Xuan Zhenghao said: "you can do it!"

Chen Yang first clasped his fist and then said that he was offended. After that, in his hand, the black hole crystal quickly turned into a black hole vortex and wrapped xuanzhenghao!

Then, Chen Yang showed his soul again!

The black hole particles and soul particles entangled xuanzhenghao like a river of life, and all kinds of terrible mysteries washed away towards xuanzhenghao.

Chen Yang seldom uses the move of soul quicksand, mainly because in recent years, he has encountered too strong opponents. Or he doesn't have to work hard at all.

Xuan Zhenghao is a match with him, so he shows his soul quicksand without hesitation.

Soul quicksand There is no substance in the soul!

Even if the idea is strong, it is like ice. And quicksand, it is constantly scouring, the soul washed clean.

Xuanzhenghao in this moment, felt the infinite particles towards him. These particles are wonderful and strange. He attacks and kills them with magic power, but the particles detour like gentle water waves.

It's like water waves, and it's like air slipping away through fingers!

Xuan Zhenghao felt that his spirit began to be tired, and he felt that his body's essence and power were being weakened.

"Wash the soul? Good, good! " Xuan Zhenghao praised Chen Yang. After a pause, he said with a smile: "however, your profound meaning is too simple. It's OK to deal with ordinary people, but you know that my cultivation is like the sea of stars. How dare you do that? "

At that moment, Xuan Zhenghao's eyes flashed.

See his eyes suddenly change, become God pupil!

Big eye!

Two God awns shoot out, and the golden God light quickly envelops the infinite particles.

The golden light seems to have no substance, but Chen Yang feels incomparably hot.

Despite his boundless mystery and power, he has a feeling that he can't make it.

"Hey Chen Yang is unconvinced and runs the black hole whirlpool in an instant

Great phagocytosis!

The black hole whirlpool starts, the great phagocytosis starts, and the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed also starts.

The black whirlpool began to devour the terrible golden light.

Chen mang was quickly engulfed by Chen Yang. That is, the golden light of shenmang shrank automatically in the center of his great phagocytosis and quickly became a small golden seed.

Chen Yang had experience. He once swallowed the power of the emperor and was reborn by the power of the other side.

Emperor Shengtian hides the seed and makes the seed rebirth.

But Xuan Zhenghao did not hide the golden seed. Chen Yang went to pull the golden seed with supreme magic power to refine it.

But at this time, between heaven and earth, suddenly golden light.

Xuan Zhenghao completely launched the big sky eye technique, and the golden light of the God awn from his eyes shrouded the heaven and earth.

At the same time, Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool, the golden seed also blooms incomparable light.

"Bad!" Chen Yang was surprised. He said in secret: "if I devour the golden light at this time, I will let the golden light merge with the seeds inside. But if I don't devour them, how can I resist them once they attack and kill. I want to refine this golden seed first... "

All over the sky, the golden light turned into thousands of soft vines and wrapped around Chen Yang.

As soon as Chen Yang grasped it, the black hole whirlpool immediately covered him.

He speeds up refining the inner golden seeds, while the outer golden vines are swarming in

He seems to have been unable to resist!

"Well, let you join and refine all of you into one seed." Chen Yang's secret way.

He immediately devoured it.

So all those golden vines poured into the black hole vortex. At this time, the golden seed broke out of the ground, and also grew countless golden vines.

Crisscross, dense!

Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool became gold, and the horror of the gold was displayed to suppress Chen Yang's black hole.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that the black hole crystal had been out of control.

Great phagocytosis, xuanhuang Shengu seed and many other forces are unable to exert.

"How could that be?" Chen Yang felt a sense of frustration beyond words.

But how can he admit defeat.

Chen Yang began to feel uncomfortable breathing, he was originally a black hole whirlpool to cover himself, resist Xuan Zhenghao's golden power. How to know at the moment, it's like being in a cocoon.

The golden power suppresses the black hole crystal, the great phagocytosis and the seeds of xuanhuang valley. Chen Yang was trapped in a cocoon, so he gave up the control of the black hole spar, and then used his great fist power and mana to kill all around him.

But a lot of power to kill out, just like a bullock into the sea.

The surrounding golden power is still shrinking, and Chen Yang can't crack it. He was squeezed all the time, and his muscles and bones began to deform.If it goes on like this, he will be squeezed into meat sauce.

That's it. No fighting back?

"Storm of time and space!" Chen Yang immediately transferred the time spar with the original copper coin.

As a result, the space-time storm finally formed. The golden power is squeezed directly into the vortex of time and space.

In this battle, Chen Yang was extremely embarrassed. He felt puzzled himself!

After the formation of the time-space storm, Chen Yang gathered all his strength and directly shot out the original copper coin!

The original copper coin quickly broke out of the air and shot at Xuan Zhenghao's eyebrow.

It's very fast!

Although Chen Yang is trapped in the golden power, he can clearly perceive the location of Xuan Zhenghao.

The origin of copper coins from the cut, Xuan Zhenghao do not have to look closely, they have understood the time and space distortion of the strange. The divine light in his eyes suddenly became strong again. The origin of the copper coin was originally the existence of shuttle time and space, but the divine light directly shrouded the copper coin at the critical moment.

Later, the original copper coins disappeared.

Chen Yang can no longer feel the existence of the original copper coin!

Lost the origin of copper coins, Chen Yang will no longer be difficult to mobilize the time crystal!

Time and space storm disappear!

The power of gold begins to squeeze Chen Yang again

Under such circumstances, the more Chen Yang tried to kill him, the more terrifying the squeeze he suffered.

Chen Yang immediately understood that Xuan Zhenghao was also proficient in big phagocytosis.

Then, Chen Yang's whole body was crushed and burst

Again, killed!

After a long time, Chen Yang came back to life.

He and Xuan Zhenghao went back to the study again.

Xuan Zhenghao was more tolerant. Instead of criticizing Chen Yang, he said with a smile, "I know it's a big blow to you today. You have always galloped between the universe, it can be said that you have experienced many battles, and it is hard to be defeated. Today, in a short period of time, you were killed by me and Taoist Zhang once. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "I'll take it."

"What did you take?" Xuan Zheng Hao light ask.

Chen Yang said, "I'm just a lucky man!"

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "you don't have to belittle yourself. You know, the people you lose to today are not ordinary people. Zhang Daochang is the existence of the level of Daozu.... "

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