Soul Muyang's eyes are strange.

Qin Lin immediately whispered to Chen Yang, "this is not right, third brother!" He is the shallowest in the city, so he shouts directly. Soul Muyang and others have known that Qin Lin is Luo Feng's brother for a long time, so since Chen Yang is the third younger brother, he must know that Chen Yang is also Luo Feng's brother.

However, this is not a big deal. Since Chen Yang and other people are willing to help each other for hundreds of millions of miles, the relationship between them must not be shallow.

"Why?" Chen Yang said.

Qin Lin grinned bitterly and said, "I know the grudge between you and Cheng Jianhua. It's just that the elder brother thinks highly of Cheng Jianhua and doesn't help him out. Big brother can do it there. Maybe we'll take a risk to save Cheng Jianhua. "

Chen Yang sighed. He knew what Qin Lin said was true. "All right then!"

At the moment, he said to hunmuyang, "how about it? More than 30 disciples and Fu Xingxing came to exchange my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua. "

Soul Muyang took a look at Chen Yang, then said: "no problem, however, some of these things, or to make it clear."

Chen Yang said, "hmm?"

Soul Muyang said: "the oddities in zhenhunguo should be removed. After that, don't come back to Luopo. I will not pursue you any more. Is that possible? "

Chen Yang said without thinking: "of course, there is no problem!"

Soul Muyang light cold said: "I'm afraid you can't do this Lord, your big brother Luo Feng is very stubborn."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He thought about it and said, "in a word, you can bring my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua. We'll trade here! "

Hun Muyang nodded and said, "good!"

The soul of Muyang came quickly. In a flash, a golden gate of void appeared in the void of the universe. Then, the soul Muyang appeared from the door of the void. He had a sword on his back. He clenched his fist in one hand, but he took the soul fruit in the other.

The zhenhun fruit was ten soccer balls in size, but the magic of space in the hands of Hun Muyang made zhenhun fruit look just the size of an egg.

People see soul Muyang, immediately alert up, we did not expect soul Muyang so come. How dare you be a master of Arts!

Chen Yang immediately asked, "where are my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua?"

The hand that soul Mu Yang clenches into a fist suddenly spreads out, that palm appeared two villains. Those two villains are Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua.

It was the soul Muyang who cast a wonderful spell and sealed their bodies so small.

Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua are in a coma.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help cracking his canthus. He rushed to Muyang and said: "what have you done to my elder brother? If my elder brother has a problem, I can't spare you! "

Soul Muyang took a cold look at Chen Yang and said, "I'm not a reasonable person. You are too careless. He robbed the treasure of Daofu for no reason, and later he made some strange things out of it. Do you want to be polite to him? "

Chen Yang couldn't help saying things.

He is a reasonable person, but big brother is not a reasonable person.

But for the sake of his elder brother, he did not care about these reasons.

Qin Lin said in a deep voice, "today we are here for peace. Please restore my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua. "

Soul Muyang said in a cold voice: "no problem."

After he finished, there was a golden power in his eyes. This soul power shoots on Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua. Soon, golden silk threads appear on Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua. Those golden threads melted into smoke

Then, Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua's body began to expand.

In a moment, they were back to their original state.

Then, the soul Muyang waved again, and saw that the golden soul power turned into smoke and floated into their brain.

Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua suddenly opened their eyes.

"Big brother!" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

When Luo Feng saw Chen Yang, he was happy and said, "third brother!"

Qin Lin is also excited, shouting: "big brother!"

Seeing that Qin Lin was ok, Luo Feng cried with joy and said, "second brother, it's great that you're OK."

Fu Qingzhu is also excited and shouts: "brother Luofeng!"

Luo Feng nodded to Fu Qingzhu.

At this time, Chen Yang said, "let's take you home!"

Cheng Jianhua also looks at Chen Yang, his eyes are very calm.

Chen Yang can't see through Cheng Jianhua. He has no reason to be afraid of him.

Cheng Jianhua feels like xuanzhenghao to Chen Yang, but xuanzhenghao has a lot of atmosphere and is in a good mood. Xuan Zhenghao knows what is the most advantageous, that is, acting for heaven.

But Cheng Jianhua is different. His mind is much more insidious.

After all, he did not have the pattern of xuanzhenghao.

Soul Muyang said: "the prohibition of Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua has been untied. They are injured and need time to recuperate. However, there is not much problem. They should be aware of this! Now, people, I'll let you go, follow up... "Chen Yang then said to Luo Feng, "brother, I have promised to help him relieve zhenhunguo's eccentricity. You... "

Luo Feng nodded and said, "since you have agreed, how can you be embarrassed?" After he finished, he suddenly inhaled

Then I saw a breath of black air coming out of the fruit. This black gas is swallowed by Luo Feng!

After that, zhenhunguo returned to normal!

Soul Muyang carefully observed the soul of the town fruit, to make sure that the soul of the town fruit is all right, immediately face happy.

At the same time, Chen Yang also caught those disciples and Fuxing and threw them to hunmuyang.

With a wave of soul Muyang's big hand, the sleeve robe directly includes Fu Xingxing and all his disciples.

"Good!" Soul Muyang looked at Chen Yang and said, "you're trustworthy. In this case, this is the end of the gratitude and resentment! But we have also said that you must not set foot on the planet of Borneo in the future. If you come again, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

After that, he turned and left.

Nabadong road is still hidden in Chen Yang's black hole crystal, and has not been moved out.

The rescue of Luo Feng, the elder brother, went quite smoothly.

Chen Yang turns to embrace Luo Feng!

Luo Feng didn't say anything else. He took Qin Lin and held the three brothers tightly together.

After that, Chen Yang introduced Taoist priest Luo Tong to Luo Feng.

It's very polite to see each other.

Taoist priest Luo Tong murmured in his heart, that is, the evil spirit of Luo Feng's friendship!

Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua were seriously injured by the soul Muyang, and their vitality was greatly damaged.

At present, Chen Yang sacrificed the soul chariot, and everyone entered the soul chariot.

"Let's go back to earth now!" Chen Yang said.

The soul chariot has been lightning through the void and instantly entered the hyperspace.

Luo Feng was kneeling to heal his wounds. Wen Yan immediately opened his eyes and said, "I won't go for a while!"

The crowd was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang's heart sank, and he felt that maybe what he was worried about was going to happen.

Sure enough, Luo Feng said: "third brother, first find a place to rest. When I'm healed, let's go to zhenhun Daofu and take away the zhenhun fruit. " After a pause, he took a deep breath and said, "your soul of Ziqing's sister-in-law and Xiao Silan has never been growing and recovering. I thought that it would be of great benefit to take back the soul fruit. After their souls recover all their memories, they can find blood and tears to fit the body and soul. This is a good chance to revive them. Third brother, second brother, you can't help big brother? "

Luo Feng eagerly looks at Chen Yang and Qin Lin.

Chen Yang's words stopped immediately.

He then said, "of course I'll help you!"

Qin Lin nodded and said, "of course!"

Joy flashed in Luo Feng's eyes, and he looked at the rest

LAN Tingyu said in a deep voice: "I know what it's like to lose one's family, although I also think it's not good to take other people's town hall treasure for no reason. But in order to save people, these little things don't matter. It's a big deal. We'll make amends when we save Miss Ziqing and Xiao Silan in the future, and return zhenhunguo to them by the way! "

Fu Qingzhu said with a little smile: "Miss Ziqing and Xiao Silan are my close relatives. In order to save them, they are willing to go up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire!"

Taoist priest Luo Tong sighed and said, "Taoist friend Luo Feng, I'm meeting you for the first time today. Chen Yang, your third brother, is very kind to me. You are friends with him. Your business should be my business. But I don't know whether to say something or not! "

Luo Feng was slightly stunned, and then said, "it doesn't matter what Taoist priest wants to say."

Chen Yang whispers to one side that it's bad. He already guesses what Luo Tongdao wants to say. He immediately said: "Taoist priest, I think people should not give up hope until the end of life, right?"

Taoist priest Luo Tong took a look at Chen Yang. He sighed again and said, "it's impossible for people to be alive even after they die. To be frank with you, Taoist friend Luo Feng, the reason why your wife and daughter suffer misfortune is that you have killed too many evils, which is the only way to harm them. Since they are no longer here, that is fate. It's impossible to resurrect. You're doing useless work

Luo Feng was shocked.

Then there was a terrible killing in his eyes. "Again, bull nose! You dare say they can't survive. Believe it or not, I'll kill you now! "

Taoist priest Luo Tong is also an expert and a man with a good temper. When he heard the words, he snorted coldly, and said: "I am a word from the bottom of my heart, but my friend Luo Feng, you regard me as an enemy. It's so stubborn and unreasonable

Luo Feng's eyes are red

Cheng Jianhua suddenly gave a sneer and said, "this Taoist priest, you're really gliding. What made the world? Is the sky of the earth split? Also, what does it mean that since ancient times, no one can not be resurrected? How much do you know about that? The universe is dark and yellow. What are you"Shut the hell up!" Chen Yang jumped up and roared.

He then looked at the Taoist priest Luo and said, "Taoist priest, you are my best friend. Today I thank you for your kind advice, but you don't have to go on. Because no matter what the result is, we have to do it. Even if it's death, we have to do it If you don't want to, we all respect your choice. If you want to leave, please help yourself! "

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