Time is short, time is impermanent!

Years take away all the rotation of the world!

Living in the world is a process from birth to death. Every living creature is moving towards death step by step, and nothing can be taken away. What they enjoy is just a process. In this process, because of pain, so can feel happiness!

Five days later, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black arrived on earth.

The Dragon eaglewood chariot came directly to the world.

There is a strong magnetic field in the world, such as Suzhen in black. It's impossible to stay in this place for a long time. She felt that the internal magnetic field and the external magnetic field repel each other, as if the thunder was always ticking the ground fire.

Chen Yang didn't feel that way.

But he saw the discomfort of Suzhen in Heiyi and said, "or magnetic repulsion?"

Suzhen in black nodded.

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "you say, when the imperial sky boat comes, can those masters withstand the magnetic repulsion here?"

"I can't resist the laws and rules left by the emperor of the universe alone," she said. But if there are more experts and more power, it's possible. Once those masters' magnetic field is stronger than the rules here, they can break all the rules. At that time, the vast world will become an undefended world, where all kinds of monsters can come in. The great world is the general program of the three thousand world. Many rules and forces are supporting the world. Once the world goes wrong, it will be a disaster for the earth. Once the world collapses, the rest of the world will be destroyed

Chen Yang said: "in this way, in the future, imperial Tianzhou will be the first to attack the world. At that time, if the battlefield is in the world, our experts will also come here, and we will break the rules of the world together. "

"The world can't be a battlefield, you have to be outside the earth," she said. As long as their main force is broken up, those who are scattered are not afraid that they will break through the rules of the world. "

Chen Yang said, "it's reasonable!"

"Black Yi Su Zhen said:" believe this, Xuan Zheng Hao already thought of After a pause, she said, "well, I'll go back to Shennong world first. After that, you can come over again when you have time to see if there is anything I can do for you. If there is no need for me to intervene on this side of the earth for the time being, I will go to find the star stone first. "

"Well!" Chen Yangpo was a little reluctant, but he still laughed and said, "I didn't say thank you before, and now I don't even say thank you."

"Goodbye!" After she finished, she cut through the void and left the world.

Chen Yang is quite disappointed.

He found that he was not as free and easy as Suzhen in black.

Afterwards, he collected his mind and stabilized his mood. Then I went to Mount Tai first

He found the tomb of Dharma God Yuanjue on Mount Tai

The burial site is exquisite, but it is not difficult for Chen Yang to find it.

At that moment, knowing that the Dharma God had passed away, Chen Yang felt sad and uncomfortable.

People, after all, can't escape death!

Even if it is as powerful as his majesty nazulong and as powerful as Yuanjue Dharma God, in the end, the loess is the final destination!

Chen Yang kowtowed three times in front of Yuanjue's tomb. After that, he left.

Then he went to visit his mother's grave.

He just looked quietly and didn't disturb anyone. When he saw that Master Wang Qing was still strong, he was relieved.

After that, he went to Yanjing again. He found that none of them had come back, so he went directly to the transmission array in Daxinganling, started the transmission array, and went to Tianzhou Dakang imperial city.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang!

Chen Yang is eager to return to his hometown. He went to the Marquis's office of Zhenguo first.

Qiaoning was in charge of the Marquis's residence before, but now qiaoning leaves. But Nie Meiniang just came back

Chen Yang and Nie Meiniang are innocent. Chen Yang is not afraid that Shen Molong will misunderstand this. Shen won't doubt it, because she also understands Chen Yang's character. Chen Yang will say whatever he has.

The gate of the Marquis's residence is very strict!

It's August!

It's five o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, it's still sunny.

Willows in the courtyard of the Marquis's residence are luxuriant.

Although the overall weather is very hot, the whole imperial city is cool and comfortable. This is because in the sky of the Imperial City, the Emperor Xuan is under a big battle. The grand array made the Imperial City have a good weather and comfortable climate.

The red lacquer gate was not closed. Two court guards guarded the gate. These court guards are private soldiers of the Marquis's office of the town. There are about 100 of them!

It's from the emperor. Among these court guards, there are also many masters who have reached Taixu jiuchongtian!

Although Chen Yang is the official of Dakang, in fact, not many people have seen him in Dakang.

However, according to folk legend, the Marquis of the town state was highly cultivated and respected by the emperor.When Chen Yang wants to enter the house of the Marquis of the town, the two court guards stop Chen Yang. These court guards often change shifts, and many of them have never met Chen Yang.

One of the court guards yelled at Chen Yang: "you are bold and unruly. This is the residence of the Marquis of the town state. Dare you rush in at random!"

At this time, Chen Yang is already in a black gown, which is the crystallization of his black hole. He doesn't blame these people for their diligence, so he can rest assured.

"I'm the Marquis of your country. Let uncle Lin come out to see me." Chen Yang said with a smile.

The two court guards were surprised.

They didn't mock Chen Yang

Soon, the housekeeper Lin Bo came out, and he welcomed Chen Yang in.

In the courtyard, the setting sun slants to the West

Chen Yang sees his son Chen Nianci, Qin Baoer and Mo Yu playing.

They chase after each other. The setting sun shines on their young faces, but there is no worry.

Years of quiet good, someone in the load ahead!

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang feels that his heart has been melted. All he has done is for their healthy growth and for the peace of the earth.

"Nianci, baby, whisper!" Chen Yang cried out.

"Dad! Godfather, third uncle

The three children immediately noticed Chen Yang and rushed to him.

With a big hand, Chen Yang grabbed the three children at the same time with magic power, and rotated around.

After that, they were put down.

"Are you used to these days here?" Chen Yang asked.

Chen Nianci was the first to reply, "it's so fun and delicious here. I don't want to go back."

Qin bao'er said, "that's it!"

Mo Yu just smiles. She is always shy.

Chen Yang said, "is learning declining?"

Chen Nianci had a small face and said, "no, mom forces us to study every day."

Chen Yang laughs.

He then took the children into the residence.

Shen Molong, Nie Meiniang, Lin Qingxue, Xuanyuan Yadan and others are here.

In addition, Bian Hao and Xiao AI are also here.

A family, this time meet, of course, is happy.

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