Chen Yang and others are in the stomach of Badong road. With the hidden property of black hole crystal, even Fuxing can't detect the existence of people.

Fu Xingxing didn't know Badong road. She frowned and said coldly, "I heard that you have something important to report, and it's related to the Taoist. She also said that I was involved in it, right?"

Badong road took a look at Fuxing and suddenly said, "no!"

Fu meteor slightly a Zheng, then, her face changed, eyes more alert and chilly, said: "you run to tease me?"

Badong road continued: "no!"

"Do you want to die?" Fuxing is completely angry.

The two female disciples beside her also cheered: "you fourth-class disciples, you are so bold. You dare to come to amuse us if you have nothing to do!"

Just then, Badong road suddenly opened its mouth

At that moment, a black light appeared. At the same time, Heiguang Dasheng

Chen Yang directly exerted the power of the black hole spar, and the whole black hole enveloped the surrounding area.

Among them, all kinds of mysterious and strange space power are also displayed, and the disciples with low accomplishments are directly trapped in the space array.

Chen Yang and others also followed all of them.

"Human?" Fu Xingxing and two female disciples were shocked.

Most of the human beings on this planet are of low IQ, but these human beings in front of us are of high mana, so we can't help but be surprised.

"Who are you? Do you have anything to do with naluo peak? " Fuxing reacts quickly. Suddenly, she sees Qin Lin clearly again. "You are with Luo Feng, you are not dead?"

Qin Lin also looked at Fu meteor and said, "the girl wants me to die. It's not that simple!"

Chen Yang said, "OK, help the meteor, right? We don't have much time for you. If you don't do it, you won't be convinced. " After he said that, he directly cast the black hole fingerprint.

Then, in the void, the black hole particles quickly condensed Chen Yang's cosmic mystery and powerful magic power. The mystery and strangeness of black holes are all in it. This big hand print directly grabs and shoots toward Fu meteor, just like the big hand of Buddha suppressing Monkey King.

The cold light in Fu meteor's eyes flashed and hummed coldly, saying: "is it up to you?"

When the black hole's big fingerprint was about to catch the Fuxing, the Fuxing suddenly disappeared

Then, Chen Yang noticed that his back was cold.

That help meteor is suddenly appeared behind him, followed by is condensed out of a zhenhun Yuanshen sword! This sword of Yuanshen comes to the back of Chen Yang's head

As fast as thunder, the sword of Yuanshen contains wonderful and vast soul power!

This kind of soul power, Chen Yang can't understand, but he feels that once this power is immersed in his body, it will go deep into the bone marrow, extremely terrible!

This sword gives Chen Yang a sense of life and death crisis!

Chen Yang didn't expect that Fu meteor had such ability.

He didn't have time to turn around, so he directly operated the black hole mysterious space!

As a result, a vast ocean of black holes rapidly formed in front of the meteor. If you help the meteor to cut into it, it will be like a bullock into the sea.

Fu meteor changes very fast and quickly takes back yuan Shen's sword.

At the same time, all the people also took action.

The two female disciples beside the Fuxing also followed. Similarly, they were unpredictable, and their body shape changed very fast, so it was difficult to catch them.

LAN Tingyu is the most direct. He quickly locks one of the female disciples and freezes the surroundings with the force of ice. No matter how wonderful their soul power is, there is nothing they can do.

Taoist priest Luo Tong and Qin Lin worked together to quickly control another female disciple.

Although their strength is strange and wonderful, their strength is far from that of LAN Tingyu.

Chen Yang and Fu Yingxing are still fighting. Fuxing takes back Yuanshen's sword, and then concentrates. Suddenly, the cold light in his eyes flashes again, and the Yuanshen's sword cuts out again.

This moment, it is an instant to break through all the mysterious and illusory space of Chen Yang, shooting at Chen Yang's eyebrows.

"The creation of a heavy, actually have this ability!" Chen Yang thought it was incredible. The sword of Yuanshen seems to have ignored all the rules and power, which means that Zhang Daoling has broken all the laws with one sword.

But, after all, she is not Zhang Daoling!

Chen Yang saw that Yuan Shen's sword was coming. He didn't dodge, but suddenly cut out ten sword lights of the Dark Dawn. Chen Yang has been very cautious. The sword light of the Dark Dawn is to test the power of Fuxing.


Sword light collision, Mars splash!

Chen Yang's dark Li Ming sword light is quickly cut by the opponent's yuan Shen's sword, which is as powerful as a bamboo, destroying the withered and decaying. At the same time, Chen Yang also analyzed the power of Yuan Shen's sword

Soul power is also a kind of power.

It's a strange force, a kind of dark matter, hidden in the dark. Even Chen Yang, such masters, can hardly feel the existence of soul power. And fuxingxing, through the cultivation of zhenhunhua, actually found this kind of dark matter.That is to say, their use of psychic power is not limited to the planet Borneo. Moreover, she shuttles freely, which is also achieved through the soul power material in the dark.

Few people in the world can sense this kind of soul power. Therefore, they are just like holding some secret resources, and their power is just out of the mark.

There are many meridians in the soul power. Once it spreads, it will instantly plunge into the bone marrow and blood, and can be absorbed.

This is the scariest!

Chen Yang felt that his dark Li Ming sword light had been absorbed by Yuan Shen.

The sword of Yuanshen killed Chen Yang's ten dark dawns, which not only did not weaken, but became more powerful.

"I don't like grass!" Chen Yang scolded secretly, and he finally understood why the second brother was so afraid. This kind of soul power is so weird and terrible.

No wonder big brother will fall in!

Under the control of Fuxing, zhenhun Yuanshen's sword continues to shoot at Chen Yang.

Luo Tong, LAN Tingyu and Fu Qingzhu want to help Chen Yang. Qin Lin stopped them and said, "look carefully first. If you help a shooting star, you can't help your third brother. Let's take a closer look at the eerie and terrifying part of the power of Fuxing! "

Luo Tong and LAN Tingyu just stopped.

The sword of zhenhun Yuanshen is fierce and fierce. It's about to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang gave a cold hum and instantly performed the great phagocytosis. Black hole whirlpool formation, big phagocytosis hidden in it

The sword of zhenhun Yuanshen penetrates into the infinite space instantly and absorbs the surrounding energy.

But at this time, the more powerful and terrible power of swallowing appeared, and began to resist the power of swallowing the sword of zhenhun Yuanshen.

Two forces devour each other!

Chen Yang's cultivation is far above Fuxing. After this fight, zhenhun Yuanshen's sword becomes weak.

Fu meteor is so scared that she wants to take back the sword of zhenhun Yuanshen, but she can't do it any more.

The sword of zhenhun Yuanshen was cultivated by her life. Once it was lost, her realm would go back, and she would be destroyed after years of hard cultivation.

"Damn it Help meteor scolded a, follow, she suddenly bit a finger, finger overflow a drop of blood. This drop of blood, she caught it, and on the eyebrow

"What is she doing?" Fu Qingzhu was surprised.

Qin Lin also said that he did not know.

Nabadong road understood it and said in horror: "this is the art of burning soul. It can ignite the dark matter soul in one's body and completely open the channel with the dark matter soul power. Then, the strength of the supporting meteor will increase dramatically. "

"Don't panic!" LAN Tingyu said in a deep voice, "if this can't be dealt with, can Chen Yang live to the present?"

The supporting meteor used the soul burning skill in the forbidden skill, which will cause permanent and irreversible damage to the body.

We must not show it easily until we have to.

At this time, Chen Yang felt the power of terror emerging in the channel between Fuxing and zhenhun Yuanshen's sword.

It's the endless soul power rushing to kill!

Chen Yang had already devoured the sword of zhenhun Yuanshen, but at this time, the other party's reinforcements arrived and immediately launched the anti phagocytosis.

Chen Yang tried his best to suppress, but the other side was too fierce.

In a flash, the strength of the other side's zhenhun Yuanshen sword recovered again, and began to devour Chen Yang's power.

Fu meteor's long hair flew up, her eyes were red, suddenly she gave a big drink, and directly pulled out the sword of zhenhun Yuanshen.

"Roar!" After taking back the sword of zhenhun Yuanshen, Fuxing suddenly disappears in front of the public.

This is trying to escape!

Chen Yang's backhand

Although the spirit of the meteor escape, mysterious unparalleled. But after all, it's still in the black hole crystal. Chen Yang already knows something about soul power, so he won't let Fu meteor have the chance to escape.

He grabs this, then grabs the back of Fu meteor. Fu meteor is still burning soul, backhand is a palm to kill Chen Yang.

In an instant, the soul power is powerful and turbulent, like ten thousand thunder attacking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also a temperamental person. He makes a sudden effort and urges all his strength to split in one hand.

It is also the power of dominating heaven and earth!


Holding the meteor, she feels that the other party's power suppresses heaven and earth, which is unparalleled in the world. Her soul power blows away, and then she comes back

"Poof!" Fu meteor spat out a mouthful of blood, she flew out, and finally fell in one of the spaces. Chen Yang grabs the meteor with his big hand and brings it back.

Later, Fuxing was thrown in the center of the hall.

Although Chen Yang succeeded in catching Fu meteor, at this time Chen Yang was not happy, and even felt that he was somewhat disheartened.

It took so much effort to catch a master who created a heavy environment.

How can we fight in the future.LAN Tingyu trapped the two female disciples in the ice, waiting for Chen Yang to deal with them.

The black hole crystal still envelops the meteor hall.

Because there are many other disciples in the meteor hall. Once they let go, they all have to run out to report.

Qin Lin said: "although it's hidden here, it's not appropriate to cover it with black hole crystals for a long time. Now let's go and get all the other disciples back, and then we'll make a fuss. "

Chen Yang agreed, he said: "go, catch!"

The crowd immediately dispersed and arrested the disciples of meteor hall everywhere.

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