roams in the sea of clouds, Chen Yang's hand is always holding Su Zhen's hand tightly.

There was a slight sweat in both hands.

There is a lake in front of it. Under the sunshine, the lake is colorful.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black fell down and sat down by the lake.

"It's a dream." Chen Yang muttered to himself that he had almost slapped himself in the face.

Suzhen in black sits quietly beside Chen Yang.

She doesn't talk much either.

Chen Yang looks at Suzhen in black beside him. He suddenly feels strange. It seems to be back to the past

He looked at her, always dare not have any things beyond.

Before that kind of all, as if never happened.

Atmosphere, silence.

After a long time, Suzhen in black suddenly said, "if you don't speak, I'll leave."

"Oh, no, no!" Chen Yang grabs her ear and grabs her cheek. He is worried and holds her hand again. "I Su Su... "

He smirked and said, "I'm telling you the truth, you know? There has never been a woman who can make me so flustered and insecure. I am not self-confident about myself, I think, if I am a simple me, only me, no ling'er, I think I should dare to pursue you. Who are you? You are a rare and unique Bai Suzhen in the world! I... "

"I've promised you. What else are you talking about?" Black Su Zhen white Chen Yang one eye.

"Well, I don't care!" Chen Yang clenches his teeth and suddenly embraces Su Zhen in black. Then he presses her under his body and kisses her fragrant red lips.

Lips and tongue intertwined, that is the taste of ecstasy!

Suzhen's body began to be a little stiff, and then gradually melted into Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang is an old hand in love. He already knows that what Suzhen in black has said to Ye Feng is absolutely a lie.

That's just to annoy him.

Chen Yang is also a smart man. He began to doubt that all he did was that Suzhen in black was forcing him to take the initiative?

It's a long kiss!

Chen Yang is reluctant to part.

After a long time, I finally split my lips.

Chen Yang can't help asking: "if I don't stand up, do you really want to marry Ye Feng?"

Suzhen's face was flushed. She was still intoxicated. At this time, Wenyan just recovered. She took a look at Chen Yang and said, "who knows?"Chen Yang also has some problems with her ideas, which she has never been able to figure out.

But no matter what, Chen Yang feels that this is his great fortune and a gift from heaven.

They have been sitting there, looking at the clouds in the sky, looking at the constant changes of the white dog, and finally seeing the sunset.

Black Yi Su Zhen suddenly very seriously said: "Chen Yang, I want to make an agreement with you."

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, then said: "you say, as long as you say, I listen."

Black Yi Su Zhen smile slightly, say: "good!" After a pause, she said, "I know your concerns. I don't really accept that you have other women. So, the first thing between you and me is that we are close, just here, once we leave here. Everything that happened here, for us, must go without a trace! "

"I know, it's hard to do. But even if it's an act, it's an act. Is that ok? "

Chen Yang was silent.

After a long time, he said, "I promise you!"

"Second, only you and I know about this matter, and no third person is allowed to know it," she said. Especially, I can't tell ling'er... "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "third, you are not allowed to practice spirituality with anyone except me. Of course, if it is a matter of life and death, exceptions can be made. But better not... "

"Good!" Chen Yang responded.

"I don't care what you do, if a third person knows about the relationship between you and me in the future. Don't blame me for not forgiving you in the future. " Finally, she said.

"Yes, I see." Chen Yang said.

"Thank you Then Suzhen said.

She thought about it and added, "and don't have children. What can't be taken away is bound to be hurt! "

"I understand!" Chen Yang said. Later, he was ecstatic that he could not have children, that is, he could have a relationship with Caesar.

Chen Yang actually understands her concerns. Maybe this is the best way.

Fortunately, the wedding was held on a small scale, and all the people came here were dignitaries and so on. So did not publicize, and, this farce let Su lonely, as well as Chen Leyi do not understand.

Everyone's faces are very ugly.

It can be said that Chen Yang and Suzhen in Heiyi have done a very bad job in terms of human sophistication.

Chen Yang is a sophisticated man. If he were on earth, he didn't know whether he would do such a thing. Maybe, I'll do it. Because the love of Suzhen in Heiyi has surpassed everything!

The world's sophistication is really important!

But the only love can surpass everything.

Compared with such blazing love, all those worldly things should be fed to the dog.

Night fell.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black find a hotel nearby. However, when he swiped the card, he found that his card had been frozen. He remembered that he had no money. Then this card was given to him by Ye Chaoning.

Of course, the money was not given by Ye Chaoning. It's equal to, the card is given by the state.

Chen Yang has long been subordinate to the state.

Chen Yang's move today has angered the senior management.

His card was frozen.

Also, Suzhen's card was frozen.

Fortunately, they still have some money

In the hotel room, Suzhen in black lies lazily on the sofa, watching TV.

She was not in the least worried.

Chen Yang naturally won't worry about money. He comes to Suzhen in black and kisses her on the lip. Originally just want to be Dragonfly water, but can't control, came a warm wet kiss.

Suzhen in black was very calm at first, but later she couldn't help the flush on her face. After the kiss, black Su Zhen white Chen Yang one eye, said: "do you want to be so greasy?"

Chen Yang felt very satisfied and said, "you are my queen, and I am willing to be your slave."

Black Yi Su Zhen tiny smile, say: "really?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said. After a pause, he said, "you must be hungry, aren't you? What would you like to eat? "

"I want to eat a lot of things, well, roast lamb legs, steamed buns, chopped chicken, Li Ji's fried noodles. Of course, good wine, red wine! "

Chen Yang a smile, said: "no problem, then you wait, I go to buy."

Then he got up.

Suzhen in black grabbed him and said with a smile, "I'm joking with you. Are you really going?"

Chen Yang said, "you're kidding. I'm serious. As long as it's what you think, no matter how hard it is, I'll go. Besides, it's not difficult at all! "

"I'm afraid we don't have enough money." She said.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "you look down on me, don't you? Money, you don't have to worry. I'll buy it. You wait. Later, let's plan our itinerary for the past few years while eating. Don't waste every day. ""Good!" Suzhen Heiyi said

After Chen Yang finished, he left the room and left the hotel.

He doesn't worry about the safety of Suzhen in black. In this world, no one can hurt him and Suzhen in black.

First of all, Chen LeYang called Ping'an.

On the phone, Chen Leyi was a little distressed and said, "Xiaojun, why? If you two really love each other, why don't you say that you must come to this stage and embarrass everyone? My sister really doesn't understand! "

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then said with a smile: "elder sister, although she and I look young, our hearts are mature. I have my own difficulties in this matter. But you just need to know that in my heart, you and she are very important people. And now, she and I are very happy. Sister, would you like to bless us? "

"I..." Chen took a deep breath and said, "of course I will bless you!"

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